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Calculi of pseudodifferential operators and K-theory

I am reading the thesis of Chris Kottke ( and I would need some help to try to understand intuitively why he makes the choice of ...
zarathustra's user avatar
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Pseudodifferential calculus for the Diffeomorphism Invariant Geometry

In the paper "Local Index Formula in Noncommutative Geometry" Connes and Moscovici build the spectral triple $(A,H,D)$ where $A=C^{\infty}_c(P) \rtimes \Gamma$ where $\Gamma$ is an arbitrary subgroup ...
truebaran's user avatar
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K-homology classes of Dirac operators on Hermitian manifolds

Given a compact Hermitian manifold $M$, we have three canonical pseudo-differential operators on the sections of complexified de Rham complex, namely 1) (d + d$^*,\Omega^{*})$ 2) ($\partial$ + $\...
Janos Erdmann's user avatar
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Differential structures and K-homology groups

What is an example of a (compact) manifold, which has two non-equivalent differential structures such that the K-homology groups are non-isomorphic? If no such example exists, i.e. "K-homology does ...
Ago Szekeres's user avatar
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Applications of Atiyah-Singer using pseudodifferential operators

Though the Atiyah-Singer index theorem holds for pseudodifferential operators, all the applications of the index theorem I know of only need it for Dirac-type operators. I know that pseudodifferential ...
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Understanding the analytic index map of the Atiyah-Singer index theorem

Hi, I'm currently trying to understand the Atiyah-Singer index theorem and its proof as presented in the book "Spin Geometry" by Lawson and Michelsohn. I do not understand why the analytic index map ...
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