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An identity for Weierstrass elliptic functions evaluation

Let $\wp(z), \zeta(z)$ and $\sigma(z)$ be the Weierstrass $\wp$, zeta and sigma functions associated to the ODE: $$\wp'(z)^2 = 4(\wp(z)-e_1)(\wp(z)-e_2)(\wp(z)-e_3)$$ and we assume $e_1=\frac{2-c}3>...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
75 votes
4 answers

What are reasons to believe that e is not a period?

In their 2001 paper defining periods, Kontsevich and Zagier (pdf) without further comment state that $e$ is conjecturally not a period while many other numbers showing up naturally (conjecturally) are....
Vincent's user avatar
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Why do Chern forms show up in Arakelov geometry?

Let $X$ be a regular, projective flat scheme over $\Bbb{Z}$, let $\bar{L}$ be a hermitian line bundle on $X$. In order to define the height of an integral closed subset $Y$ we define it on closed ...
Nuno Hultberg's user avatar
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Cubic monic polynomial over z_p

Let $$ f_{a}(x)=x^3+(u-2-a)x^2+ax+1, $$ where $u\in\mathbb{Z}_p^*$ is fixed. Let $S$ be the set consisting of all $a\in\mathbb{Z}_p$ such that $f_{a}(x)$ factor linearly. Then what is the cardinality ...
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Relations between Whittaker functions/W algebras and Stokes data/resurgence

Skippable background: A Whittaker function is more or less a function on a flag manifold which is twisted-invariant for the action of a unipotent subgroup. E.g. consider functions $f$ on $\mathbf{P}^1$...
Pulcinella's user avatar
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What is a definition of $A(P_v)$ in the definition of Brauer-Manin obstruction?

This is a question related to the definition of Brauer-Manin obstruction. Let $K$ be a number field. $X/K$ be an algebraic variety over $K$. Let $O_{X,P}$ be a local ring of $X$ at $P$. Let $Br(X)=\...
Duality's user avatar
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Trigonometric Diophantine equation

Is there a general method to solve the equation $P(x_1,x_2,...,x_n)=0$ with $P$ is a polynomial in $n$ variables with integer coefficients and $x_k=\cos(q_k\pi)$ with $q_k$ is a rational number? This ...
Veronica Phan's user avatar
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Crystalline exact sequence in Galois cohomology

Let $G$ be the absolute Galois group of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, and let $1\longrightarrow A\longrightarrow B\longrightarrow C\longrightarrow 1$ be a short exact sequence of (non-abelian) algebraic group ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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33 votes
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Is there any theory why (for Bitcoin) the discrete logarithm problem is so hard to solve?

Note I am an active member and contributor at the sister site while studying Bitcoin and as a person who studied mathematics 10 years ago there is one thing I kept ...
Rene Pickhardt's user avatar
8 votes
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Some questions from the paper by Scholze-Weinstein

The following is from the paper by Scholze-Weinstein on moduli of $p$ divisible groups. My question is from a part of Lemma 4.1.7: If $R$ is a semiperfect ring, then the canonical map $W(R^{\flat}) \...
Ashutosh RC's user avatar
6 votes
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On the Erratum to P. Scholze's "$p$-adic Hodge theory for rigid-analytic varieties"

I am trying to understand section (3) of the Erratum to P. Scholze's "$p$-adic Hodge theory for rigid-analytic varieties" in detail. In particular, there is the following sentence on page ...
user141099's user avatar
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Rational points on a cubic surface with small coefficients

Do there exists integers $(x,y,z,t)\neq (0,0,0,0)$ such that $$ 2x^3+2y^3+z^3+t^3+2x^2y-2z^2x-y^2z-z^2t = 0 ? $$ A short motivation: there are many known counterexamples to the Hasse principle for ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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About simple motives

I'm reading through Jannsen's paper Motives, numerical equivalence, and semi-simplicity and I'd like to pose two questions. Suppose all motives are $F$-linear, for some characteristic zero field $F$, ...
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Order $4$ element of Tate-Shafarevich group

Let $E/\Bbb{Q}$ be an elliptic curve defined over $\Bbb{Q}$. Tate-Shafarevich group $\mathit{Sha}(E/\Bbb{Q})$ is defined as follows. $$\mathit{Sha}(E/\Bbb{Q})\stackrel{\text{def}}{=} \operatorname{Ker}...
Duality's user avatar
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The closed unit adic disk

I am reading the Scholze-Weinstein Berkeley lecture notes on "Perfectoid Spaces", and in particular I am stuck trying to understand the closed adic unit disk, which is the second example of ...
kindasorta's user avatar
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What is the sum operation on torsors induced by Weil uniformization?

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, $G$ a reductive group, and $C$ a curve. The algebraic version of the Weil uniformization theorem (see e.g. arXiv:1511.06271v2) says that groupoid of $G$-...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
5 votes
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Where can I find that Weil suggested a cohomology theory for characteristic $p>0$?

I have seen that in Grothendieck's paper "THE COHOMOLOGY THEORY OF ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES", he says "The need of a theory of cohomology for 'abstract' algebraic varieties was first ...
Martin Tang's user avatar
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Integral refinements of rigid cohomology

Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about p-adic cohomology, so it is possible that even the premises of this question are incorrect. But it turns out that I need to apply the theory of rigid ...
dhy's user avatar
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Analog of a theorem on equidistribution in adeles

Is there a reference anywhere for the analog of Theorem 6 in chapter XV of Langs Algebraic Number Theory for global function fields? In my research I have been using this theorem to prove density ...
Boaz Moerman's user avatar
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Rational points on curves x^p + y^p = 1 in the open unit square, for p > 0

For each real p > 0, let Cp = {(x,y) ∊ (0, 1)2 | xp + yp = 1}. It is easy to see that each Cp is topologically an open interval that is the interior of a smoothly embedded closed interval with ...
Daniel Asimov's user avatar
12 votes
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how do we prove that a sum of two periods is still a period?

Kontsevich and Zagier define periods as the values of absolutely convergent integrals $\int_\sigma f$ where $f$ is a rational function with rational coefficients and $\sigma$ is a semi-algebraic ...
periods's user avatar
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28 votes
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SOS polynomials with integer coefficients

A well known theorem of Polya and Szego says that every non-negative univariate polynomial $p(x)$ can be expressed as the sum of exactly two squares: $p(x) = (f(x))^2 + (g(x))^2$ for some $f, g$. ...
Gautam's user avatar
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Cryptography signature scheme based on hardness of finding points on varieties?

Related to this question Complexity of finding solutions of trapdoored polynomial. I am trying to build signature scheme based on hardness of finding points on varieties. Let $K$ be field and $M=K[x_1,...
joro's user avatar
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Completely reducible subgroups over local field in terms of closed orbits

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $ \overline{\mathbb{Q}}_{p} $ be an algebraic closure of $ p $-adic numbers $ \mathbb{Q}_{p} $. A closed subgroup $ H $ of a general linear group $ \GL_{n}(\overline{\...
stupid boy's user avatar
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The reduction map on the $\ell$-primary torsion of abelian variety

Let $A/\mathbb{Q}$ be an abelian variety with good reduction at a prime $p$. Assume $\mathcal{A}/\mathbb{Z}_{(p)}$ is an integral model at $p$(hence proper smooth). For any number field $K$ and any ...
Yuan Yang's user avatar
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Hardness of solving $0=\sum_{i=1}^k \operatorname{linear}_i(x_1,\ldots,x_n)^D$ over the rationals

This is related to cryptography and this question and another question. In short, we are asking about decomposing multivariate polynomial as sum of perfect powers of linear polynomials. Working over $\...
joro's user avatar
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$y^3 = x^4 + x + 2$, and existence of rational points on rank 0 Picard curves

Do there exists rational numbers $x$ and $y$ such that $$ y^3 = x^4 + x + 2 ? $$ Context: There are a lot of publications about computing rational points on elliptic and hyperelliptic curves, and ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
23 votes
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Theta functions on an elliptic curve and Serre duality

Given an elliptic curve $E$ (over $\mathbb{C}$) and line bundle $L$, one can identify $H^0(E,L)$ with a particular space of theta functions. Serre duality gives a perfect pairing between $H^0(E,L)$ ...
A Nonny Mouse's user avatar
42 votes
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The Origin(s) of Modular and Moduli

In mathematics and in physics, people use the terms "modular..." and "moduli space" very often. I was puzzled by the etymology, the origins and the similarity/equivalence/differences for these usages/...
wonderich's user avatar
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Complexity of finding solutions of trapdoored polynomial?

Related to this question Cryptography signature scheme based on hardness of finding points on varieties. Working over $K=\mathbb{Q}[x_1,...,x_n,y_1,...y_m]$. By abuse of notation, for polynomial $f$, ...
joro's user avatar
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Rational solutions to $P(x,y)=0$ for $P$ reducible over ${\mathbb C}$

There are facts in Mathematics that are so "obvious" and "well-known" that no-one includes a proper proof. An example is: Theorem: If polynomial $P(x,y)$ with rational coefficients ...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
7 votes
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K3 surfaces with no −2 curves

I seem to remember that a K3 surface with big Picard rank always has smooth rational curves. This question is equivalent to the following question about integral quadratic lattices. Let us call a ...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
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Is there a definition of lcm of ideal sheaves?

Let $X$ be a scheme, let $\text{Div} (X)$ be its Weil divisors. For two Weil divisors $D,E$ we can easily define their gcd and lcm: $$\gcd(D,E)=\sum\min\{\text{ord}_F D,\text{ord}_F E\}F,\\ \text{lcm}(...
finiteness's user avatar
55 votes
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What is precisely still missing in Connes' approach to RH?

I have read Connes' survey article and I am somewhat familiar with his classic paper on the trace formula: Very ...
santker heboln's user avatar
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Points at which a polynomial becomes reducible

Let $n \geq 10$ and set $\mathbf{y} = (y_1,\ldots,y_n)$. Let $Q_1(\mathbf{y}),\ldots,Q_5(\mathbf{y})$ be non-zero quadratic forms with integer coefficients such that the cubic form $x_1Q_1(\mathbf{y})+...
admissiblecycle's user avatar
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Is the set of common-zeros of the systems of polynomials Zariski dense?

Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Let $f: K^m \to K^m$ be a map defined by $f(x_1,x_2,\cdots,x_m)=(f_1,f_2, \cdots,f_m)$ where $f_i \in K[x_1,x_2, \cdots, x_m]$. Let $Z$ ...
MAS's user avatar
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Chebotarev density theorem and pure weight local systems

How do we deduce the following statement from the Chebotarev density theorem? The statement is from Ngo's Fundamental Lemma paper. Let $U$ be a scheme of finite type over $\mathbb{F}_q$. Let $\...
userabc's user avatar
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Connections between Borger's absolute geometry and Connes' and Consani's $\Gamma$-spaces

As the idea of an absolute geometry over the field with one element $\mathbb{F}_1$ becomes more clear, two approaches seem to have crystallized, being based on different assumptions and going into ...
Alexander Praehauser's user avatar
-1 votes
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Finite or polynomial number integral points clarification on Coppersmith's theorems (possibility of ellipse counter example?)

Coppersmith states if $f(x,y)$ is an irreducible bivariate with total degree $\delta$ then if he can list all roots $(X,Y)$ of the polynomial in $\mathsf{poly}(\log D,\delta)$ time if the roots ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Why does the Manin-Mumford conjecture over number fields imply the conjecture over arbitrary fields of characteristic 0?

The Manin-Mumford conjecture states that for an abelian variety A over a field F of characteristic 0 the torsion points are dense in an integral closed subvariety Z if and only if it is an abelian ...
Nuno Hultberg's user avatar
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Difficulty understanding a step in the proof of multiset version of Cauchy-Davenport Theorem

In a paper "G. Kós, L. Rónyai, Alon’s Nullstellensatz for multisets, Combinatorica, 32(5) (2012) 589-605", the authors prove a multiset version of the Cauchy-Davenport Theorem (please see ...
Rajkumar's user avatar
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The coarse moduli schemes of the "Shimura stacks" are the canonical models of the corresponding Shimura varieties

Let $F$ be a number field, $B$ a central simple algebra over $F$, $*$ a positive involution on $B$ which fixes $F$, and $O_B$ a maximal $O_F$-order of $B$ which is stable under $*$. Assume that $(B, *)...
k.j.'s user avatar
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14 votes
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Does every non-isotrivial 1-parameter family of elliptic curves have a positive rank specialization?

Let $\mathcal{E}/\mathbb{Q}(t)$ be given by $$y^2=x^3+A(T)x+B(T)$$ for some $A(T),B(T)\in\mathbb{Q}[T]$ and assume $\mathcal{E}$ is non-isotrivial (the $j$-invariant $\frac{6912 A(T)^3}{4A(T)^3 + 27B(...
Jonathan Love's user avatar
75 votes
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When the automorphism group of an object determines the object

Let me start with three examples to illustrate my question (probably vague; I apologize in advance). $\mathbf{Man}$, the category of closed (compact without boundary) topological manifold. For any $M,...
7 votes
1 answer

Why are Shimura varieties the "right" objects?

So this is probably blasphemist to ask and I've resisted asking this for a while. Essentially my question is why are locally symmetric spaces/Shimura varieties the "right" object to study ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Mordell conjecture over function fields

So I've read (for instance in the introduction to R.S de Jong's thesis ) that the naive adaptation of the proof of the Mordell conjecture over function fields fails, even using Arakelov intersection ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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ℤ/18ℤ elliptic curves over cubic fields

I am working on $\mathbb{Z}/18\mathbb{Z}$ elliptic curves over cubic fields. The curves are created using the formulas on p. 584 of D. Jeon, C. H. Kim, Y. Lee, Families of elliptic curves over cubic ...
Maksym Voznyy's user avatar
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What goes wrong with this proof of Dirichlet's Theorem?

I am curious what goes wrong with this invariant theoretic argument of Dirichlet's Theorem of primes in arithmetic progression. I know that something goes wrong, but I am really curious about what ...
Schemer1's user avatar
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What's the number of solutions of the quadratic equation $x_1^2+\dots+x_m^2=0$ over finite ring $\mathbb{Z}/p^n$?

I want to calculate the number of solutions to the quadratic equation $$x_1^2+\dots+x_m^2=0$$ where $m$ is odd (a given number) and $x_i\in\mathbb{Z}/p^n$ for a given prime number $p$ and a given ...
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Does a $p$-adic power series $F(x,y)=\sum_{i,j \geq 0}b_{ij}x^iy^j \in \mathbb Z_p[[x,y]]$ have finitely many zeros in $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathbb C_p}$?

Let us consider the $p$-adic field $\mathbb Q_p$ with ring of integers $\mathbb Z_p$ and maximal ideal $\mathfrak{m}$. Then any $p$-adic power series $f(x)=\sum_{n>0}a_nx^n \in \mathbb Z_p[[x]]$ ...
MAS's user avatar
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