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Is there a generalization of the Diameter Sphere Theorem to orbifolds?

The Diameter Sphere Theorem of Grove and Shiohama asserts that if $M$ is a compact Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature bounded from bellow by 1 and diameter greater than $\pi/2$, then $M$ is ...
zed from zor's user avatar
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Good orbifold and Ricci flow with Dirichlet boundary conditions on $\Sigma$

An orbifold $\mathcal O$ is a metrizable topological space equipped with an atlas modeled on $\Bbb R^n/\Gamma, \Gamma<O(n)$ finite. Let $\Sigma$ be the singular locus i.e. points modeled on $\...
John McManus's user avatar
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Seek "typical examples" for the structure of spaces with two-sided Ricci bounds

By a 1990 paper of Michael Anderson, the following is true: Theorem. Let the metric space $(X,d,p)$ be a pointed Gromov-Hausdorff limit of a sequence of complete pointed Riemannian manifolds $(M_i,...
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