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Questions tagged [polymath3]

For question related to Polymath3 Project which is aimed at the polynomial Hirsch conjecture.

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A question about a blue fan and a red fan and their common refinement

Is the following conjecture true? Conjecture: Let $M_1$ be a red map and let $M_2$ be a blue map drawn in general position on $S^n$, and let $M$ be their common refinement. There is a vertex $w$ of $...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
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32 votes
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A Combinatorial Abstraction for The "Polynomial Hirsch Conjecture"

Consider $t$ disjoint families of subsets of {1,2,…,n}, ${\cal F}_1,{\cal F_2},\dots {\cal F_t}$ . Suppose that (*) For every $i \lt j \lt k$ and every $R \in {\cal F}_i$, and $T \in {\cal F}_k$, ...
Gil Kalai's user avatar
  • 24.7k