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hooks and contents: Part II

This is a 2nd installment to my earlier MO question for which Mark Wildon furnished a clean answer. $\mathcal{O}(\pi)$ and $\mathcal{E}(\pi)$ stand for the number of odd and even cycles of a ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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What is $\dim D^{\lambda}$ for the symmetric group?

What are the dimensions of the simple modules $D^{\lambda}=S^{\lambda}/S^{\lambda}\cap (S^{\lambda})^{\perp}$ for the modular representation theory of $S_n$, i.e. $\operatorname{char}(k)=p>0$? I ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Adding a row to a Young Tableau via Novelli-Pak-Stoyanovskii

Let $T_{\lambda}$ be the set of standard young tableaux (SYT) of shape $\lambda_1\geq \lambda_2\cdots\geq \lambda_n$. Now consider pushing a row $\mu$ with $\mu\geq \lambda_1$ onto $Y$ to give shape $\...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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On characters of the symmetric group: Part 1

Given an integer partition $\lambda$, denote $\ell(\lambda)=$ length, $\vert\lambda\vert=$ size and $\lambda=$ conjugate of $\lambda$. Allow to write $\lambda\vdash n$ either as $(\lambda_1,\dots,\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Upper bound on decomposition numbers for the symmetric group in a block of weight $w$

The $p$-blocks of the symmetric group $S_n$ are labelled by pairs $(\gamma, w)$ where $\gamma$ is a $p$-core partition, $w \in \mathbb{N}_0$ is the weight of the block, and $|\gamma| + p w = n$. ...
Mark Wildon's user avatar
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Partitions limit shape and LDP

Hello! I am trying to understand the paper of Dembo-Vershik-Zeitouni, Large deviations for integer partitions. I am only interested in Theorem 2, which deals with the case of the uniform distribution....