Questions tagged [poisson-geometry]

Poisson geometry is the study of varieties endowed with a Poisson structure, which is a certain kind of 2-tensor. This is closely related to symplectic geometry.

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Reference request for poisson group actions which are not hamiltonian

Hamiltonian Lie group actions of Poisson manifolds are well studied and found everywhere in literature. I am wondering if there is any material available on what is known about Poisson actions in ...
R Mary's user avatar
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Symplectic submanifolds of cotangent bundles of Lie groups

So, my question specifically pertains to $T^*SO(3)$ but I guess adjusted it could be asked about Lie groups in general. The canonical symplectic form on the cotangent bundle is invariant under the ...
R Mary's user avatar
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Poisson cohomology of germfied Poisson structures in dimension two

Let $f(x, y)$ be a smooth function in the real case or a holomorphic function in the complex case. Denote $\pi=f(x, y)\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\wedge \frac{\partial}{\partial y}$ be the ...
motivique's user avatar
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Could we extend the star product on a Poisson manifold from its ring of smooth functions to its de Rham complex?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold with a Poisson bracket $\{-,-\}$. Kontsevich proved that there exists a deformation quantization of $M$, i.e. let $C^{\infty}(M)[[\hbar]]=C^{\infty}(M)\otimes_{\mathbb{R}}\...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Is every singular foliation induced by a Lie algebroid?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. A smooth distribution $D$ on $M$ is the union of a family $\{D_p \leq T_p M : p\in M\}$ of vector spaces such that there is a family $\mathcal C $ of smooth vector fields ...
Ervin's user avatar
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Lagrangian submanifold of Poisson manifolds

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space. Let $\psi\in \Lambda^2V$ be a (possibly degenerate) $2$-vector. Then $\psi$ defines a map $V^*\rightarrow V$. Let $U\subset V$ denote the image of this ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Symplectic reduction and canonical one form

Let $X$ be a smooth manifold. Then $T^*X$ is canonically a symplectic manifold. Let $\alpha$ denote the canonical one form on $T^*X$ (so in local coordinates, $\alpha=\sum p_i dq_i$). Then the ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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How to compute the deformation quantizations of a polynomial Poisson algebra?

As a specialist told me, given a smooth affine Poisson algebra $S$ over $\mathbb{C}$, up to a choice of certain characteristic class, one can find one of the deformation quantizations of $S$, say $A$, ...
motivique's user avatar
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How to prove a bracket is super anti-commutative?

On page 12 of the paper, there is a formula about super Poisson bracket on a Lie super group $G$: \begin{align} \{\phi, \psi\} = \sum_{\mu, \nu} (-1)^{|\phi||\nu|} r^{\mu \nu} ( R_{\mu} \phi R_{\nu} \...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Are simple Poisson $A$-modules finitely generated as $A$-modules?

Let $A$ be a Poisson $\mathbb{C}$-algebra: $A$ has a the structure of a complex commutative algebra and at the same time it carries the structure of a Lie algebra, with Lie bracket $\{\cdot, \cdot\}$. ...
Lewis Topley's user avatar
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Construct super Poisson brackets on the coordinate rings of Lie super groups

On line 7 of page 61 of the book a guide to quantum groups, a Poisson bracket is defined on $\mathbb{C}[GL_n]$ for every classical $r$-matrix as follows. Let $V$ be a vector space with a basis $v_1, \...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Super version of Poisson brackets of tensor products

Let $A$ be a Poisson super algebra ($A$ is a super algebra and $A$ satisfies super Jacobi identity, super commutativity, super Leibniz rule). Super version of the product of two tensor products is \...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Why symplectic geometry gives Poisson geometry

One way I've learned to understand Poisson geometry is to consider it as symplectic geometry with no open conditions - i.e. no condition of nondegeneracy. This idea can be applied to many other ...
user44191's user avatar
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Two definitions of the super Jacobi identity

In this paper, page 149, the super Jacobi identity is given by \begin{align} J(x, y,z) := (-1)^{|x||z|}[[x, y],z] +(-1)^{|z||y|}[[z,x], y]+(-1)^{|y||x|}[[y,z],x] = 0. \end{align} But in this article, ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Tensor product of two Poisson modules

Let $H$ be a Poisson algebra. A Poisson $H$-module is a vector space $V$ with two bilinear maps \begin{align} H \otimes V \to V \\ (h,v) \mapsto h.v, \end{align} \begin{align} H \otimes V \to V \\ (h,...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Poisson cohomology

Let $\Pi$ be a Poisson structure on a manifold $M$. Then we can define a differential $d$ on the complex $\Lambda^{\bullet}M$ $$ C^{\infty}M \to TM \to...\Lambda^kTM \to... $$ in the following way: $$ ...
cll's user avatar
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Finite-dimensional Poisson cohomologies

Suppose we have a poisson manifold $M$ whose Poisson cohomology is finite-dimensional in each degree? Does it mean that our manifold is symplectic? Are there other cohomological criteria of ...
cll's user avatar
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Poisson structure on the dual Lie algebroid

Let $E \to X$ be a Lie algebroid over the manifold $X$. Let $x_1,...x_n$ be local coordinates on $X$ and $e_1,...e_m$ be the basis of local sections of $E$. In terms of these coordinate functions Lie ...
cll's user avatar
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Cluster algebra structure compatible with Poisson brackets

Let $X$ be a Poisson variety. There is a concept "cluster algebra structure compatible with Poisson structure" introduced in the paper. Suppose that we construct a maximal independent set of ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Some elementary questions about deformation quantization

I am interested in deformations of affine Poisson algebras, and so this is the setting in which I shall write out the elementary definitions involved. All algebras and vector spaces shall be over $\...
Lewis Topley's user avatar
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coisotropic submanifolds on poisson manifolds

Let $(M, \{.,.\})$ be a Poissonmanifold and $B$ the corresponding Poissontensor. Now in this context, a embedded submanifold $C \subset M$ is called coisotropic, if $B^\#(TC^\circ) \subset TC$. For ...
Feanoris's user avatar
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Symplectic leaves in positive characteristic

I am currently considering a family of filtered algebras over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic with the property that the associated graded algebra is a finitely generated ...
Lewis Topley's user avatar
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Is the antipode anti-bracketed?

In the book Algebras of Functions on Quantum Groups: Part I, Remark 3.1.4, we have the following result. Let $A$ be a Poisson Hopf algebra. That is, $A$ is both a Hopf algebra and a Poisson algebra ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Is there a name for a noncommutative generalization of Poisson algebra?

Is there a name for an associative algebra which is further endowed with a Lie algebra structure such that the Leibniz rule holds, i.e., $$[a, b \circ c]=[a,b]\circ c+b\circ [a,c], \hspace{15mm}(*)$$ ...
another-guest's user avatar
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Do Kähler realizations of symplectic manifolds exist?

If $(S, \omega)$ is a smooth (not necessarily analytic!) symplectic manifold, does there exist a (almost-)Kähler manifold $K$ and a surjective Poisson submersion $\pi : K \to S$? Think of $\Bbb R ^{...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Closing the commutative diagram for symplectic realizations

Let $f: (M_1, P_1) \to (M_2, P_2)$ be a Poisson map between Poisson manifolds. Let $\pi_i : (S_i, \omega_i) \to (M_i, P_i), \ i=1,2$ be symplectic realizations. Putting these objects in a rectangular ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Recover Poisson bracket on $C[G]$ using the Lie cobracket $\delta: g \to \Lambda^2 g$

By a theorem of Drinfeld, there is a one to one correspondence between Lie bialgebras and Poisson Lie groups. Therefore given a Lie cobracket $\delta: g \to \Lambda^2 g$, there is a Poisson bracket on ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Classifications of Lie bialgebras

What is the current status of the classifications of Lie bialgebras? In particular, has the following problem been solved? Let $gl_n$ be the general linear Lie algebra. Classify all Lie cobrackets $\...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Glueing together functions defined on the leaves of a foliation

Even though my question can be asked for very general types of foliations, I am interesetd only in its answer for Poisson manifolds, which are what I am currently studying. Consider a Poisson ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Nash-type theorems for Poisson manifolds

My question comes as a natural follow-up of the previous one which concerned symplectic manifolds: if $(M, P)$ is a Poisson manifold, what embedding theorems are there into some target space (I am ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Analytification of Poisson structures on an affine variety

It is well known that one can transfer every affine variety $X$ over $\mathbb{C}$ into an analytic space $X^{an}$ in a natural way. This process is called the analytification. My question is that does ...
G.-S. Zhou's user avatar
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Are symplectic realizations of a Poisson manifold unique?

If $(M, P)$ is a (Hausdorff) Poisson manifold, then there exist a surjective Poisson submersion $\pi : (S, \omega) \to (M, P)$ with $(S, \omega)$ a symplectic manifold. I am in a situation where I ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Questions about Sklyanin bracket

For every classical r-matrix $r$, there is a Poisson bracket called Sklyanin bracket associated to $r$. It is defined in (3.3) of page 5 in ( as follows. \begin{...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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How to solve this system of equations? [closed]

I am trying to find a Poisson bracket on an algebra, and need to find a solution to a system of equations. The system of equations is very complicated, with more than 10000 equations and 60 variables. ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Natural Poisson brackets on $S(V^*)$

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space and $S(V)$ the corresponding symmetric algebra. Suppose that we have a Poisson bracket $\lambda = \{,\}: S(V) \otimes S(V) \to S(V)$. Let $V^*$ be the dual ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Is the preimage of coisotropic submanifold coisotropic?

Let $M$ and $N$ be smooth manifolds with Poisson-structures $\{ \cdot , \cdot\}|_M$ and $\{\cdot , \cdot \}|_N$ We call $\phi: M \to N$. a Poisson-map, if the pullback of $\phi$ is compatible with the ...
Olorin's user avatar
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Poisson Manifold Structures on Even Dimensional Spheres

The $2n$-sphere, for $n=1,2,3$, possess a (non-trivial) Poisson manifold structure. Is this still true for $n > 3$? Describing the spheres as homogeneous spaces $SO(n)/S(n-1)$, are there Poisson ...
Ago Szekeres's user avatar
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Classification of finite dimensional Lie subalgebras of $\mathbb R[q^1,\dots,q^n,p_1,\dots,p_n]$

Do there exist results towards answering the following question? Consider the Poisson algebra of regular functions $A=\mathbb R[V]$ on the symplectic vector space $V:=T^* \mathbb R^n$. Using ...
HCH's user avatar
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Kontsevich's flow on the space of Poisson structures

In §5.3 of Kontsevich's Formality Conjecture he writes: This (...) gives a remarkable vector field on the space of bi-vector fields on $\mathbf{R}^d$. The evolution with respect to the time $t$ is ...
Ricardo Buring's user avatar
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When does a symmetric Poisson manifold decompose into homogeneous pieces?

When people study representations, they pay a lot of attention to the irreducible ones. This is justified by the fact that, roughly speaking, every unitary representation decomposes into a direct ...
Vectornaut's user avatar
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Associativity of Kontsevich's star product up to second order

In Deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds, Kontsevich gives the quantization formula $$f \star g = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \hbar^n \sum_{\Gamma \in G_n} w_\Gamma B_{\Gamma,\alpha}(f,g).$$ He gives ...
Ricardo Buring's user avatar
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Integrating Poisson groups

Recall that a symplectic groupoid ( is a Lie groupoid $\mathcal{G}\rightrightarrows X$ together with a symplectic structure on $\mathcal{G}$ ...
Pavel Safronov's user avatar
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Lie bialgebras cohomology

I am wondering if there exist a universal construction of (co)-chain complex associated to a given algebra to study deformations as Hochschild homology for associative algebras, or Chevalley-Eilenberg ...
user56980's user avatar
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Casimirs of Poisson brackets obtained via Poisson reduction

Suppose that a Lie group $G$ acts freely and properly on a symplectic manifold $P$ via symplectomorphisms. Suppose further that we have at our disposal an $\text{Ad}^*$-equivariant momentum map $\mu:P\...
Josh Burby's user avatar
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Poisson ideals vs. ideals generated by Poisson central elements

Let $R$ be a Poisson algebra (over $\mathbb C$, say) with Poisson center $Z = \{c \in R : \{c,R\} = 0\}$ and consider two types of ideals $I \leq R$: $I = \langle (c_i) \rangle$ is generated by ...
Allen Knutson's user avatar
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Does the 4-sphere have a nonzero Poisson structure as a Poisson homogeneous space?

It is known that the 4-sphere does not have a symplectic structure. However, it does admit Poisson structures, for example the zero Poisson structure, which is quite boring. Does it have other, more ...
Manuel Bärenz's user avatar
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What is twisted in a twisted Poisson structure?

The usual definition of a twisted Poisson algebra involving a 3-form does not seem to refer to a Poisson algebra that is then twisted, i.e. twisting either the commutative product or the Lie bracket. ...
Jim Stasheff's user avatar
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Absent 2nd order terms in deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds

I am reading Kontsevich' famous paper on deformation quantization of Poisson manifolds. In section 1.4.2 on page 4 he gives the general formula for the star product associated to a Poisson structure ...
miramo's user avatar
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Hypersurfaces with Gorenstein singular loci

Recall that a hypersurface $D$ in a complex manifold $X$ is called a free divisor if the Lie algebroid $\mathcal{T}_X(-\log D)$ of vector fields tangent to $D$ is locally free. This condition is ...
Brent Pym's user avatar
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Poisson structure on the cotangent bundle

Let $X$ be a smooth variety over $\mathbb{C}$ and $\mathscr{A}$ a sheaf of twisted differential operators on $X$. The latter comes equipped with a natural filtration and the associated graded algebra $...
Justin Campbell's user avatar