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Recommendation for books on boundary-value problems that include perturbed boundaries and many solved problems

I am looking for a book or resource that contains applied math analytical methods and a lot of solved problems in Boundary-Value Problems for second-order PDEs, and if it could be related to wave-...
user135626's user avatar
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Is the DispersiveWiki website down?

Somewhat recently I learned about a website called the DispersiveWiki which is/was maintained by James Colliander. I have found a few different links to the website from around the web (e.g. http://...
Jonathan J.'s user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Is there a connection between representation theory and PDEs?

As a PhD student, if I want to do something algebraic / linear-algebraic such as representation theory as well as do PDEs, in both the theoretical and numerical aspects of PDEs, would this combination ...
Jay's user avatar
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Resources on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on manifolds

My situation: I am currently trying to understand Uhlenbecks results on the Yang Mills equation. One of the most common notions in this paper is that of an elliptic system or an elliptic boundary ...
Peter Wildemann's user avatar