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2 answers

Inductive definition of Bernstein polynomials

For $n\in \mathbb{N}$ let $B_n$ be the linear operator taking a function $f$ on the unit interval $I=[0,1]$ to its $n$-th Bernstein polynomial $B_nf$, $$ B_nf(x):=\sum_{k=0}^n\binom{n}{k} f\Big(\...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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5 answers

Bound on sum of complex summands involving binomial coefficients

I am trying to find the asymptotic behavior of the sum: $$ \sum^n_{i=0} \begin{pmatrix} 2n \\ i \end{pmatrix} x^i y^{2n-i}$$ as $n\rightarrow\infty$. Here $x$, $y$ are complex numbers and I have $|x|...
teagut's user avatar
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Proving an exponential sum inequality for symmetric Hamming distance sequences in binary vectors

Background: Let $X = \{0,1\}^k$ represent the set of all binary vectors of length $k$. For two binary vectors $x, y \in X$, the Hamming distance $d_H(x, y)$ is defined as the number of positions where ...
tom jerry's user avatar
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Independent identical distribution sequence

given a measurable function $\alpha: (\Omega, \mu) \to \mathbb{R}$, and transformation $\sigma : \Omega \to \Omega $. I found an example such that $\alpha, \alpha\circ \sigma, \alpha\circ \sigma^2, \...
jason's user avatar
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Pros and cons of probability model for permutations

I am studying probability model of random permetuation Let $b(n; k)$ denote the number of permutations of {1,...,n} with precisely k inversions ($inv(\pi)$). The analytic approach was considered by L....
Mikhail Gaichenkov's user avatar
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the enumeration of 2 dimensional lattice walks with fixed number steps and largest distance from the end point ti the origin

There is actually an one dimensional version of this problem. For each step of the lattice walk, we can move either east for one unit or west for one unit. The problem is that given a fixed $n$ steps ...
Mclalalala's user avatar
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How to Rigorize an inequalities argument

Context I'm working on a problem involving Lovasz Local Lemma, for proving that there exists a graph with a certain property. What I need to prove: There exists some constant $c$, and functions $p,...
anon's user avatar
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