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More formulas for joint entropy and for trace form entropies

Linked to some applications of entropy to combinatorics I'm looking for formulas expressing the joint entropy of two r. v. as a function of the conditional entropy . For example For BWS extensive ...
Gianfranco's user avatar
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Shannon entropy of $p(x)(1-p(x))$ is no less than entropy of $p(x)$

If $p(x)$ is a discrete probabilistic density function, one could construct another discrete probabilistic density function proportional to $p(x)[1-p(x)]$ with a corresponding partition function to ...
sunxd's user avatar
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weak-* versus entropy growth

General question. Let $\eta_{n}$ be a sequence of invariant measures on $\{0,1,2,...,p-1\}^{\mathbb{N}}$ and $B$ the Bernoulli uniform measure. Knowing that $\eta_{n} \rightarrow B$ in the weak-* ...
Bruno Brogni Uggioni's user avatar
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Estimating entropy conditional to an event

Take for example the measure $\mu(n)=n^2$ on $\{1, \ldots, N\}$ and a random variable $X$ distributed according to the probability obtained by normalizing $\mu$. Does there exists a constant $K>0$...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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Asymptotically full stationary process

Let $(X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{Z}}$ be a stationary process on a finite set $A$. Say that it is asymptotically full if for every increasing sequence of subsets $B_n \subset A^n$ such that $\dfrac{\#B_n}{\#...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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order of convergence of the conditional entropy (2)

Let $X_n$ be a random variable distributed on $A_n:=\{1, \ldots, n\}$ and $g_n\colon A_n \to A_n$ such that $\Pr\big(X_n \neq g_n(X_n)\big) \to 0$. Putting $Y_n=g_n(X_n)$, then by Fano's inequality $$\...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar