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When does a semisimple $\mathbb{C}$-algebra come from a group?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a semisimple $\mathbb{C}$-algebra. By the Artin-Wedderburn theorem, it is isomorphic to a direct product of matrix algebras: $$ \mathcal{A} = \prod_{i=1}^m M_{n_i}(\mathbb{C})$$ ...
pitariver's user avatar
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Existence of homogeneous single chain compositions of a given maximal subfactor?

All the subfactors here are irreducible inclusion of hyperfinite II$_1$ factors. A subfactor $(N \subset M)$ is Homogeneous Single Chain ($HSC$) if its lattice of intermediate subfactors is a single ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
5 votes
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Are the homogeneous single chain subfactors, Dedekind?

Background: See here and there. Recall that a subfactor is Dedekind if all its intermediate subfactors are normal. A subfactor $(N \subset M)$ is Homogeneous Single Chain (HSC) if its lattice ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
2 votes
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An upper bound for the maximal subgroups at fixed index?

Let us call a subgroup an injective homomorphism between groups. I warn the reader that a subgroup designates here an inclusion $(H \subset G)$, not $H$ alone. A subgroup $H \subset G$ is ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is there a purely group-theoretic reformulation of an equivalence of subgroups?

There is an equivalence relation between inclusion of finite groups coming from the world of subfactors: Definition: $(H_{1} \subset G_{1}) \sim(H_{2} \subset G_{2})$ if $(R^{G_{1}} \subset R^{H_{1}}...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Do subgroups have "two sided bases"?

Let $H\leq G$ be an inclusion of finite groups. Define a map $E\colon \mathbb{C}[G]\to \mathbb{C}[H]$ to be the $\mathbb{C}$-linear extension of $$ E(g)=\begin{cases} g &\text{if } g\in H\\\ 0 &...
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