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Questions tagged [planar-algebras]

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4 votes
2 answers

Invertibility of the planar algebra-subfactor correspondence

In Jones's paper "Planar Algebras I", Theorem 4.2.1 establishes that an extremal finite index subfactor admits a spherical C*-planar algebra structure, and Theorem 4.3.1 establishes that spherical C*-...
Jon Bannon's user avatar
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What are some natural and attractive open problems in Jones's theory of planar algebras?

I'm hoping to learn something about planar algebras while attacking a planar algebra question with an undergrad research student. I'm thinking about reading this paper, as Kuperberg's program seems ...
8 votes
0 answers

Which presentations of (non)planar algebras give rise to knots?

Reidermeister's theorem states that the set of knots, modulo ambient isotopy, is isomorphic to the planar algebra generated by crossings, modulo Reidemeister moves. This planar algebra presentation is ...
Daniel Moskovich's user avatar
39 votes
9 answers

Why are fusion categories interesting?

In the same vein as Kate and Scott's questions, why are fusion categories interesting? I know that given a "suitably nice" fusion category (which probably means adding adjectives such as "unitary," "...
18 votes
7 answers

ubiquity, importance of path algebras

I work in planar algebras and subfactors, where the idea of path algebras on a graph (alternately known as graph algebras, graph planar algebras, etc.) is quite useful. The particular result I'm ...
Emily Peters's user avatar
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Which computer algebra system should I be using to solve large systems of sparse linear equations over a number field?

This is related to Noah's recent question about solving quadratics in a number field, but about an even earlier and easier step. Suppose I have a huge system of linear equations, say ~10^6 equations ...
Kim Morrison's user avatar
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Short Introduction to Planar Algebras

Are there any good short expositions of planar algebras out there? I am interested primarily in seeing the main definition and some explicit examples.
Elisha Peterson's user avatar