Questions tagged [orthogonal-polynomials]

A familly of orthogonal polynomials is a sequence of polynomials in one variable, one in each degree, such that any two of them are orthogonal with respect to some fixed scalar product on the space of polynomials. They are closely related to continued fractions and useful in harmonic analysis. There are many different families of orthogonal polynomials, among which one can cite Hermite polynomials, Laguerre polynomials, and Jacobi polynomials.

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representation theoretic interpretation of Jack polynomials

Monomial symmetric polynomials on $n$ variables $x_1, \ldots x_n$ form a natural basis of the space $\mathcal{S}_n$ of symmetric polynomials on $n$ variables and are defined by additive symmetrization ...
John Jiang's user avatar
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Ratio of entries of A and log A where A is a triangular matrix

Consider triangular matrices $A = \left( {a(n,k)} \right)$ of arbitrary order with $a(n,k) = 0$ if $n + k$ is odd and $a(n,n - 2k) = \frac{{n!}}{{k!(n - 2k)!}}\frac{{(m + n - k - 1)!}}{{(m + n - 1)!}}$...
Johann Cigler's user avatar
9 votes
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Generating functions of real-rooted polynomials

Suppose $f_n(t)$ is a degree $n$ polynomial. Let $F(t,u) = \sum_n f_n(t)u^n$. What conditions on $F(t,u)$ tell us that the $f_n(t)$ are real-rooted? Similarly, are there any conditions on $F(t,u)$ ...
Katie Gedeon's user avatar
7 votes
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Determinants associated to orthogonal polynomials

Let $${p_n}(x) = \sum\limits_{j = 0}^{n } {{{( - 1)}^{n - j}}p(n,j){x^j}} $$ be orthogonal polynomials satisfying $${p_n}(x) = (x - {s_{n - 1}}){p_{n - 1}}(x) - {t_{n - 2}}{p_{n - 2}}(x)$$ with ...
Johann Cigler's user avatar
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3-term recurrence relation including integral or differential operator for polynomials

Sequences of polynomials with a 3-term recurrence relations are well known for orthogonal polynomials. Do recurrence relations using differential or integral operators also appear in some theories? I ...
Christian Sattlecker's user avatar
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Sum of squared hypergeometric polynomials

$\sum_{m=1}^\infty \frac{1}{m} \bigg[{}_2F_1(-m,m,2,u)\bigg]^2 = \frac 1 4 -\frac 1 2 \log u$ I have very strong numerical support that this is true when $0<u\le1$. Can anyone help proving or ...
Matteo Beccaria's user avatar
6 votes
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Recurrence Formula for Zernike polynomials

I'm not sure if this is research level, so if this result is known, please excuse the intrusion. I am trying to find a relation between solutions of the Laplacian equation in $4$ dimensions and those ...
Matematleta's user avatar
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Infinite tridiagonal matrices and a special class of totally positive sequences

Let $\Bbb{y} = \big(y_1, y_2, y_3, \dots \big)$ be an infinite sequence of positive real numbers such that following $\Bbb{N} \times \Bbb{N}$ tridiagonal matrix \begin{equation} T(\Bbb{y}) := \, \...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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What are the orthogonal polynomials with respect to the weight $2\cosh(\beta x)e^{-x^2}$?

In the study of a statistical physics problem, I need to know the orthogonal polynomials with respect to the weight $$2\cosh(\beta x)e^{-x^2},$$ where $\beta \in \mathbb{R}^+$. Is this already known? ...
Jia Yiyang's user avatar
5 votes
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Kostka polynomials in root systems other than A

The q, t - Kostka polynomials $K_{\lambda\mu}(q, t)$ are defined as follows (all notations I do not explain here come from the classical book by Macdonald: Symmetric Functions and Hall polynomials, ...
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4 votes
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Reverse Markov-Bernstein inequality for trigonometric polynomials

Let $r(t)$ be a real trigonometric polynomial of degree $n>1$. Assume it has zero at $t=0$ of multiplicity $k>0$. What can be said about the lower bound of the constant $c(k,n)$ such that $$ \...
Paata Ivanishvili's user avatar
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Spectrum of Kernel - Discrete orthogonal polynomials

Trying to solve a problem, I encounter a Kernel of the form $$K(m,n)= e^{-\frac{\beta}{4} (m+n+1)} \frac{2^{2+\frac{m+n}{2}}}{\sqrt{m! n!}} \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{n-m} \left[ \frac{1}{\Gamma(-m/2)\Gamma(...
Panagiotis Betzios's user avatar
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Christoffel-Darboux type identity

The classical Christoffel-Darboux identity for Hermite polynomials reads $$\sum_{k=0}^n\frac{H_k(x)H_k(y)}{2^k k!}=\frac{1}{2^{n+1} n!}\frac{H_{n+1}(x)H_n(y)-H_n(x)H_{n+1}(y)}{x-y}.$$ I am ...
Julian's user avatar
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Closed formula for $\sum\limits^\infty_{k=0}\frac1{(k+a)(k+b)} L^1_k(x)L^1_k(y) $

Let $ L^{\alpha}_{n}(x)=\sum^{n}_{k=0} \binom{n+\alpha}{n-k}\big(-1\big)^{k}\frac{x^{k}}{k!},\alpha>-1$ be Laguerre polynomials of type $ n$. Is there a closed formula for $$\sum^{\infty}_{k=0}\...
zoran  Vicovic's user avatar
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Tight bounds on the iterates of the Clenshaw algorithm for Chebyshev polynomials

I'm trying to bound the iterates of the Clenshaw algorithm when applied to the Chebyshev series, related to a question I'm running into related to the stability of this algorithm. Recall that, for $p(...
Ewin's user avatar
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Are there extensions of Hilb's and Laplace's formulas to Jacobi polynomials with $\alpha,\beta\le-1$?

In Szegő's Orthogonal Polynomials book, he gives two interesting asymptotic formulas for Jacobi polynomials with $\alpha,\beta>-1$. The first (Theorem 8.21.12, page 197 is a generalization of Hilb'...
Daniel Cramer's user avatar
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How to use this generalised 'generating function' for the Gegenbauer polynomials

Cohl (2011) gives a generalisation of the standard generating function for the Gegenbauer polynomials $C_n^\mu(x)$: $(1 -2tx + t^2)^{-\nu} = A_{\mu,\nu} \frac{(1-t^2)^{-\nu+\mu+1/2}}{t^{\mu+1/2}} \...
Edward Lilley's user avatar
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Orthogonal polynomial expansion for bivariate noncentral chi-square and bi-variate noncentral student t distribution

This is a research question for which I am not able to find any existing reference. So, I am reaching out for help. The project is related to studying the sequence of rejections in multiple hypothesis ...
Chee's user avatar
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Formula of Laplace for the asymptotic expansion of Legendre polynomials

According to the so-called formula of Laplace (see, e.g., [1, Theorem 8.21.2]), Legendre polynomials admit the following asymptotic expansion: $$ P_n(\cos\theta) = \sqrt{2} (\pi n\sin\theta)^{-\frac12}...
Paglia's user avatar
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Fourier coefficients of positive polynomials

Let $p(x) \geq 0$ be a positive polynomial on the hypersphere ($x \in S^{n-1}$) satisfying $\int_{S^{n-1}} p(x) = 1$. Writing $p(x) = \sum_{j=0}^s p_j(x)$ where $p_j(x) = \sum_m p_{jm} s_{jm}(x)$ with ...
Eliza's user avatar
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A "nice" Orthogonal Basis for Translation Invariant Symmetric Polynomials

It is going to be a rather long question, so I will first state it and then try to explain and motivate it. Take $\Lambda_n $ as the graded ring of symmetric polynomials of a field $F$ in $n$ ...
Hamed's user avatar
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Polynomials connected with Gale's condition and cyclic polytopes

I was reading about cyclic polytopes and (I think naturally) became interested in polynomials $f(X) \in \mathbb{R}[X]$ which have a factorization of the form $f(X)=g(X)g(X+1)$ for some $g(X) \in \...
Peter Dukes's user avatar
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A generalization of Macdonald functions?

I am interested in finding a set of functions $f(z_1,\cdots ,z_k;q,\,t)$, conjecturally polynomials, which depend on two parameters $(q,t)$ and an integer $k$, and are orthogonal under the following ...
S. Razamat's user avatar
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Integral involving Laguerre polynomial

In an engineering application, I've been trying to calculate the following integral involving Laguerre polynomials: $\int_{-\infty}^\infty dx L_n(x^2+\beta^2) e^{-x^2/2+i x \alpha}$, where $n=0,1,2,3,\...
Mark M's user avatar
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2 votes
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Iterated chaos expansion

Using the notations from Normal Approximations with Malliavin Calculus, Chapter 2 random variables $F$ in the probability space generated by an iso-normal Gaussian family $X(h)$, $$E[X(h)X(g)] = \...
Julian's user avatar
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The $n$-th reproducing kernel of orthogonal polynomial

Let $N$ be a non negative integer. Define the sequence of monic orthogonal polynomials $\{P_n(x)\}_{n}$ with respect to the inner product $$ \langle f , g\rangle =\sum^{N}_{k=0}{f(k)g(k)\rho(k)} $$ ...
Karim's user avatar
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measure corresponding to certain orthogonal polynomials

Given a scalar $\lambda\in (0,1)$, consider a sequence of monic polynomials $\{p_n(x)\}_{n\geq 0}$ over real variables satisfying the following recurrence relations: $xp_n(x)=p_{n+1}(x)+\lambda p_{n}(...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Explicit error bounds for orthogonal polynomials with exponential weights

Let $\rho > -1$, and define the weight function $W_{\rho}(x) = |x|^{\rho} \exp(-2|x|)$. Associated with this weight is the sequence of orthogonal polynomials $\{ p_{n}(x) \}_{0}^{\infty}$, where $...
anon1802's user avatar
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Finite version of Mehlers formula?

This is a crosspost from Math Stack Exchange, please let me know if this is not an appropriate use of crossposting, and I will delete. Mehler's formula is the following identity for Hermite ...
fewfew4's user avatar
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Deduce Sheffer's classification of orthogonal polynomials of A-type 0

Theorem 1.9 in Daniel Galiffa and Tanya Riston's paper, An elementary approach to characterizing Sheffer A-type 0 orthogonal polynomial sequences, 2015, presents without proof Isador Sheffer's ...
Andrius Kulikauskas's user avatar
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Do you know of orthogonal-polynomial families with complex measure on the square? I'm just looking for family names to read up on

I'm looking for the name(s) of a family or families of polynomials whose normalization and orthogonality are defined by integrals (inner product) over the complex square $\{u+iv\, |\, u, v \in [-1,1]\}...
J. M.'s user avatar
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Convergence of gPC expansions for random variables in the total variation distance

Suppose that a random variable $Y$ can be written as $Y=g(Z)$, where $g$ is a function and $Z$ is a random variable. When $Z$ is a continuous random variable with finite absolute moments, we consider ...
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Rate of convergence of generalized polynomial chaos

Let $\eta=g(\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_M)$ be a random variable expressed as a function of the random vector $\xi=(\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_M)$. Assume that $\xi_1,\ldots,\xi_M$ are absolutely continuous and ...
jum's user avatar
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Lower $L^1$ norm estimates of null average trigonometric polynomials depending on the order of the polynomial

Let $p(x)=\sum_{k=1}^m [a_k\cos(n_kx)+b_k\sin(n_kx)]$ be a null average trigonometric polynomial (null average means that is $\int_\mathbb T p =0$ or, equivalently, there are no $a_0$ and $b_0$). ...
Arturo Sanjuán's user avatar
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Special value of generalized Laguerre polynomials or of their quotient

Let $L_n^{(\alpha)}(x)$ denote a generalized Laguerre polynomial. I would like to have a closed form for the expression $$\frac{L_n^{(\alpha)}(1)}{L_{n-1}^{(\alpha)}(1)};$$ where we set $x=1$ and both ...
Giovanni De Gaetano's user avatar
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Function expansion in high partition Jack polynomials?

For Jack polynomials $J_\lambda^\alpha(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)$ there exists i.e. the following relation $$\sum_\lambda J_\lambda^\alpha(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)J_{\lambda'}^{\frac{1}{\alpha}}(y_1,y_2,...,y_m)=\...
Kagaratsch's user avatar
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Octahedron and System of trigonometric equations

Could somebody help me to prove the following? $$\sum_{k=1}^6 \cos(2 \theta_k) (\cos(2\phi_k)-1))=0$$ $$\sum_{k=1}^6 \sin(2 \theta_k) (\cos(2\phi_k)-1))=0$$ $$\sum_{k=1}^6 \cos (\phi_k)=0$$ $$\sum_{k=...
Ma Na's user avatar
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Hermite interpolation

I need a help to my problem, I would be grateful if anyone could help. Let $\epsilon \in [0,1]$ and for an integer $n$ we consider a set of nodes $T_n={t_0,t_1,....t_n}$. We define the function $f(x)...
spray_user's user avatar
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Perturbation analysis for three term recurrences

Jacobi polynomials, denoted by $J^{(\alpha,\beta)}_n$, on $[-1,1]$ satisfy a three term recurrence $$ J_{n+1}^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x) = (A_n+B_nx)J^{(\alpha,\beta)}_n + C_nJ_{n-1}^{(\alpha,\beta)}(x), \...
alext87's user avatar
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Lower asymptotic bounds for the derivative of Laguerre polynomials

Let $ L_{d}^{(1)}(x)$ denote the generalized Laguerre polynomial of degree $d$ and order $\alpha=1$. Clearly, since all the roots $r_1,\dots,r_d$ of $L_{d}^{(1)}$ are simple, there exists a strictly ...
dima's user avatar
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Growth of the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials

Consider the sequence of measures $$d\mu_N(x)=e^{-NV(x)}dx$$ on the real axis, where $V$ is continuous and satisfies the growth assumption $$\lim_{|x|\rightarrow\infty}(V(x)-2\log|x|)=+\infty.$$ ...
Adrien Hardy's user avatar
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About a Christoffel-Darboux-type sum

I've been using the Christoffel-Darboux identity for the Hermite polynomials, $$\sum_{k=0}^n\frac{H_k(x)H_k(y)}{2^k k!}=\frac{1}{2^{n+1} n!}\frac{H_{n+1}(x)H_n(y)-H_n(x)H_{n+1}(y)}{x-y},$$ for some ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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Orthogonality of Pfaffian polynomials in $SO(2m)$

I've been struggling here to invert some integral equation involving Pfaffians, and it would be very nice if you could shed some light on the problem. Let's go to it. Let $V=\{-1,1\}^{m}$ and $S = \...
Fernando's user avatar
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Product of d-dimensional Legendre polynomials

Let $P_n:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ be the $d$-dimensional Legendre polynomials, that is they are orthonormal polynomials w.r.t the probability measure $\mu_d$ on $[-1,1]$ given by $\mu_d= \...
giladude's user avatar
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Algorithm for converting from 2D Legendre basis to 2D Monomial basis

I am dealing with function written in a 2D Legendre polynomial basis and I need to convert it so that it's written in a 2D monomial basis. I've found of an algorithm that allows for change of basis ...
David G.'s user avatar
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Proving that quotient of orthogonal polynomials is a Padé approximant of Stieltjes transform

This question is reposted from Math Stack Exchange (you can see the original post here). The motivation for reposting is that I feel like the question isn't getting much attention in MSE - if there is ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Geometric series involving the Laguerre polynomials

Let put $\alpha=5$ and $x=3$. Consider the following set given by $$M=\lbrace \; n \in N, \; \; 0 < |L_{n}^{5}(3)| < 1 \; \rbrace$$ Where $L_{n}^{\alpha}(x)$ is the generalized Laguerre ...
Assinisa Hamidata's user avatar
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Generating Hermite polynomial with coefficient recurrance relation algorithm

I am writing a math paper for my numerical analysis class about orthogonal Hermite polynomials. I want to implement the algorithm for generating the "probabilist's Hermite polynomials": $$ \...
russloewe's user avatar
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A holonomic function and its singularity

The following series where $q_i , h$ are constant parameters. $G(z)$ is a rational function. $$F(x):=\sum_{d= 1}^\infty \sum_{k=1}^d (-1)^{d-k} \, s_{(k, 1^{d-k})}(\tfrac{q_1}{h}, \tfrac{q_2}{h}, \...
GGT's user avatar
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Bounds on coefficients $c_i$ of Chebyshev expansion $f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{n} c_kT_k(x) : [-1,1] \mapsto [-1,1]$

Let $n$ be a given positive integer and let $f(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{n} c_kT_k(x)$, where $c_i \in \mathbb{R}$, $0 \leq i \leq n$. If $|f(x)| \leq 1$, for $|x| \leq 1$, is it possible to get the maximum ...
NickVO's user avatar
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