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Blocksum induces a unital H-space structure on the space of Fredholm operators

Fix a complex separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $H$. It is well known that the space of (bounded) Fredholm operators $Fred(H)$ with the norm topology is a classifying space for the ...
Eric Schlarmann's user avatar
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Tensor product of compact operators on Banach modules

Let $A$ and $B$ be Banach algebras. Consider a right Banach $A$-module, $E$, and a right Banach $B$-module, $F$, as well as a Banach algebra morphism $\pi\colon A\to\mathcal L_B(F)$ into the bounded $...
Benedikt Hunger's user avatar
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Equivariant $K$-homology with $G$-compact support

Let $G$ be a discrete countable group and let $A$ be $\sigma$-unital $G$-$C^*$-Algebra. For a proper locally compact Hausdorff $G$-space $X$ the equivariant $K$-homology with $G$ compact support and ...
Jack123's user avatar
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Stable homotopy equivalence

Let $\alpha:A \rightarrow B$ be a *-homomorphism of $C^*$-algebras. Then $\alpha$ ist a stable homotopy equivalence if there exists a $*$-homomorphism $\beta: B \otimes \mathcal{K} \rightarrow A \...
Blubb91's user avatar
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Closable operators on Hilbert modules

For $T:{\frak{Dom}}(T) \to H$ a densely defined operator, with $H$ a (separable) Hilbert space, we know that $T$ is closable if its adjoint $T^*$ has dense domain in $H$. Does this extend to the (...
Max Schattman's user avatar