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2 answers

Computing Haar measure of matrices sampled from SO(n)

I am looking to sample uniform matrices from SO(n). I know that uniform matrices can be sampled from O(n) by taking the QR decomposition of Gaussian random square matrices and adjusting the sign of ...
magnesium's user avatar
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Reference request: maximal determinant of matrices with pairwise orthogonal rows and entries in $\{1, 0, -1\}$

We know that "Hadamard maximal determinant problem" concerns the largest determinant of a matrix of oder $n$ with entries in $\{-1,1\}$ or $\{0, 1\}$. For $n=4k$, it is the Hadamard ...
Arun 's user avatar
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Distribution of Submatrix of Orthogonal Matrix

Let $O$ be a matrix sampled from the Haar measure on $O(n)$. Let $X$ be the upperleft $k\times k$ submatrix of $O$. In a physics research project I am interested in the distribution of $X$, say $\rho(...
Junkai Dong's user avatar
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Moments on the Stiefel manifold

Let $S_{n, k} = \{V \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times k} : V^T V = I_k\}$ denote the Stiefel manifold, $1 \leq k \leq n$. Let $P \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$ denote a symmetric real, positive definite matrix, ...
Drew Brady's user avatar