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Are oriented-$h$-cobordant lens spaces orientation-preservingly homeomorphic?

Consider two three-dimensional lens spaces $N_1=L(p,q_1)$ and $N_2=L(p,q_2)$, and assume that there is an oriented-$h$-cobordism between them. In other words, we assume that there is an oriented four-...
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Examples of interesting non orientable closed 3-manifolds

In dimension 2, there are two remarkable non-orientable closed manifolds, the projective plane (from synthetic geometry; has the fixed point property; algebraic compactification of the plane etc) and ...
coudy's user avatar
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A self-homeomorphism of $L_{p,q}$ is isotopic to one which preserves heegaard splitting

Consider the lens space $L_{p,q}$, which we can describe using its standard heegaard splitting, i.e. define $L_{p,q}$ as a quotient of two solid tori, identifying meridians on the boundary of one with ...
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