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10 votes
1 answer

Are there workable algebraic geometry approaches for the pentagon equation?

A pentagon equation is a system of polynomial equations of degree $3$ with several variables and integer coefficients, given by a fusion ring. A fusion ring is given by a finite set of integer ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

A direct proof of the Harer-Zagier recursion enumerating the ways to paste a 2n-gon to get a genus g surface?

In a 1986 paper, Harer and Zagier proved the recursion: $$(n+1)e(g,n)=(4n-2)e(g,n-1)+(2n-1)(n-1)(2n-3)e(g-1,n-2)$$ where e(g,n) is the number of ways of grouping sides $S_1...S_{2n}$ of a 2n-gon ...
Alfredo Hubard's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Deformation quantization and quantum cohomology (or Fukaya category) -- are they related?

Good afternoon. Let $M$ be, say, a compact symplectic manifold. Both deformation quantization (as in Kontsevich) and quantum cohomology yield "deformations" (in the appropriate respective senses) of "...
Kevin H. Lin's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Homotopic morphisms between curved A-infinity algebras

I know how to think about (curved) $A_\infty$-algebras 'geometrically', i.e. via formal non-commutative geometry in the sense of Kontsevich etc. I also know how to think about $A_\infty$-morphisms in ...
Ed Segal's user avatar
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