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Calculating étale fundamental groups from the usual fundamental group

$\newcommand{Spec}{\operatorname{Spec}}$Let $X$ be a connected affine smooth variety over $\mathbb{Q}$, with a point $x\in X(\Spec(\mathbb{Q})$. For any algebraically closed field $K$ of ...
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What is $TP(\mathbb{Z}_p)$?

Let $TP$ be periodic topological cyclic homology. What is $\pi_* TP(\mathbb{Z}_p)$? (i) I know that $\pi_* TP(\mathbb{F}_p) \cong \mathbb{Z}_p[v^{\pm 1}]$ with $v$ in degree $-2$ by IV.4.8 of Nikolaus-...
pink floyd's user avatar
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Is there a version of algebraic de Rham cohomology that can be used to calculate torsion classes?

Much work has gone into the construction of cohomology theories which are defined on algebraic varieties (étale, crystalline, etc.) and comparison isomorphisms between them. Say $X$ is an algebraic ...
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