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Given composition rules, determining whether a continuous map between smooth functions is a pseudodifferential operator

Let $M$ be a closed manifold, and let $P:C^{\infty}(M)\rightarrow C^{\infty}(M)$ be a continuous linear map in the smooth Fréchet topologies. In what is to come, if it helps, one can assume further ...
MyShepherd's user avatar
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Conormal distributions and the wave front set

Let $X$ be a smooth closed manifold and $Y$ a regular submanifold. For all conormal distributions at $Y$ on $X$, their wave front set is contained in the conormal bundle of $Y$. Is the reciprocal true?...
Jesús A. Álvarez López's user avatar
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Pseudodifferential operator associated to a self-adjoint extension of a symmetric operator on an incomplete manifold

Let $D$ be the Dirac operator acting on a spinor bundle $S$ over a complete Riemannian manifold $M$. Then $D$ is an essentially self-adjoint operator on $L^2(S)$. Suppose there is a compact subset $K\...
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