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A possible variant of Zagier's one-sentence proof for Fermat's sum of two squares theorem?

Is it possible to modify Zagier's one-sentence proof of Fermat's sum of two squares theorem (see here) to prove certain non-trivial cases of Jacobi's four-square theorem (see here)? Let $p$ be a prime ...
Mathew's user avatar
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some problems on sum of two squares

During my experiments with "Mathematica" I arrived to the following observations. My question is that are they interesting, known, solved or not. If they are known could you please give me a reference....
asad's user avatar
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applications of finding least quadratic nonresidue mod $p$?

I saw some papers from famous mathematicians (assuming GRH or without it) which are devoted to finding bound for least quadratic nonresidues modulo prime number $p$. My question is that why it is so ...
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