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On certain representations of algebraic numbers in terms of trigonometric functions

Let's say that a real number has a simple trigonometric representation, if it can be represented as a product of zero or more rational powers of positive integers and zero or more (positive or ...
Vladimir Reshetnikov's user avatar
18 votes
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Is the set of integers of the form $a/(b+c)+b/(a+c)+c/(a+b)$ computable?

The starting point of this question is the observation that the smallest positive integers $a,b,c$ satisfying $$\frac{a}{b+c} + \frac{b}{a+c} + \frac{c}{a+b} = 4$$ are absurdly high, namely $$(...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
17 votes
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Decidability of $x^3+y^3+z^3 = c$

I wondering if it is known whether the following problem is algorithmically decidable or undecidable by Turing machines: given an integer c, determine if there are integers $(x,y,z)$ such that $x^3+y^...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Groups generated by 3 involutions

Let $r(m)$ denote the residue class $r+m\mathbb{Z}$, where $0 \leq r < m$. Given disjoint residue classes $r_1(m_1)$ and $r_2(m_2)$, let the class transposition $\tau_{r_1(m_1),r_2(m_2)}$ be the ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
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Is Videla's solution of Hilbert's tenth problem for rational functions over field of characteristic 2 wrong?

The paper in question. Quick introduction to the problem: suppose that $F$ is a finite field of characteristic 2 (for purposes of this post $F = \mathbb{F}_2$ will suffice) and let $F[t]$ and $F(t)$ ...
Kaban-5's user avatar
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Computability assertions for Riemann zeta zeros

While looking for information about the Riemann zeta function, I kept running into the claim that there is an algorithm to decide whether or not a zero of the function is off the half-line. Is this ...
Pace Nielsen's user avatar
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Is decidability reducible to unique decidability (perhaps in multilinear polynomial situations)?

Given a Diophantine equation it is not decidable if it has integer solution. I. Is there a Diophantine set $\mathcal D_{unique}$ satisfying the properties every member in $\mathcal D_{unique}$ is a ...
Turbo's user avatar
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7 votes
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Deciding when certain elements of $L[[x]]$, coming from recursions, are algebraic over $L(x)$

Let $L$ be a finite field of characteristic $2$. Suppose that for some $k > 0$ we are given elements $A(0),\, A(1), \dots, \, A(k-1)$ and $c(0),\, c(1), \dots,\, c(k-1)$ of $L[t]$. Define $A(n)$ ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there an effective way to compute the square root of an algebraic number?

For an algebraic number $\alpha$, let $f_\alpha$ denote its minimal polynomial. We can symbolically represent an algebraic number $\alpha$ by the tuple $$ (f_\alpha, x, y, r) \in \mathbb{Q}[x] \times ...
user918212's user avatar
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minimum size of undecidable quadratic diophantine problems

According to Matiyasevich, the existence of integer solutions of systems of polynomial equations with integer coefficients is undecidable. By introducing additional variables substituting factors of ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
4 votes
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Coefficients in Hilbert's tenth problem over number rings: do they matter?

Here are two ways to define Hilbert's tenth problem over a ring $R$: Given a polynomial $p \in \mathbb Z[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$, can one decide whether it has a solution in $R^n$? Given a polynomial $p \in ...
Fedya's user avatar
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3 votes
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Decidable equality for computable functions $\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$

Suppose we have two computable functions $f, g:\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$. When is $f=g$ algorithmically decidable? For example it is decidable if $f$ and $g$ are polynomials of a priori known degree.
Laika's user avatar
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Variation in decidability of diophantine equations with field extension

Let $O_k$ be the ring of integers in a subfield $k$ of $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$. Let's call an equation $p(x_1, \dots, x_n) = 0$ where $p$ is a polynomial in $n$-variables $x_1, \dots, x_n$ with ...
Fanta's user avatar
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Complexity of representations of sets using elementary functions

Fermat conjectured that $2^{2^n}+1$ is prime for every $n \in \mathbb{N}.$ Before even knowing about Euler's counterexample (that $2^{32}+1 = 641 \cdot 6700417$), you could possibly say that Fermat ...
Display name's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the relation between the length of period of simple continued fraction expansion of quadratic algebraic numbers $\sqrt{A}$ and the integer $A$

What is the relation between the length of period of simple continued fraction expansion of quadratic algebraic numbers and the integer As we know,$\sqrt{2} = [1;2,2,2,2,…]$; while $\sqrt{14}= [3;1,2,...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
2 votes
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Integers $n$ such that $n^d + (n+1)^d$ is never prime

Let us call an integer $n>0$ pure if for all integers $d>0$ we have that $n^d + (n+1)^d$ is not prime. Is the set of pure integers non-empty? Is it computable?
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
1 vote
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How to solve special Diophantine equation systems (which one can solve by hand) with the computer?

I have a quadratic Diophantine equation system which is possibly not homogeneous and has some mixed and some linear terms. But I know that there are only finitely many solutions over the integers. One ...
Bernhard Boehmler's user avatar
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whether the quotient of continued fraction of algebraic irrational number is bounded or not is similar or equivalent to Collatz conjecture?

I vaguely recall that whether the quotient of continued fraction of algebraic irrational number is bounded or not is similar or equivalent to Collatz conjecture, could any one give the reference? or ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Integer quadratic representation subject to discriminant minimization algorithm

Let $f(x)=ax^2+bx+c$ and $f(x)=n$. Is there an algorithm to choose $a,b,c$ such that the discriminant is minimized? Where $a,b,c,n,x$ are all integers. More concretely, is there an algorithm to find $...
ReverseFlowControl's user avatar