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How to understand geometrically, the count of pseudoholomorphic discs by (multi)section perturbation of the kuranish structure on the moduli space?

When defining the $A_\infty$ algebra of a Lagrangian (as done in the book by FOOO) it is done by "counting" (integrating over the moduli space or over the fiber of evaluation map) pseudoholomorphic ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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In $(\mathbb{R}^4,\omega_{std})$ is positive symplectic area enough to guarantee a pseudoholomorphic disc representative?

I will present my question in the context that I encountered it, although I believe it probably applies in general context. Consider $\mathbb{R}^4 \cong \mathbb{C}^2$ with the standard symplectic form ...
Yaniv Ganor's user avatar
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Shape of the bubbling limit of holomorphic discs

I will present my question in the specifics I encountered it, so maybe some of the details are irrelevant for the desired conclusion. Consider $(S^2\times S^2,\omega_{std})$ the product of two ...
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