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Approximation via finite rank Cameron-Martin projections

Let $(W, \|\cdot\|_W)$ be a real separable Banach space equipped with a non-degenerate Gaussian Borel measure $\mu$. Let $H \subset W$ be the corresponding Cameron-Martin Hilbert space (also known as ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
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Gaussian measure on Banach space

Assume we have a Gaussian measure $\mu$ supported on a Banach space $X$. Can we always find a Hilbert space $H$ embedded in $X$ sch that $\mu$ is also supported on $H$?
madhuresh's user avatar
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Gaussian integral $\int_X \|x\|_X^2 \mu(dx)$ in Banach space

For a centered Gaussian measure $\mu$ on a Hilbert space $X$, it is known that $$\int_X \|x\|^2 \mu(dx) = tr(Q)$$ where $Q$ is the covariance operator. Is there a similar version for Gaussian measures ...
Philipp Wacker's user avatar