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Two isomorphic reduced group $C^*$-algebras

Suppose that $C^*_r(G)\cong C^*_r(H)$, can we conclude that $G\cong H$?
mathbeginner's user avatar
4 votes
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Characterization of simple C*-algebras via GNS representations

Let $\mathfrak{A}$ be a [separable] unital C*-algebra and let $Q$ be a dense subset of the state space of $\mathfrak{A}$. Suppose that for each $f\in Q$ the associated GNS representation is faithful. ...
Kumal R.'s user avatar
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Continuous fields of Hilbert spaces arising from representations of abelian C*-algebras

This is a followup to a previous question [1] on MO. Let $X$ be a second-countable, locally compact, Hausdorff space, and let $\mathscr H =\{H_x\}_{x\in X}$, be a measurable field of Hilbert spaces ...
Black's user avatar
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Reduced twisted $C^*$-algebra and twisted crossed product

Let $G$ be a discrete group. Is it possible to represent $C^*_r(G, \sigma)$, the reduced twisted group $C^*$-algebra as a twisted crossed product?
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar
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Approximating a projection by a sum of elementary tensors with a certain property

Let $A$ and $B$ be two C$^{*}$-algebras and suppose we have a non-zero projection $p\in A\otimes B$. (We can assume $A$ is nuclear, so that there is only one possible tensor product.) Does there ...
ervx's user avatar
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center of a $C^*$-algebra

Does there exist a $C^*$-algebra $A$ such that the center of $A$ is $0$ and $A$ also has a tracial state? I know the fact that the center of $\mathcal{K}(H)$ is $0$, but $\mathcal{K}(H)$ has no ...
math112358's user avatar
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Functional calculus for "pre-linear" regular operators on a Hilbert module

Let $E$ be a Hilbert module over a $C^*$-algebra $A$. Let $T\colon E\to E$ be a densely defined, unbounded $A$-linear operator. (In particular, the initial domain of $T$ is an $A$-submodule of $E$.) ...
geometricK's user avatar
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Definition intertwiner of representations of compact quantum groups

Before asking my question, let me introduce the relevant terminology. Throughout, let $(A, \Delta)$ be a compact quantum group. Definition: A representation $v$ on the Hilbert space $H$ is an element $...
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Finite-dimensional Hilbert $C^*$-modules

Does there exist a classification, or characterization, of finite-dimensional Hilbert $C^*$-modules? More generally, does there exist a characterization of countable direct sums of finite-dimensional ...
Max Schattman's user avatar
7 votes
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$C^*$ algebras whose nontrivial projections form a non empty compact connected set

Apart from $M_2(\mathbb{C})$. what is an example of a $C^*$ algebra $A$ whose set of non trivial projections form a non empty compact connected set? Is there an example of this situation such that ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Cuntz semigroups of basic C*-algebras

I am doing some research related to Cuntz semigroups, and I am trying to find concrete examples in simple cases. In one paper that I found, it says the following (p.103): "[...] $A_i$ is ...
Sambo's user avatar
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When do completely positive maps have a closed image?

Let $\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{B}$ be C*-algebras. A map $\phi \colon \mathcal{A} \rightarrow \mathcal{B}$ is completely positive (cp) if it's linear, * preserving and all of its' coordinatewise ...
Diego Martinez's user avatar
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What are the generator for $K_1(C(\mathbb{T})\otimes\mathbb{K})$?

I've been working computing several K-groups associated to some $C^*$-algebras involved with my master's thesis, however I've just got stucked finding some generators for $K_1(C(\mathbb{T})\otimes\...
Esteban G.'s user avatar
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Uniform Roe algebra of virtually abelian group is type I C*-algebra?

Let $G$ be an arbitrary (discrete) group. It acts by left translation on $\ell^\infty(G)$. The uniform Roe algebra of $G$ is defined as the crossed product $\ell^\infty (G) \rtimes_{\mathrm{red}}G$. ...
worldreporter's user avatar
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Groups for which all projections of $C^*_{\text{red}}G$ belong to $\mathbb{C}G$

Revision: According to comment of Wojowu we give a complete revise for this post. A group $G$ is a pr-group if all projections of $C^*_{\text{red}} G$ are contained in its dense subalgebra $\mathbb{...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Pushout of $C^*$-algebras using generalised morphisms

There is a known construction of pushout of $C^*$-algebras, or rather, the amalgamated free product, which is universal for commutative squares of $*$-homomorphisms. Jensen and Thomsen in their book ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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"Somewhat connected" spaces or algebras

Before we state our question, we give a motivational simple example: Put $X$ for disjoint union of two circles. However $X$ is not a connected space but it has an open dense subset $U$ such that $U$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Need reference for $\phi(Z)=Z'$ if and only if $\Phi: \operatorname{Prim}(Z')\to \operatorname{Prim}(Z)$ is injective

Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^{\ast}$-algebras with centers $Z$ and $Z'$ respectively. Let $\phi:A \to B$ be surjective $C^{\ast}$-morphism. Then $\phi(Z)=Z'$ if and only if the map $\Phi: \operatorname{Prim}...
Math Lover's user avatar
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Extension of a von Neumann algebra by a von Neumann algebra

I asked this question at MSE now I repeat it at MO: Let $A,B,C$ be $3$ unital $C^*$ algebras. Assume that we have the following short exact sequence of $C^*$-algebras: $$0\to A\to C\to B\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
7 votes
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Generator of $K_0(C_0(\mathbb{C}))$

$\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb{C}}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$ I know from Bott-periodicity that $K_0(C_0(\mathbb{C}))\simeq \Z$, is there any easy way to compute an explicit generator of $K_0(C_0(\mathbb{C}...
Julio Cáceres's user avatar
7 votes
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Projections in the tensor product of von Neumann algebras

This question seems elementary, but I have already asked an expert who does not know the answer, so I would like to post here. Let $M$ and $N$ be von Neumann algebras, and let $M\bar{\otimes}N$ be ...
Masayoshi Kaneda's user avatar
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Ideals of maximal tensor product of $C^{\ast}$-algebras

Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^{\ast}$-algebras. It is well known that maximal tensor product of simple $C^{\ast}$-algebras need not be simple. So basically the ideal structure of $A\otimes_{max}B$ does not ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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Special case of Elliott's Theorem

Let $A$ and $B$ be unital $AF$-algebra. By Elliott's theorem we know that if there an order isomorphism $\psi: K_0(A) \rightarrow K_0(B)$ with $\psi([1_{A}]) = [1_{B}]$, then there exists an ...
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar
16 votes
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Von Neumann algebra associated to the infinite Cuntz algebra

The Cuntz algebra $\mathcal{O}_{\infty}$ is the universal $C^*$-algebra generated by countably infinitely many isometries $s_i$ satisfying the relations $s_i^*s_j = \delta_{ij}$ (there is no condition ...
Ulrich Pennig's user avatar
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Alternative proof of existence of absolute value of a functional on a C*-algebra

The usual proof of the existence of an absolute value of a functional on a C*-algebra $A$ uses the polar decomposition of normal functionals on $A^{**}$, which relies on the compactness of the unit ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Residually finite-dimensional $C^*$-algebra

Suppose $A$ is a non-unital residually finite-dimensional (RFD) $C^*$-algebra, then the multiplier algebra $M(A)$ is also RFD. I wonder whether there exists a trace on the corona algebra $M(A)/A$?
math112358's user avatar
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Universal representations of quotient C*-algebras

Suppose that $\mathfrak{J}$ is a closed ideal of a C*-algebra $\mathfrak{A}$. Let $(\pi_u, H_u)$ be the universal representation of $\mathfrak{A}$. Is there a way to use these data to describe the ...
Kumal R.'s user avatar
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Inflating the double dual of a C*-algebra (matrix algebra of double dual)

in this post I would like to discuss the fact that If $A$ is a $C^*$-algebra, then $M_n(A^{**})\cong M_n(A)^{**}$, as mentioned in Brown and Ozawa. I can't really see it. Actually, it is enough for me ...
Just dropped in's user avatar
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Weak center is same as center for $C^{\ast}$-Algebra? [closed]

Let $A$ be a $C^{\ast}$-algebra. We say $A$ is weakly commutative if $ab^*c=cb^*a$ for all $a,b,c \in A$ and define weak center of $A$ as $$Z_w(A)= \{ v \in A : av^*c=cv^*a \;\forall a,c \in A \}.$$ ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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Separating pure states on the $2\times 2$ matrix algebra

I have an idea for a possible counterexample to the noncommutative Stone-Weierstrass problem. A good answer to the following question would really help. Let $\mathcal{A}$ be the C*-algebra of $2\...
Nik Weaver's user avatar
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Are quasitrace extensions unique?

I'm trying to understand the basics of quasitraces on $C^*$-algebras. Using the terminology of Haagerup, given $n \geq 2$, an $n$-quasitrace $\tau$ on a $C^*$-algebra $A$ is a 1-quasitrace on $A$ ...
Sambo's user avatar
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Sufficient conditions for a map $\phi: M(A) \to M(B)$ to have strictly closed image

Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^*$-algebras with multiplier algebras $M(A)$ and $M(B)$. Are there any nice conditions that ensure that a strict (= norm-continuous + strictly continuous on bounded subsets of $M(...
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Variations on Kaplansky Density

Let $A$ be a $C^*$-algebra and $\pi:A\rightarrow B(H)$ a faithful $*$-representation, so $M=\pi(A)''$ is a von Neumann algebra and $A\rightarrow M$ is an inclusion. von Neumann's Bicommutant Theorem ...
Matthew Daws's user avatar
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Results which are known about ideals of spatial tensor product

I am studying about ideals of spatial (minimal) tensor product of $C^{\ast}$-algebras but I did not find any book/paper in which all the results are given. What are some results or folklore which ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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multiplier algebra of a simple $C^*$ algebra

If $A=K(H)$, where $H$ is an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space, then $A$ is simple and nuclear, and the multiplier algebra $M(A)$ of $A$ is not nuclear. My question is: can we find a non-...
math112358's user avatar
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$*$-algebras, completions, and $K$-theory

What is an example of a $*$-algebra $\cal{A}$, which admits two non-equivalent norms $\| \cdot \|_1$ and $\| \cdot \|_2$, with respect to which we can complete $\cal{A}$ to give two $C^*$-algebras $...
Max Schattman's user avatar
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A sequence of points in the spectrum of a subhomogeneous C$^{*}$-algebra can converge to at most finitely many points

Let $A$ be a subhomogeneous C$^{*}$-algebra (i.e., there is a finite upper bound on the size of the irreducible representations of $A$). Let $\hat{A}$ denote its spectrum. I heard of a result that ...
ervx's user avatar
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Hopf C-star algebra/comodules using a Fubini tensor product rather than the minimal tensor product?

Throughout, $\otimes$ denotes the minimal tensor product of $\newcommand{\Cst}{{\rm C}^{\ast}}\Cst$-algebras. and $\odot$ denotes the tensor product of (underlying) vector spaces. Given two $\Cst$-...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Showing a product on a character space is continuous

Quoting from Timmermann's An invitation to quantum groups and duality: Prop. 5.1.3 Let $A$ be a commutative algebra of functions on a compact quantum group. Then there exists a compact group $G$ and ...
JP McCarthy's user avatar
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Need reference for ideals and representations of $C_0(X,A)$

Let $A$ be $C^{\ast}$- Algebra and $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space and $C_{0}(X,A)$ be the set of all continuous functions from $X$ to $A$ vanishing at infinity. Define $f^{\ast}(t)={f(t)}^{\...
Math Lover's user avatar
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For what kind of $C^*$ algebra $A$ every normal element $y\in A$ has a normal lift for every given surjective $C^*$ morphism $\phi:B\to A$

Is there a terminology for the following property of $C^*$ algebra $A$: For every $C^*$ algebra $B$ and surjective $C^*$ morphism $\phi: B\to A$, every normal element $y\in A$ admits a normal ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
8 votes
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Comparing the definitions of $K$-theory and $K$-homology for $C^*$-algebras

In Higson and Roe's Analytic K-homology, for a unital $C*$-algebra $A$, the definitions of K-theory and K-homology have quite a similar flavor. Roughly, the group $K_0(A)$ is given by the ...
Dave Shulman's user avatar
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G-abelian systems

Let $(\mathfrak{A},\alpha,\phi)$ be a $C^*$-dynamical system made of a unital $C^*$-algebra, a $*$-automorphism and an extremal invariant (i.e. ergodic) state. Consider the covariant GNS ...
francesco fidaleo's user avatar
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Is A an amenable $C^{*}$-algebra?

Let $A$ be $C^{*}$-algebra. Suppose that, for any $\epsilon > 0$ and finite subset $F \subset A$, there are an amenable $C^{*}$-subalgebra $B \subset A$, contractive completely positive linear maps ...
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar
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maximal tensor product of simple $C^*$algebras is non-simple

Let $A$ and $B$ simple $C^*$-algebras. One can prove that the minimal tensor product $A\otimes _{min}B$ is simple. This is wrong for the maximal tensor product $A\otimes_{max}B$ . 1.Do you know an ...
Sabrina Gemsa's user avatar
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Behaviour of direct limit with matrices

I am trying to understand direct limits in the category of $C^*$-algebras by self reading. My last question was also related to direct limits. Here is another of my doubts: Let $(A_n,f_n)$ be a ...
Math Lover's user avatar
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15 votes
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Is a C*-algebra with an isomorphic predual a von Neumann algebra?

It is well-known that a C*-algebra $A$ is a von Neumann algebra if and only if it has an isometric predual, that is, if and only if there exists a Banach space $X$ such that $A$ is isometrically ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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Reduced compact quantum group and left and right multiplication

Let $(A,\Delta)$ be a compact quantum group in the sense of Woronowicz, and let $A_0$ be its dense Hopf subalgebra. We can construct from the Haar state $h:A \to \mathbb{C}$ an inner product $$ \...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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Real rank 0 implies stable rank 1 on $C^\ast$-algebras?

A $C^\ast$ algebra has defined stable rank ( and real rank (, which are ...
Miguel Moreira's user avatar
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Representation of $C^{*} (S_{\infty})$

I was wondering what is the group $C^{*}$-algebra of infinite symmetric group? Mainly, I was trying to calculate the k-theory of $C^{*}$-algebra of infinite symmetric group and I found K-Theory of $C^{...
Peg Leg Jonathan's user avatar

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