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Decomposing a planar graph

Thomassen proved that the vertex set of every planar graph can be decomposed into two sets inducing a 1-degenerate graph and a 2-degenerate graph, respectively (C. Thomassen, Decomposing a planar ...
jack's user avatar
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Planarity of a subgraph

Given a complete symmetric graph $G(V,E)$ with real-valued edgeweights and assume that every induced $k_4$ that is induced by a quadruplet from $v$'s vertices has a unique perfect matching of maximal ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Planar graphs with perfect matching count in linear time?

We can find Pfaffian orientation and take determinant to compute permanent in $O(n^\omega)$ time where $\omega$ is exponent of matrix multiplication. We know that permanent of $O(n)$ vertex planar ...
Turbo's user avatar
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