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Non-affine smooth transformation of Gaussian is Gaussian

Suppose $Z\sim N(0,1)$ (standard Gaussian) and $f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ is a differentiable function such that $f(Z)\sim N(0,1)$. My question is whether there exists any such $f$ other than $f(x)...
De vinci's user avatar
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Explicit constant for Carbery–Wright inequality

The Carbery–Wright inequality is a seminal result about the anti-concentration of polynomials of Gaussian random variables. See e.g. Meka, Nguyen, and Vu - Anti-concentration for polynomials of ...
user134977's user avatar
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anti-concentration of multi-linear polynomials in Gaussian variables

A Gaussian variable $X_i\sim {\cal N}(0,1)$ is anti-concentrated in the following sense: for any $\epsilon>0$ we have: $$ \mathbf{P}( |X_i| \leq \epsilon ) = O(\epsilon). $$ Hence if we consider a ...
Lior Eldar's user avatar
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Show that $\mathbb{P}[ a V\le Z| V+Z]=\mathbb{P}[aV \ge Z| V+Z] \text{ a.s.} $ iff $V=\frac{1}{\sqrt{a}}Z'$ where $Z'$ is standard normal

Consider a pair of independent random variables $(V,Z)$ where $Z$ is standard normal. Now suppose that the following equality holds: for a given $a>0$ \begin{align} \mathbb{P}[ a V\le Z| V+Z]=\...
Boby's user avatar
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Matrix-Gaussian distributions

The point of this question is to ask for references on matrix-variate Gaussian distributions. But I will explain what I mean by a matrix-variate Gaussian with an example (the notion I have in mind is ...
user3826143's user avatar
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Moments of normalized multivariate Gaussians (and Wick's/Isserlis theorems)

Suppose $x = \begin{bmatrix}x_1 \\ x_2\end{bmatrix}$ is distributed according to the real two-dimensional Gaussian with mean-$0$ and covariance matrix $\Sigma$. I am interested in a closed form for ...
user3826143's user avatar
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Covariance of censored/clipped Gaussians

I am interested in the covariance of two clipped (or censored) Gaussian variables. More precisely, let $g_1 \sim N(0,\sigma_1^2)$ and $g_2 \sim N(0,\sigma_2^2)$ be two (dependent) Gaussians with $\...
EmmGee's user avatar
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Deriving the distribution of standardized variables with empirical mean and standard deviation

I'm working with a set of independent and identically distributed random variables $\{ x_i \}_{i=1}^N$, where each $x_i$ follows a Gaussian distribution $P_X(x) = \mathcal{N}(x; \mu, \sigma^2)$. This ...
user1172131's user avatar
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Moments of a Normal-Wishart distribution

Do known expressions exist for the moments of a gaussian-wishart (aka normal wishart) distribution? $$NW(\mu,K\mid\mu_0,\lambda_0, v, W) = \frac{|\lambda_0K|^{1/2}}{(2\pi)^{d/2}}e^{-0.5([\mu - \mu_0]...
ejlouw's user avatar
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Gaussian order statistics

Setup. Let $\alpha\in(0,1)$ fixed; and $\tau\in[0,1]$ (think of it very close to one). Suppose $X_1,\dots,X_n$ are i.i.d. standard normal. Let $Y_1,\dots,Y_n$ be another sequence of standard normals ...
ttteessttt's user avatar
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Relation satisfied by a Gaussian random variable

I want to prove the following relation for $X\sim \mathcal{N}(0,1)$, $x\in \mathbb{R}$ and $f(x)=\mathbb{E}[\max(X,x)]$: $$f(\frac{f(x+1)+f(x-1)}{2})\leq \frac{f(f(x)-1)+f(f(x)+1)}{2}$$ It seems that ...
Pierre's user avatar
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Lower bound for the probability that a certain component of a Gaussian vector dominates all others

Let $X\sim\cal N(\mu,\Sigma)$ be an $n$-dimensional Gaussian vector. I would like to estimate $$P(X_1>\max_{k=2,\dots,n}X_k).$$ While no closed form solution exists (see e.g. MO question on ...
dima's user avatar
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Prove lower collinearity on the tails of Gaussian blob

Let us consider a $n$-dimensional Gaussian blob, i.e. a set of $N$ random vectors $\{\boldsymbol{X}^{(j)}\}_{j=1}^N$, with $n$ independent components, $X_i^{(j)}$, and such that $X_i^{(j)} \sim \...
user1172131's user avatar
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When is the image of $T \colon \ell^2 \to \ell^2$ a Gaussian random variable?

In finite dimensions, if $T$ is a linear operator and $x$ is a (centered) Gaussian random variable, then $Tx$ is again a (centered) Gaussian random variable. Now suppose that $x$ is a (say, centered) ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Derivative of the most probable value (of a gaussian variable) VS most probable value of the derivative

Let $x$ be a random variable with gaussian probability distribution $P(x)$. We assume that $x$ depends parametrically on a parameter $t$ so that : $P(x(t))=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2(t)}}\exp(-\frac{(...
gfleury's user avatar
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Variance of euclidean norm of Gaussian vectors

Let $X$ be a Gaussian vector in dimension $n$, with $0$ mean and covariance identity. Let $A$ be a square matrix of size $n$, and $Y = A X$. Let $N$ be the square of $Y$ euclidean norm: $N = \sum Y_i^...
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