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Borel-Cantelli Lemma on MCs (absorbing states)

hi, I'm sorry if the question is silly, but I couldn't get my head around it for a while now. In Markov Chains (MC) proving that a state is either recurrent or transient is through Borel-Cantelli ...
sigma_z_1980's user avatar
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Counterexample Markov process

Let $X$ be a homogeneous Markov process in a continuous time with value in the set $E$. Suppose that for some $T>0,x\in E, A\subset E$ we have $$ P_x[X_t\in A] = 0 $$ for all $t\in [0,T]$ but $$ ...
SBF's user avatar
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The ranked mass process associated with a Lambda-coalescent

I am reading a paper by Pitman (1999), and I am confused by his Corollary 7. First some notation so that I can explain my confusion: $\mathcal{P}_\infty$ is the space of partitions of $\mathbb{N}$, $\...
Enforce's user avatar
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When is a stationary measure of a Markov chain "exponentially localized"?

Here exponentially localized can be thought in a non-rigorous manner as a measure that is mostly supported on a sparse number of nodes. Some intuition can gained by thinking about a diffusion process, ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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Joint irreducibility and aperiodicity of two independent Markov chains

Let $(X_i)_i, (Y_i)_i$ be two independent Markov chains on Polish state spaces $\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{Y}$ and with kernels $P, Q$. Suppose that they are both $\psi$-irreducible and aperiodic and have ...
Dasherman's user avatar
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is this process a Markov one?

Here is the problem I can't solve. Let $\xi_n$ $(n=1,2,3,\dots)$ be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables on $\mathbb{R}$ with density $p(x)>0$, let $\eta_n=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\xi_i^2$. Define $$\...
I.Kiaan's user avatar
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Entropy rate problem of ergodic Markov process with non-ergodic joint

I have a problem with the entropy rate when two ergodic Markov processes who are independent of each other having a non-ergodic joint. More specifically let us consider two finite-state Markov ...
Yi Huang's user avatar
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Stationary distribution for a Markov Chain on an uncountable space

Suppose $X_n$ are i.i.d. random variables on $\mathbb{R}$ with compact support, and define the Markov chain $Y_n=X_n +\frac{1}{Y_{n-1}}$ on $\Omega=\mathbb{R}\cup \{\infty\}$. Does the chain $Y_n$ ...
joeyg's user avatar
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Asymptotic Growth of Markov Chain

I asked the following question one week ago at math.stackexchange but didn't receive a response, so I want to give it here another try: I'm interested in the following problem: We have got a time-...
Fisher's user avatar
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Does random walk have more concentration surrounding the origin?

Consider a simple random walk $S_n$ on one dimension, starting at $0$. In this case, $S_n$ fluctuates between $-\infty$ and $\infty$, but intuition says that it might stay more often in an interval ...
maomao's user avatar
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Transition probabilities in coupled Markov chains

I know that for a continuous-time Markov chain, the probability of transition from time $0$ to $t$ is given by $P(t)=e^{Q(t)t}$. I have a system of $N$ interdependent continuous-time Markov chains ...
Bravo's user avatar
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scalar diffusions are reversible

It is well known that under mild assumptions a scalar diffusion $dX_t = a(X_t) dt + \sigma(X_t) dW_t$ with invariant probability distribution $\pi$ is reversible. This is indeed not true for ...
Alekk's user avatar
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Preservation of the Markov Property under Conditioning

Let $(X_t,Z_t)_t$ be an $\mathbb{R}^{n}\times \mathbb{R}^m$-valued time-homogeneous Markov process on a filtered probability space $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_t)_t,\mathbb{P})$ with transition ...
Joe_Affine's user avatar
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Monotonicity of Dirichlet form of Markov chain

Consider a continuous-time, irreducible Markov chain $X_t$ on a finite state space $E$. Assume the jump rates are $R(x,y)$ for $x,y\in E$, the generator is $L$, i.e for any function $f$ on E, $$Lf(x)=\...
Tiago's user avatar
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Strong Data Processing Inequality for capped channels

Let $X$ and $Y$ be two $\rho$ correlated Gaussian vectors, such that $X,Y\sim N(0,1)^n$ and $E[X_iY_i]=\rho$. Let $M_X = f(X)$ and $M_Y = f(Y)$ be $k$-bit functions of $X$ and $Y$, that is $H(X)=H(Y)=...
Thomas Dybdahl Ahle's user avatar
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Random Walk 2D with dependent weights [closed]

I have spent a lot of time trying to solve this problem but have had no luck so far! Any help would be highly appreciated! Suppose I have a 3x3 grid as shown below. (3,1) (3,2) (3,3) (2,1) (2,2) (...
ayesha's user avatar
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Extending Wald's equation to two classes of i.d. random variables?

I try to adopt Wald's equation to a slightly more complex problem. In fact, after a full day, I found some solution now, but it has a confusing argument in the middle. Perhaps somebody can help me at ...
cubic lettuce's user avatar
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MCMC with progressive demollification of delta distributions

Edit: I simplified the example to a canonical case for clarity. Given an integral $\int_{\Omega}{g(\mathbf{x})}$ with a well-posed integrand $g(\mathbf{x})$ defined on some multidimensional space $\...
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Spectral gap of a product of Markov processes

For $m \in [N] \equiv \{1,\dots, N\}$, let $Q^{(m)}$ be the generator of a (well-behaved) continuous-time Markov process on a finite state space $[n_m]$. Write $J \equiv (j_1,\dots,j_N) \in \prod_m [...
Steve Huntsman's user avatar
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Including fixed-time transitions into a continuous time Markov chain system

I have system which is mostly described by a CTMC (Continuous-time Markov chain) with a single absorbing state and a large but tractable and sparse transition matrix. However, at a fixed set of "...
Bianca's user avatar
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Embedding a Markov chain in a Markov process

Let $X_{t\ge 0}$ be a Markov process with values in a metric space $(\mathcal{X},d)$ defined on a probabiltiy space $(\Omega,\mathcal{F},\mathbb{P})$ and let $(\tau_n)_{n=1}^{\infty}$ be a sequence of ...
user521485's user avatar
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Can a diffusion process admit an invariant measure with a non-differentiable density?

The precise domain of the generator $A$ of an Itō diffusion on a Hilbert space $H$ (assume $H=\mathbb R^d$, if that's easier for you to work with) can usually not be determined explicitly$^1$. Usually,...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Representing a continuous time-inhomogeneous Markov chain by a stochastic integral

I am interested in the following mean-field model introduced in the reference below: There are $N$ particles. At each instant of time, a particle's state is a particular value taken from the finite ...
SID A's user avatar
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Exclusion processes from point of view of a tagged particle

I'm interested in the simple exclusion processes on $Z^d$ and the ergodic theorems that can be proved from the point of view of the particle. Ellen Saada proved the following in 1987 (Annals of Prob): ...
arjun's user avatar
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How can we treat the generator of a discrete-time Markov chain as the generator of a Markov-jump process?

In the popular paper Weak Convergence and Optimal Scaling of Random Walk Metropolis Algorithms by Roberts, Gelman and Gilks, the authors state (see below) that "in the Skorokhod topology, it does not ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Reference request: semimarkov processes

What are some good modern introductions to the theory of semimarkov processes? To be clear, by a semimarkov processes, I mean a Markov chain, together with "waiting times" between transitions, the ...
Simon Segert's user avatar
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Hitting time of a specific Markov chain using martingale approach (or otherwise)

Let $0 < c < 1$. Consider the Markov chain $(X_i)$ on $\{0, 1, \dots, n\}$, with transition probabilities $$ P(k,k+1) = \left(1 - \tfrac {k}{n} \right)(1-c), \quad k = 0, \dots, n-1, $$ $$ P(k,...
Joris Bierkens's user avatar
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$\mbox{Var}(\sum \delta\{X_n > i_n\} )$ i.f.o. correlation of $(X_n)_n$

Question Suppose we have an ergodic positive stochastic process $(X_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ (in particular I'm mainly interested in the case where $(X_n)_n$ is an aperiodic, irreducible, positive ...
HolyMonk's user avatar
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Literature/Book on counting processes

I seek literature that makes a rigorous treatment of counting processes. In particular im interested in a precise treatment of the conditional intensity $\lambda_t$ which is often informally defined ...
Conformal's user avatar
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markov processes and ergodic theory

For an ergodic Markov Chain $$ \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^n f(X_i) \rightarrow E_\pi[f] $$ where $\pi$ is the invariant distribution. I am also dealing with a Markovian process (a state space model to ...
jkt's user avatar
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Must rows of a transition matrix be distinct?

Is it true that for all continuous time Markov processes on a countable state space $S$, we have all rows of the transition matrix $\mathbf{P}_t$ are distinct for all time $t\in[0,\infty)$ ? This ...
Fantastic's user avatar
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CLT for a Markov Renewal Process

Suppose $(X,T)=\{(X_n,T_n)\}_{n\geq0}$ is a Markov renewal process, where $X$ is a finite-state, discrete-time Markov chain with state space $\{1,2,...,R\}$. $T$ is the additive component, more ...
MthQ's user avatar
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English translation of a Russian paper by Gordin and Lifšic

Unfortunately I can't read Russian, I was wondering if there is an English translation of this paper “The central limit theorem for stationary Markov processes”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 239:4 (1978), ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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First passage time of a 1D simple random walk in a discrete time infinite markov chain [closed]

If we consider a simple Random Walk on the positive integers (discrete Markov chain), with symmetric transition probabilities. We start at time $0$ at the integer $i_0 = m$ and at each time step $P(...
Jean Claude's user avatar
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Is a linear combination of Markov generator a Markov generator?

Let $X$ be a compact metric set and $\mathcal{C}(X)$ be the set on continuous real functions over $X$ endowed with the supremum norm $\|\cdot\|_{\infty}$. Let $\Omega_1$ and $\Omega_2$ be two Markov ...
G. Panel's user avatar
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Asymptotic behavior of a Markov process on the set of $\{0,1\}$-polynomials

This question is cross-posted from I am trying to study the asymptotic behavior ...
Francesco Bilotta's user avatar
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Occupation times for two-state Markov processes

Consider a two-state Markov process in continuous time, with states labelled $A$ and $B$. The transition rates for going from state $A$ to $B$, and state $B$ to $A$ are $\alpha$ and $\beta$ ...
StatisticalMechanic's user avatar
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Existence of a Lyapunov function for a log-concave measure

Let $d\in\mathbb N$, $f:\mathbb R^d\to\mathbb R$ be convex with $$\int e^{-f(x)}\:{\rm d}x<\infty\tag1$$ and $\mu$ denote the measure with density $e^{-f}$ with respect to the Lebesgue measure on $\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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how to derive stationary distribution of maximal entropy random walk

I was reading the paper 0810.4113v2, burda, which analyzed the stationary distribution maximal entropy random walk on the irregular lattice. I am confused on some of the steps. Description: The ...
Nick Dong's user avatar
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Does Irreducibility holds for the Ergodic non-stationary Markov chain?

In the stationary case, I know that if the chain is irreducible and aperiodic, it is Ergodic. But in the non-stationary case, i can not comprehend the content deeply. I want to know if Irreducibility ...
Optimized Life's user avatar
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Uniqueness of invariant measure for equivalent transition probabilities

Suppose $P(x,dy)$ and $Q(x,dy)$ are two Markov transition kernels on a topological space $E$ equipped with Borel $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal B(E)$. Suppose for every $x \in E$, $P(x,\cdot)$ and $Q(x, \...
Joris Bierkens's user avatar
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How can we determine the generator of this Markov process (at least formally)?

Let $(\Omega,\mathcal A)$ be a measurable space; $(E,\mathcal E)$ be a measurable space with $\{x\}\in\mathcal E$; $(Y_t)_{t\ge0}$ be an $(E,\mathcal E)$-valued time-homogeneous Markov process on $(\...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Random walks on Galton–Watson trees

I am working on a paper of Elie Aidekon : ‘Speed of the biased random walk on a Galton–Watson tree’ and have a question about one transformation in a proof: \begin{align} & 1+\frac{1}{1-\lambda}+\...
toni_iva's user avatar
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Existence of Markov chain on nonnegative integers with specified rates

Let $\lambda_k,\mu_k\in\mathbb R_{\ge0}$ $(k\ge1)$ be nonnegative real numbers, let $S=\mathbb Z_{\ge0}$ be the nonnegative integers, let $T=\mathbb R_{\ge0}$ be the nonnegative real numbers and ...
xFioraMstr18's user avatar
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Comparison of hitting probability of two Markov chains both with only one absorbing state version 2 under stronger condition

Let $N_n:=\{1,2,\cdots,n\}$. Given two finite states Markov chains $\big(X^{(j)}_i\in N_n\}\big)_{i=0}^\infty$ for $j\in\{1,2\}$, both of which have two absorbing states at $1$ and $n$. $\text{Pr}\...
Hans's user avatar
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Number of deaths in birth-death process conditioned on start and end points

Say I have a simple linear continuous time birth-death process with state space the non-negative integers, where there are parameters $b$ and $d$, with the rate (as you'd see in a $Q$ matrix) of going ...
Andiamo Va's user avatar
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Regularity of the entrance measure of SRW

Let $S(n)$ be the discrete sphere of radius $n$ (i.e., the internal boundary of the Euclidean discrete ball $B(n)$) centered in the origin, and consider a simple random walk starting at some $x\in\...
Serguei Popov's user avatar
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Markov chain with Feller property

Does anybody know whether there is an analysis of when the monotone decreasing chain has the Feller property? The monotone decreasing is defined as a chain on $\mathbb{N}$ and the rate of going down $...
Greenpeace's user avatar
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Supremum in a Markov chain model

A Markov chain $X$ with finite state space $\{1,2,\cdots,N\}$ is defined on a probability space $(\Omega, P, \mathcal{F})$ equiped with filtration $\{\mathcal{F}_t\}$. And we assume that we can reach ...
Max's user avatar
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Empirical distribution of a collection of iid Markov chains

Suppose we have $N$ independent 2-point Markov chains each having a rate matrix $Q = [-1,1;1,-1]$ and stationary distribution $\pi = [0.5,0.5]$. At time $t=0$, we initiate the chains so that the ...
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