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The supremum value of $\int f(t) \log{\frac{1}{|t|}} \, dt$ for normalized Fourier pairs non-negative outside of $[-1,1]$

Observe that for any Schwartz function $f \in \mathcal{S}(\mathbb{R})$ having $$ f(0) = \widehat{f}(0) = 1 $$ and $$ f, \widehat{f} \geq 0 \quad \textrm{outside of} \quad [-1,1], $$ the following ...
Vesselin Dimitrov's user avatar
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Estimates for Sum of Prime Factors and Number of Prime Factors

Given a positive integer $n$, I've workout out a formula which involves the expression "sum of distinct primes dividing n" minus "number of distinct prime factors of n." Are there any known ...
The Substitute's user avatar
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Mertens' 3rd theorem, upper bound

Is it true that $$\prod_{p\le x}\frac p{p-1}\le e^\gamma\ln x\left(1-\frac{0{.}011}{\ln x}+\frac{0.2}{(\ln x)^2}\right)$$ for all $x>25\,000$, where the product is over prime $p$?
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