Questions tagged [outer-automorphisms]

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6 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Groups with trivial outer automorphism group and prescribed center?

Given an arbitrary abelian group $A$, can we find a group $G$ such that $\mathrm{Out}(G)=\mathrm{Aut}(G)/\mathrm{Inn}(G)=1$, and $Z(G)\simeq A$? Why is this interesting? Given a group $G$, we have ...
Charles Rezk's user avatar
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How does Outer Space look like without a simplex?

Considering the simplicial structure of Culler and Vogtmanns Outer Space $CV_n$. The question is now: Let $\Delta \subset CV_n$ be a closed simplex of dimension $3n-4$ or $3n-5$, how does $CV_n \...
ctst's user avatar
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Outer automorphisms of direct product of residually finite groups

Let $A,B$ be finite generated residually finite groups such that $\mathop{Out}(A)$ and $\mathop{Out}(B)$ are residually finite. Is $\mathop{Out}(A\times B)$ residually finite? If not, what is the ...
Michal Ferov's user avatar
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Finitely generated nilpotent groups with hyperbolic automorphisms

$\DeclareMathOperator\Out{Out}\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$ Let $G$ be a finitely generated nilpotent group. We call an automorphism of $G$ hyperbolic if the induced automorphism of the free part of ...
Sean Lawton's user avatar
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Is there an equivariant simplicial deformation retract of Teichmüller space?

Let $S_g$ be a surface of genus $g \ge 2$. By analogy with Teichmüller space for $S_g$, Culler and Vogtmann studied Outer Space $CV_n$, with points projective classes of marked metric graphs with ...
Rylee Lyman's user avatar
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On a problem of Berkovich

What is the real history of the following problem proposed by Berkovich [Y. Berkovich, Z.Janko, Groups of prime power order. Volume 2, Expositions in Mathematics, 56, Walter de Gruyter, New York, 2011]...
S. Mohsen Ghoraishi's user avatar