Questions tagged [power-series]

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Does the following series converge? To which value?

Given $f(x)=A \cdot x^5+B \cdot x^8$ with: $A \in \mathbb{R}^-$ $B \in \mathbb{R}^-$ $h(z) = w_0 + \sum_{n=1}^\infty h_n \cdot \frac{\left(z-f(w_0)\right)^n}{n!}$ $w_0=1$ and: $$h_n=\lim_{w \...
Arthur's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

Finding $\sum_i x_i$ given $\{\sum_i x_i^{2n}\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$

Can we find $\sum_i x_i$ given $\{\sum_i x_i^{2n}\}_{n\in \mathbb{N}}$, assuming $\{x_i\}_{i\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a set of positive real numbers? Perhaps an easier question is, can we find $\sum_i x_i$ ...
CWC's user avatar
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Analytic maps on Banach spaces: analyticity upgrade

Consider the following problem. Let $E,F,G$ be real or complex Banach spaces, such that $F\subset G$ with continuous embedding. Let $U\subset E$ an open set and $$ f:U\to G $$ an analytic map, such ...
Lorenzo Pompili's user avatar
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Limit of lacunar power series at $1^-$

I've asked this question on MSE but I didn't get a convincive answer so I'm trying here. Here is the question : Let $\sigma:\mathbb{N}\longrightarrow\mathbb{N}$ be strictly increasing, and consider ...
Tuvasbien's user avatar
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Exponential-like function equivalent for the Dixonian Elliptics

Is there some exponential-like function that acts as partner for the intricate Dixonian Elliptics, in a similar way that the Exponential function acts as a partner for the trigonometric functions ?
Jaime Yerbabuena's user avatar
6 votes
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Infinite sum of even Bessel functions - Identities

Recently, I came across the following identities among first-kind Bessel functions, namely $$ 2\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}(-1)^k\,k^5\,J_{2k}(x) = \frac{x^2}{4}\left[x\,J_1(x)-J_0(x)\right] \label{1}\tag{1} $$...
Alessandro Pini's user avatar
8 votes
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A question on algebraic independence

Let $f_1,f_2,\ldots,f_n, g \in \mathbb{F}_q[x_1,...,x_m]$. Assume that $f_1,\ldots,f_n$ vanish at $0$, so that $\mathbb{F}_q[[f_1,...,f_n]]$ is a subring of $\mathbb{F}_q[[x_1,...,x_n]]$. Suppose that ...
Rishabh Kothary's user avatar
6 votes
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Filling in some missing squares for classes of power series

This question concerns various important classes of formal power series. For concreteness and convenience, let us work with power series $F(x) = \sum_{n\geq 0}c_n x^n \in \mathbb{C}[[x]]$, i.e., with ...
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
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Does this condition characterise intervals, among subsets of the real line?

For a real number, $c\in \left]0,1\right[$, consider the following property $\mathbf(\mathbf P_c\mathbf)$ of subsets $A$ of $\mathbb R$: $\mathbf(\mathbf P_c\mathbf)$ For every bounded set $B\subset \...
Pietro Majer's user avatar
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Where to find or how to prove that the ratio of two Bernoulli polynomials is increasing?

It is well known that the classical Bernoulli polynomials $B_j(t)$ are generated by \begin{equation*} \frac{s\operatorname{e}^{ts}}{\operatorname{e}^s-1}=\sum_{j=0}^{\infty}B_j(t)\frac{s^j}{j!}, \quad ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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On a paper by Dimitrie Pompéiu and on one (in two parts) by Edmund Landau

To celebrate the new year and the future of mathematics (or the mathematics of future), I see no better way to ask a question stemming from my researches on power series. The two papers the title ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
14 votes
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Power series $x^n/n$ with one plus, then two minuses, then three plusses, and so on

Which function is represented by the powerseries $$1-\frac{x}{2}-\frac{x^2}{3}+\frac{x^3}{4}+\frac{x^4}{5}+\frac{x^5}{6}-\frac{x^6}{7}-\frac{x^7}{8}-\frac{x^8}{9}-\frac{x^9}{10} + \dots$$ (one plus, ...
user115748's user avatar
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Is there a generalisation of the Vivanti-Pringsheim theorem for several variables?

The Vivanti-Pringsheim theorem states that if $f(z)$ has a power series with non-negative coefficients and a radius of convergence $R > 0$, then it has a singularity at $R$. So to find the radius ...
rimu's user avatar
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Characterisation of even characteristic quadratic system

$\DeclareMathOperator\supp{supp}$Let $f_i \in \bar{\mathbb{F}}_2[x_1,..,x_5]$ for $1 \leq i \leq 5$ be such that $f_1(\bar{x}) = x_1 + x_5^2 + q_1$, $f_2(\bar{x}) = x_2 + x_1^2 + q_2$, $f_3(\bar{x}) = ...
Rishabh Kothary's user avatar
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A question on classification of quadratic polynomials in even characteristic

$\DeclareMathOperator\supp{supp}$Let $f_1,...,f_n \in \bar{\mathbb{F}}_2[x_1,...,x_n]$ such that $f_i = x_i + q_i$ for $1\leq i \leq n-1$ and $f_n = q_n$ where $q_1,...,q_n$ are homogenous quadratic ...
Rishabh Kothary's user avatar
2 votes
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An identity for the ratio of two partial Bell polynomials

Let $B_{\ell,m}(x_1,x_2,\dotsc,x_{\ell-m+1})$ denote the Bell polynomials of the second kind (or say, partial Bell polynomials, (exponential) partial Bell partition polynomials). I knew that the ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Completion of $\mathbb F_q(T)$

It is easy to prove that for a an irreducible polynomial $P$ of degree $d$ of $\mathbb F_q[T]$, one can embed $\mathbb F_{q^d}$ in $\mathbb F_q(T)_P$ (the completion of $\mathbb F_q(T)$ at $P$) and ...
joaopa's user avatar
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Reference for group-algebra/exp-log like identites in combinatorics

I've encountered several identities in combinatorics that resemble inversion formulas, as shown below, Here, $f_i, g_k$, $\forall i,k \in \mathbb{N}$, are coefficients of some formal power series. I ...
total dependent random choice's user avatar
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Convergence of a power series

Consider the numbers $$a_n=\frac{1}{n+1}\sum_{k=0}^{n}\frac{2^{k-1}\binom{n+1}{k}B_k}{2^{s+k-1}-1}, \ n\geq0,$$ where $s\neq1;0;-1;-2;-3;...$ is a fixed real number, and the $B_k$ are the Bernoulli ...
L.L's user avatar
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Composition of power series is power series?

$\DeclareMathOperator\dom{dom}$Sorry to bother the community again with these type of questions about power series, I am ready to delete the question if it is not suitable. Definition: I say a ...
Amr's user avatar
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Matrix inequalities in series form

While studying the positivity of mechanical systems, we land on the following conjecture but don't know how to prove this. If a square matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{m\times m}$ satisfies both the two ...
IscoBerlin's user avatar
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Local equality of functions implies global equality?

The following question arised in my research, and I was unable to settle it after playing with it for sometime. Let $\{a^k_i\}_{i\geq 1}$ (for $k\in \{1,2,3,4\}$) be four sequences of real numbers. ...
Amr's user avatar
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Intuitive explanations of the Carlitz-Scoville-Vaughan theorem

Crossposted from MSE: I recently came across Ira Gessel's slides on a theorem he says should "be considered one of the fundamental theorems of enumerative combinatorics." The Carlitz-...
KJL's user avatar
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Is the value of the power series at 0.1 transcendental?

Let $$f(x)= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_n x^n$$ where $a_n\in \{0,1\}$, and the $f(x)$ has a natural boundary. By the way, $$f(x)= \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}a_n x^n$$ is rational function or transcendental one on $\...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Boundaries on sum of digits of powers of first n natural numbers

In the following, I'm presenting my work, Boundaries on sum of digits of power of first n natural numbers. Let function $D(x,y)$ shows sum of digits of $y$ in base $x\ge2$. Example $D(10,234)=2+3+4=9$ ...
Pruthviraj's user avatar
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Sum power series not continuous unit circle

This is (probably) not a research question and I already asked it on StackExchange but I got no answer over there. Let us consider the sequence $(a_n)_{\geq 1} = \left(\frac{\cos(2\sqrt{2n}+\frac{\pi}{...
Libli's user avatar
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A problem on monotonicity rule for the ratio of two Maclaurin power series

In the paper [1] below, a monotonicity rule for the ratio of two Maclaurin power series was presented as follow. Let $a_k$ and $b_k$ for $k\in\{0\}\cup\mathbb{N}$ be real numbers and the power series ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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4 answers

What or where is the series expansion of the function $\ln\bigl(\frac{\tan x}{x}-1\bigr)$ or $\ln(\tan x-x)$ around $x=0$?

It is known that \begin{equation*} \tan x=\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{2^{2k}\bigl(2^{2k}-1\bigr)}{(2k)!}|B_{2k}|x^{2k-1}, \quad |x|<\frac{\pi}{2} \end{equation*} and \begin{equation*} \ln\tan x=\ln x+\...
qifeng618's user avatar
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Proof of Szegö asymptotic theorem

Consider the truncated exponential series $$P_N(z) = \sum_{n= 0}^N \frac{z^n}{n!}$$ The zeros of this series have been studied by Szëgo and others (see e.g. here). He established an asymptotic for the ...
TheStudent's user avatar
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Degree of an even/odd part of a formal power series over a polynomial ring

Let $K$ be a field with $\operatorname{char}K\ne 2$ (say, $K=\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$) and consider a formal power series $f=f(x)\in K[[x]]$ such that $[K[x,f]:K[x]\,]=d$. Suppose $f_e,f_o\in K[[x]]...
Alexander Burstein's user avatar
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Convergence and roots of alternating periodic infinite series

Let $0<\alpha <1$ and $\beta > 0$. Consider the mapping $$F(\alpha, \beta) = \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}{\dfrac{(-1)^{n-1}\biggl( \cos \left(\beta\ln(n)\right)\biggr)}{n^{\alpha}}}.$$ Can we prove $F(...
MrPie 's user avatar
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When does $\lim_{s\to 1_-} (1-s)\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_ns^n$ exist?

Let $a=\{a_n\}_{n\geq 0}$ be a sequence of positive real numbers with $a_n\leq 1$, for all $n$, and observe that, for any real number $s\in [0,1)$, one has that $$ \sum_{n=0}^\infty a_ns^n \leq \...
Ruy's user avatar
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Power series of the modified Bessel function of the second kind

I am looking for a power series representation of $$ \frac{1}{K_{\nu}(x)}, $$ where $K_{\nu}$ denotes the modified Bessel function of the second kind and $\nu>-1/2$ is not an integer. I know that ...
esner1994's user avatar
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Ask for references or proofs of two explicit formulas for special Gauss hypergeometric functions

Can one supply related references or detailed proofs of the following two explicit formulas? $$ {}_2F_1\biggl(2\alpha+1,2;\alpha+3;\frac{1}{2}\biggr) =2\frac{\alpha B(1/2,\alpha)-1-\alpha}{(1-\alpha) ...
qifeng618's user avatar
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On a lemma of Łojasiewicz in complex analysis of one variable

Context. The question arises from my former question on the remainder of a power series. Precisely, I was trying to understand if the boundary behavior of power series considered by Ricci in his paper ...
Daniele Tampieri's user avatar
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Exponential taylor series for multiple variables with linear constraints for coefficients

I'm trying to simplify the sum $$ \sum_{\vec x \in (\mathbb{N}_0)^n: M\vec x = \vec b} \prod_i \frac{(a_i)^{x_i}}{x_i!}, $$ where $M$ is a $\mathbb{N}_0$-valued $m\times n$ matrix, $\vec b$ is $\...
Andi Bauer's user avatar
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Could the range of $\sum_{k\geq 1}r^{n(k)}$ for $r\in \big(\frac{1}{2}, 1\big)$ be continuous?

Let $\mathcal{F}_N$ be the set of all strictly increasing sequences of positive integers. For every two $F_1, F_2\in\mathcal{F}_N$, if we use $\delta(F_1,F_2)$ to denote the first $n$-th coordinate ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar
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Power series expansion of the order parameter in the Kuramoto model

In this review of the Kuramoto model, Eq. 14 is obtained by expanding the following integral in powers of $K r$, $$ r = K r \int_{-\pi/2}^{\pi/2}\cos^2(\theta) g(K r \sin{\theta}) \mathrm{d}\theta $$ ...
apg's user avatar
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Zeros of inverse of dilogarithm

I was thinking about how the standard proofs that $\pi$ is irrational use variations on $sin(\pi) =0$, in contrast to Apéry's proofs that $\zeta(2),\zeta(3)$ are irrational (the first of course also ...
Dror Speiser's user avatar
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Realization of $\mathbb{R}((X))$ as a subquotient of a hyperreal field ${}^{*}\mathbb{R}$

Now we fix an ultrafilter of $\mathbb{N}$ that contains the cofinite filter, consider a hyperreal field ${}^{*}\mathbb{R}$. Let $\varepsilon$ be a positive infinitesimal. We doubt that a power series ...
M masa's user avatar
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A few reference questions about the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula

I'm looking at the article Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula - Wikipedia and I have a few questions. Under the "Special cases" section, there is a notation $\DeclareMathOperator{\ad}{ad}$ $$ \...
askquestions2's user avatar
-1 votes
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A proof of an interesting inequality [closed]

If $0<\beta<1$ and $0<x<1,$ how to prove that $$h(x)-2x+(4-2^{1+\beta})x^{1+\beta}<0,$$ where $$h(x)=(1+x)^{1+\beta}-x^{1+\beta}-1.$$The numerical simulation shows that it is true.
Renjun Qi's user avatar
11 votes
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In the rational numbers, is every convergent power series a Taylor series for a rational function?

David Roberts wrote in the comment section of the blog post "Convergence of an infinite sum in the rationals" the following paragraph: Someone mentioned (I think on Twitter) that the Taylor ...
Madeleine Birchfield's user avatar
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Power series corresponding to $[a]\in \operatorname{End}(E)$ ($a \in R_K$) can be expressed as $[a](t)=at+\text{(term higher than degree $2$)}$?

Let $K$ be an imaginary quadratic field and $E/K$ be an elliptic curve which has complex multiplication on $K$. Let $R_K$ be ring of integers of $K$. Let $ \hat{E}$ be its formal group of $E$. Take $...
Duality's user avatar
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Homomorphism of formal group of elliptic curve corresponding to its endomorphism

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve and $ \hat{E}$ be its formal group. Rubin's lemma $3.7$ in 'Elliptic curves with complex multiplication' reads For arbitrary $φ∈End(E)$, there exists unique $φ(t)∈End( \...
Duality's user avatar
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What can be said about cluster sets for power series of two variables?

I'm still trying to prove the continuity of a function $u$ which can be interpreted as the restriction of a power series of two variables, which I haven't managed to approach the right way yet. To ...
Raphael B's user avatar
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Poincaré series of deloopings of finite complexes

Recall that the Poincaré series of a topological space $X$ is defined as $P_X(t) = \sum_{j=0}^{\infty} b_jt^j$, where $b_j = \text{dim}_{\mathbb Q} H_{j}(X;\mathbb Q)$ means the $j^{\text{th}}$ (...
Jens Reinhold's user avatar
3 votes
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Reshuffling power series (aka Melvin–Morton expansion in knot theory)

I am struggling to understand a statement which follows from some change of variables in a power series. I think that the context does not really matter here, so I will put it at the end of the ...
Minkowski's user avatar
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Can a power series of several variables be discontinuous on a compact set if it converges in every point of this set?

Say we have a power series of two variables, with an associated function $f$ defined as $$ \begin{split} f(x, y) =\, & \sum_{n,m} a_{n,m}x^ny^m,\\ & a_{n,m} \geq 0 \quad \forall n, m \in\...
Raphael B's user avatar
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Explicit expression of Padé–Hermite approximant of type I

It is well known that the Padé approximants $(P,Q)$ of an analytic function in the neighborhood of $0$ can be expressed as a quotient of Hankel determinants built on the coefficients of the function $...
joaopa's user avatar
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