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17 votes
2 answers

Why is one interested in the mod p reduction of modular curves and Shimura varieties?

Why is one interested in the mod p reduction of modular curves and Shimura varieties? From an article I learned that this can be used to prove the Eichler-Shimura relation which in turn proves the ...
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1 answer

Special fiber of $X(p)$ in characteristic $p$

Let $p \geq 5$ be a prime. Let $Y(p)$ be the fine moduli space representing elliptic curves + basis of the $p$-torsion over $\mathbb{Q}_p$ and let $Y_0(p)$ be the fine moduli space representing ...
Emmanuel Lecouturier's user avatar
17 votes
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Katz--Mazur for abelian varieties

Over $\mathbb Z$, there is a smooth DM stack $A_g$ classifying abelian varieties. Over $\mathbb Z[\frac 1N]$, there is finite etale cover $A_g(N)_{\mathbb Z[\frac 1N]}\to A_g\otimes\mathbb Z[\frac 1N]...
John Pardon's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

what exactly is the moduli functor for classifying elliptic curves with (full) level N structure?

So, when people say, "the moduli problem of classifying elliptic curves over $\mathbb{C}$ with level $N$ structure", there are usually two associated functors I've seen: $P_N : \textbf{Ell}\...
Will Chen's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What's wrong with my understanding of the scheme $\text{Isom}(E_\lambda, E_{\lambda'})$?

Let $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$ be the moduli stack of elliptic curves (over the complex numbers). Define $$\begin{eqnarray*} X &:=& \Bbb{A}^1_{\lambda} - \{0,1\}\\ X' &=& \Bbb{A}^1_{\lambda'} ...
David Benjamin Lim's user avatar
11 votes
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What is the lowest-weight non-cyclotomic Galois representation in $\overline{\mathcal M}_{g,n}$?

I want to know about low-weight Galois representations in $H^i(\overline{\mathcal M}_{g,n}, \overline{\mathbb Q}_\ell)$ that aren't cyclotomic. This should be equivalent to finding $p,q$ such that $H^{...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

examples of "exotic" moduli problems for elliptic curves?

Let $\textbf{Ell}$ be the category of elliptic curves over various base schemes, and where a morphism between $E\rightarrow S$ and $E'\rightarrow S'$ is a cartesian diagram with those two maps as ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Intuitive reasons for the existence of modular parametrizations

Whenever I encounter anything about modular parametrizations, I have a feeling it is something very unnatural: you have some kind of moduli space and all of a sudden it parametrizes an object ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
9 votes
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Methods to compute the Kodaira dimension of moduli spaces

It is known that the moduli space $\bar{M_g}$ of genus $g$ stable curves over $\mathbb C$ is of general type for $g \geq 24$ with Kodaira dimension $3g-3=\dim \bar{M_g}$. The idea is that one can ...
loos's user avatar
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Motivic fundamental group of the moduli space of curves?

Suppose I have a smooth projective family of varieties of varieties over $\mathcal M_g$ - i.e. a universal functor, commuting with deformations, from curves to smooth projective varieties. Can I ...
Will Sawin's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

(nontrivial) isotrivial family of elliptic curves

I think it should be a standard procedure to construct such things, can anyone give a reference or give a hint? Can this be done over any base scheme?
natura's user avatar
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Geometry of moduli problem in practice: how to check it is connected / irreducible / normal / reduced / locally complete interesection...?

Moduli spaces are very common and useful in the world of algebraic geometry. From the point view of functors, one can already check many geoemtric properties of it. I like examples, and you can assume ...
loos's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

moduli interpretations for modular curves

Some big picture questions - What are some applications of the moduli interpretation for congruence curves? Specifically, the interpretations for congruence curves parametrizing elliptic curves with ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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6 votes
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Affine GIT quotients and the excursion algebra in Fargues–Scholze

Some background: Let us fix a non-archimedean local field $E$ with residue characteristic $p$, and let $G$ be some connected reductive group over $E$. In [FS, §VIII.1.1] the authors define a moduli ...
Alex Youcis's user avatar
5 votes
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Some help in digesting a paragraph in the introduction of Deligne/Rapoport's "Les Schemas de Modules de Courbes Elliptique" On page 149 (DeRa-7), in the middle of the page, I can translate the middle paragraph that starts "3. La surface de Riemann ..." as ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why is the supersingular locus the zero locus of a modular form?

This question is related to my other question here: Examples of subspaces singled out by modular forms. Here I am wondering if there is a philosophical explanation about why the supersingular locus ...
Bear's user avatar
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Is there a concrete way to show the existence of canonical model for non-modular Shimura curves?

I am trying to read Carayol's article on the construction of Galois representations associated to Hilbert modular forms ( The main geometric ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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Moduli interpretation of Hecke operators on Shimura curves

In his book on Automorphic Forms, Shimura gives (chapter 9) definitions of the the Hecke operators for Shimura curves. One can give definitions of the Hecke and Atkin-Lehner operators in terms of the ...
LMN's user avatar
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When does a Shimura variety have contractible universal cover?

Disclaimer: I know very little about Shimura varieties. Some Shimura varieties have a contractible universal covering space, for instance $A_g$ itself. Are there any nice necessary and/or sufficient ...
Dan Petersen's user avatar
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lemma II.2.4 in Harris-Taylor (about drinfeld-katz-mazur level structure on 1-dimensional $p$-divisible groups)

Lemma II.2.4 on page 82 in Harris and Taylor's "The Geometry and Cohomology of Some Simple Shimura Varieties" (or lemma 3.2 here), says that given a Drinfeld(-Katz-Mazur) level structure $\alpha:(p^{-...
aytio's user avatar
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level structures and moduli of abelian varieties

Hello, In the definition of level structure of level $n$ for an elliptic curve $A$, there are two versions: an isomorphism of group schemes $(\mathbf Z/n\mathbf Z)^2 \to A[n]$. an isomorhpism of ...
unknown's user avatar
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3 votes
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Moduli problem of stable nodal curves over the integers

Over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, e.g. $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$, the Deligne-Mumford stack $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}$ represents the functor $$\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{g,n}(...
Dmitry Vaintrob's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

On Universal Abelian surfaces over a Shimura curve.

Let ${\cal O}, {\cal O}'$ be two order in ${\mathrm M}_2({\Bbb R})$ that are sets of all $2 \times 2$ matrices over real number ${\Bbb R}$. Assume that we have the relation ${\cal O}' = a{\cal O}a^{-1}...
Pierre MATSUMI's user avatar
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Arithmetic version of "Attaching maps" for moduli of curves

I am looking for a reference for attaching maps of moduli of curves with marked points. Especially I would like to know whether they descend over $\mathbb{Z}$. On one hand this seems very hard to ...
Bear's user avatar
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Examples of subspaces singled out by modular forms

I am wondering what subspaces of modular varieties defined as the zero locus of modular forms have been studied in the literature. To be more clear let me explain the example I have in mind. Let $N\...
Bear's user avatar
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2 votes
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A conjecture on the scheme-theoretic image of a moduli map

Let $K/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite extension with residue field $k$, and let $K'/K$ be a finite tamely ramified Galois extension with residue field $k'$. Let $E/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a sufficiently large ...
Ricardo Nunez's user avatar
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Representability of moduli problem of elliptic curves with complex multiplication

I'd like to know whether the moduli problem for elliptic curves with complex multiplication by a fixed imaginary quadratic number field $K$ (and with suitable level structure to be picked) is ...
Fra's user avatar
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1 vote
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reference request for the finiteness of cuspidal subgroup of $X_0(N)$?

I've seen stated offhand in many sources that the cuspidal subgroup of the Jacobian of $X_0(N)$ is finite. Do they mean that the subgroup of the jacobian generated by $\mathbb{Q}$-rational cusps is ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Level structures in deformation spaces of $p$-divisible groups

I am reading (parts of) the paper "Moduli of $p$-divisible groups" by Scholze and Weinstein, and I am stuck at understanding the definition of level structures in Rapoport-Zink spaces (cf. Definition ...
Nib's user avatar
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