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7 votes
2 answers

Injectivity of the cohomology map induced by some projection map

Given a (compact) Lie group $G$, persumably disconnected, there exists a short exact sequence $$1\rightarrow G_c\rightarrow G\rightarrow G/G_c\rightarrow 1$$ where $G_c$ is the normal subgroup which ...
Ye Weicheng's user avatar
1 vote
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Obstruction to lifting homomorphism of groups

Is there a "cohomology" group that encodes obstructions to constructing a lift in a diagram of groups below? If $X\to Y$ is an extension and the bottom row is the identity map it's just $H^1(...
Grisha Taroyan's user avatar
2 votes
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Lazard's $\Gamma_n(f)$ as cocycle

In Michel Lazard's "Commutative Formal Groups" Springer Lecture Notes, he defines an operator on a polynomial 3-cochain $f$ denoted $\Gamma_n(f)$, which defines as the $n^{th}$ homogeneous piece of ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar