Questions tagged [polynomials]

Questions in which polynomials (single or several variables) play a key role. It is typically important that this tag is combined with other tags; polynomials appear in very different contexts. Please, use at least one of the top-level tags, such as nt.number-theory, co.combinatorics, ac.commutative-algebra, in addition to it. Also, note the more specific tags for some special types of polynomials, e.g., orthogonal-polynomials, symmetric-polynomials.

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Is there a natural topology on $\mathbb{C}(t)[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ with this property?

Is there a good topology on $A=\mathbb{C}(t)[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ so that $A$ is a topological algebra with the following property: For any $N>0$ and a polynomial $F\in\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ ...
solver6's user avatar
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Closed-form formula for a multivariate polynomial

Counting certain walks in threshold graphs, I came to the following independent problem. Assume that $x_1,\dots,x_a$ are independent variables and for $k\geq 2$ let $$ P_k(x_1,\dots,x_a)=\sum_{(i_1,\...
Dragan Stevanovic's user avatar
1 vote
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Polynomial resultants restricted to intervals

The resultant of two polynomials, $R(f,g)$, is a polynomial in the coefficients of $f$ and $g$, and has the property that $R(f,g) = 0$ if and only if $f$ and $g$ share a common root (possibly in an ...
opti's user avatar
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Maximum number of integer solutions with some size constraints to bivariate polynomials?

Take a bivariate polynomial of total degree $d$ satisfying $d=d_x=d_y>1$ in $\mathbb Z[x,y]$ with coefficients bound in absolute value by $b$ ($d_x$ is $x$-degree and $d_y$ is $y$-degree). Given a ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Distribution of number of integer solutions in box to bivariate polynomials?

Take a bivariate polynomial of degree $d_x+d_y>\max(d_x,d_y)>1$ in $\mathbb Z[x,y]$ with coefficients bound in absolute value by $b$ ($d_x$ is $x$-degree and $d_y$ is $y$-degree). What is the ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Completion of $K$-algebra of finite type with respect to the residue norm

Let $K$ be a non-archimedean field. For $n \in \mathbb{N}$ let \begin{equation*} T_n=\{ \sum_{\nu_1, \ldots, \nu_n \geq 0 } a_{\nu_1, \ldots, \nu_n }X_1^{\nu_1}\cdots X_n^{\nu_n} \in K[\![X_1,\ldots, ...
KKD's user avatar
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A question on a Macaulay2 computation

I have an ideal $I$ generated by quadratic and cubic homogeneous polynomials in $10$ variables. Macaulay2 tells me that $I$ defines an irreducible variety $X$ of dimension $5$ and degree $10$ in $\...
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4 votes
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All rational periodic points

I am trying to find all rational periodic points of a polynomial. To specify: a periodic point is the point that satisfy $f^n(x)=x$. It is related to dynamical systems in fact. So the current codes ...
nomadd's user avatar
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3 answers

Minimal polynomial in $\mathbb Z[x]$ of seventh degree with given roots

I am looking for a seventh degree polynomial with integer coefficients, which has the following roots. $$x_1=2\left(\cos\frac{2\pi}{43}+\cos\frac{12\pi}{43}+\cos\frac{14\pi}{43}\right),$$ $$x_2=2\left(...
Michael Rozenberg's user avatar
26 votes
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Is the derivative of $x^n + x^{n-1} + \dots + x + 1$ irreducible?

I am working on some combinatorics problems. One of my problems leads to the following question: Is it true that the derivative of $x^n + x^{n-1} + \dots + x + 1,$ namely $nx^{n-1} + (n-1)x^{n-2} + \...
The Nguyen's user avatar
22 votes
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Discriminant of characteristic polynomial as sum of squares

The characteristic polynomial of a real symmetric $n\times n$ matrix $H$ has $n$ real roots, counted with multiplicity. Therefore the discriminant $D(H)$ of this polynomial is zero or positive. It is ...
Joonas Ilmavirta's user avatar
19 votes
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univariate integer version of Hilbert's 17th problem

Let $f(x)$ be a polynomial of degree $d$ with integer coefficients such that $f(x)\geqslant 0$ for all real $x$. Is it necessarily true that there exists an integer $N(d)$ such that $N(d)\cdot f$ is a ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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Galois groups associated to matrices

When $A\in M_n(\mathbb{Q})$, we consider the pencil $A-xA^T$. Then $p_A(x)=\det(A-xA^T)$ is a self-reciprocal polynomial. $p_A$ can only be irreducible if $n=2p$ is even. Question: For every $p$, does ...
loup blanc's user avatar
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Upper bound of a uniformly converging sequence of polynomials

Let $k\geq 2$, and let $P_k$ be a sequence of polynomials, such that: $P_k=\sum_{n=2}^{k+1}a_{n,k}X^n \in \mathbb{Q}[X]$, $a_{2,k}\neq 0$, $\deg P_k \leq k+1$, and consider $P_k :[0,1]\rightarrow \...
A413's user avatar
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Are polynomials bounded on the primes possible?

If $\{p_i\}$ is the sequence of all primes, is it possible that there exist a non constant $P\in \mathbb{Z}[x_1,\dots x_n]$ such that $P(p_i,p_{i+1},\dots p_{i+n-1})$ is bounded in $i$? More precisely,...
Yaakov Baruch's user avatar
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Minimum number of generators of the product of ideals

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, let $I, J \subseteq k[x_1,\dots, x_n, y_1,\dots, y_m]$ be ideals, and let $i,j$ be the minimum number of generators of $I$ and $J$, respectively. I have two ...
Ben's user avatar
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$\delta$-equidistributed polynomials over finite fields

I'm trying to show that a polynomial over finite (prime) field is "close enough" to being equidistributed over its range. A polynomial $p(\cdot)$ from $\mathbb{F}^n$ to $\mathbb{F}$ is $\...
GWB's user avatar
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Jacobian criterion for algebraic independence over a perfect field in positive characteristics

It is well known that the Jacobian criterion for algebraic independence does not hold in general for fields of positive characteristics. However, the following partial statement seems promising: ...
Xing Gu's user avatar
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Uniformly approximating a function and its derivative using polynomials

I'm struggling either proving or disproving the following statement: Let $K\subset \mathbb{R}$ be compact, and $S = \mathrm{span}\{p_k, k = 0, 1, \ldots\}$, where $p_k$'s are polynomials over $K$. If ...
mw19930312's user avatar
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Is $X$ closed in $Aut_{\mathbb{C}(t)}(\mathbb{C}(t)[x_1,\ldots, x_n])$?

Consider $\mathbb{C}$-algebras $$A = \mathbb{C}[t][x_1,\ldots, x_n]\subset\mathbb{C}(t)[x_1,\ldots, x_n] = B$$ Group $\operatorname{Aut}_{k(t)}(k(t)[x_1,\ldots, x_n])$ carry a power series topology (...
A.Skutin's user avatar
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Coppersmith bivariate polynomial roots implementation

Given $f(x,y)\in\mathbb Z[x,y]$ Coppersmith in provides a provable method to find integer roots in polynomial time and this method was also ...
Turbo's user avatar
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SOS polynomials with rational coefficients

Suppose we are given a univariate polynomial with rational coefficients, $p \in \Bbb Q [x]$, and are told that $p$ can be expressed as the sum of $k$ squares of polynomials with rational coefficients. ...
Gautam's user avatar
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On infinitely many unimodular integers of certain constraints

Given $r>0$ are there integers $w,x,y,z>r$ with $wz-xy=1$ and $2(x^2+z^2)=(w^2-y^2)$ and $(x^2-z^2)\not\equiv0\bmod(w^2-y^2)$? How small can they be?
Turbo's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a polynomial $p(x)$ with this relation between $p(0)$ and $p(c)$? -- Part 2

Note: This question is based on a previous question I was continuing my research from last time, and I realized my question was too strict! Instead of the polynomial being strictly increasing, it only ...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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$\operatorname{SL}_2(k)$ invariant polynomials in $k[x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2]$

Let $k$ be a field and let $\operatorname{SL}_2(k)$ act on $k[x_1,x_2]$ and $k[y_1,y_2]$ in the usual ways. These actions induce an action on the tensor product $k[x_1,x_2,y_1,y_2]$ that preserves ...
Helen's user avatar
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Van der Pol's identity for the sum of divisors and a quartic polynomial equation for odd perfect numbers

In Touchard (1953) it is mentioned that the sum of divisors $\sigma(n)$ satisfies the following recurrence relation ($n>1$): $$n^2(n-1) = \frac{6}{\sigma(n)} \sum_{k=1}^{n-1}(3n^2-10k^2)\sigma(k)\...
Perfect Number's user avatar
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Does base point free linear system of polynomials generate higher degree polynomials

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field. Let $S=k[x_0,\ldots, x_4]$ be the ring of polynomials. We set $S^i$ to the graded piece of degree $i$ polynomials. Let $H$ be a hyperplane of $S^5$ with no ...
user96145's user avatar
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Using Nelder-Mead to solve system of polynomial equations

I am trying to solve a system of $9$ polynomial equations in $9$ unknowns over the non-negative reals. Since the equations are quite large and I would like to use VBA, I prefer an algorithm that ...
Zorg's user avatar
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Solutions to nonhomogeneous quadratic equation mod $N$

Is there any way to find non-trivial solutions to the equation $x^2 + y^2 - x \equiv 0 \mod{N}$? There are clearly several trivial solutions, for example $(x, y) = (0, 0), (1, 0), (2^{-1}, 2^{-1}), (2^...
Gautam's user avatar
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Dependence of the complexity of solving polynomial sytems on the multidegree

Let $f_1,\ldots,f_n\in \mathbb{Q}[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ be a system of $n$ polynomials in $n$ indeterminant, which only has finitely many solutions. Supose that the each of the variables $X_i$ appears at ...
Ben's user avatar
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7 votes
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Perfect numbers, Galois groups and a polynomial

Let $f(n,t) = \sum_{k=0}^{r-1} d_k t^k$ where $D_n = \{d_0=1,d_1,\cdots,d_{r-1}\}$ are all divisors of $n$. For instance $$f(28,t) = 28 t^{5} + 14 t^{4} + 7 t^{3} + 4 t^{2} + 2 t + 1$$ For even ...
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$k[h(x),y] \subseteq k[h(x),y] + \langle h(x),y \rangle \subseteq k[x,y]$

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero. Let $h=h(T) \in k[T]$ with $\deg(h)=d \geq 2$ and $h(0)=0$ (namely, $h$ has zero constant term). Consider the following chain of $k$-algebras: $$k \subseteq ...
user237522's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a polynomial $p(x)$ with this relation between $p(0)$ and $p(c)$?

Given $b$ and $c$ with $b,c>1$, is it possible to construct a polynomial $p(x)$, whose degree is $n$ for all $c$ and $b$, such that: $|p|$ is strictly increasing on $[1,c]$ and $|b \cdot p(c)| &...
DUO Labs's user avatar
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division of polynomials [closed]

Consider the set of polynomials $k[x^1,\cdots,x^n]$ over any field $k$. Now, given $p,q\in k[x^1,\cdots,x^n]$, what are the necessary and suficient conditions in order to q divide p? That is: $\exists ...
Eggon Viana's user avatar
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Cyclotomic polynomial written as $x^d g\left(x + \frac{1}{x}\right)$

It is known that for every palindromic polynomial $f(x)$ of even degree $2d$ there is a polynomial $g$ of degree $d$ such that $f(x) = x^d g\left(x + \frac{1}{x}\right)$. For $n>2$ cyclotomic ...
borntomath's user avatar
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Can I expand the coefficients of these two (multivariate) polynomials?

I do have two multivariate polynomials that I want to set to equality to extract some parameters. For that, I want to equate the coefficients of these polynomials, but they are not given in standard ...
lrnv's user avatar
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Question about Zariski cancelation problem

If $\mathbb{Q}[t_1,\ldots, t_n] = A[x_1,\ldots, x_{n-1}]$ has it been proven that $A\cong\mathbb{Q}[t]$?
A.Skutin's user avatar
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Irreducibility of a palindromic polynomial

I have strong reasons to believe that the palindromic polynomial $p_n(x)$ defined by $$p_n(x) = x^{2n}+2x^{2n-1}+3x^{2n-2}+ \cdots+ nx^{n+1}+(n+3)x^{n}+nx^{n-1}+\cdots+2x+1$$ is irreducible in $\...
Kashyap Rajeevsarathy's user avatar
3 votes
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Request for books/articles on random polynomials

Can somebody kindly recommend me a couple of introductory books/articles on random polynomials with clear expositions of fundamental results (like the distribution of roots, expected number of real ...
AgnostMystic's user avatar
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Combinatorics and geometry underlying a refined Pascal matrix/Newton identities

The partition polynomials of OEIS A263633 give the coefficients of the power series/o.g.f of the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) of a power series/o.g.f. and so give the Newton identities for ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Nonvanishing criterion for a polynomial of polynomials

Let $P \in \mathbb{F}_q[x_1, \dots, x_n][y]$ be some fixed polynomial. Substituting polynomials for the variables in $P$ gives a map $\mathbb{F}_q[x]^{n+1} \to \mathbb{F}_q[x]$ defined by $$(Q_1(x), \...
Thurmond's user avatar
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Prove that the following running average is monotonically decreasing

Let $S_n$ be defined as $\frac{1}{n}\sum_{t=1}^{t=n} [x^2+(p-q)x]$ where $x = 1-(1-p-q)^t$. We want to find the conditions on $p$ and $q$ such that $S_n$ is monotonically decreasing for all $n$. $0 &...
Shivin Srivastava's user avatar
-3 votes
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Doubt about lemma for polynomial equivalence [closed]

Multivariate polynomials $f,g$ are equivalent if there exists invertible linear transformation $A$ such that $f(X)=g(A\cdot X)$ From paper p.1: Lemma 1.1. (Structure of quadratic polynomials). Let $F$...
joro's user avatar
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Mismatching degrees and # derivatives in polynomial interpolation error formula

It is well known that if $f : [a,b] \to \mathbb{R}$ is $n+1$ times differentiable and $p(x)$ denotes the polynomial interpolant to $f(x)$ in the $n+1$ points $\bigl(x_k \in [a,b]\bigr)_{k = 1}^{n+1}$, ...
gTcV's user avatar
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"Universal" polynomial of bounded norm on the sphere

Consider the space $V_{d,n}=\mathbb{R}[x_1,\ldots,x_n]_d$ of homogeneous polynomials of degree $d$ in $n$ variables. I am interested in the set of bounded polynomials on the sphere $$B_{d,n}=\{f\in V_{...
Hans's user avatar
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Fundamental primal polynomial associated to an integer

Under Goldbach's conjecture, let $r_{0}(n):=\inf\{r>0,(n-r,n+r)\in\mathbb{P}^{2}\}$ and $k_{0}(n):=\pi(n+r_{0}(n))-\pi(n-r_{0}(n))$ for any composite positive integer $n$. Let also $g_{1}(n),\cdots,...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Big polynomial subalgebra of polynomials

Consider some algebraically independent polynomials $f_1,\ldots, f_n\in\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$. Is it possible that $I\subseteq\mathbb{C}[f_1,\ldots, f_n]\subsetneq\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ ...
A.Skutin's user avatar
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Global polynomial basis for the kernel of a matrix polynomial

Let $M(x)$ be an $m$ by $n$ matrix with entries in $\mathbb{C}[x]$. Suppose that for all $x\in \mathbb{C}$ the rank of $M(x)$ is constant and equal to $r<n$. Therefore, for any $x_0\in \mathbb{C}$ ...
Peter Kravchuk's user avatar
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How to find the polynomials that define a compact Matrix Lie group from its Lie algebra?

Consider a compact (connected) Lie group, or more generally, a linear algebraic Lie group. Suppose we are given the Lie algebra corresponding to the Lie group. How can we find a set of polynomial ...
Confused's user avatar
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Prove that a translate of a polynomial has roots without using FTA

Let $F\in\mathbf C[Z]$ be a polynomial of degree $d$. Without using the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, is it true that there is some $u\in\mathbf C$ such that $F + u$ has $d$ roots (counted with ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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