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Are there smooth and proper schemes over $\mathbb Z$ whose cohomology is not of Tate type

Is there an example of smooth and proper scheme $X \to \mathrm{Spec}(\mathbb Z)$, and an integer $i$ such that $H^i(X, \mathbb Q)$ is not a Hodge structure of Tate type? Alternatively: such that $H^...
user114562's user avatar
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independence of $\ell$ for $p$-adic cohomology of varieties over finite fields

Let $X/k$ be a smooth projective geometrically integral variety ($X = A$ an Abelian variety suffices) over $k = \mathbf{F}_q$ with absolute Galois group $\Gamma$, $\bar{X} = X \times_k \bar{k}$, $q = ...
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5 votes
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Comparison of sheaves of modular forms

Let $\pi:E\to X$ the universal generalized elliptic curve over the compactified modular curve, with zero section $e: X\to E$. Now consider the following two sheaves on $X$: $e^*\Omega^1_{E/X}$ and $\...
Bear's user avatar
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Complexes of arithmetic $\mathcal{D}$-modules with Frobenius structure

This is a question about the category $F\text{-}D^b_\mathrm{coh}(\mathscr{D}^\dagger_{\mathscr{X},\mathbb{Q}})$ of complexes of arithmetic $\mathscr{D}$-modules with Frobenius structure on a smooth ...
ChrisLazda's user avatar
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A question on the averages of Kloosterman sums

Sorry to disturb. Recently, I encountered a puzzle on the sums involving two Kloosterman sums. That is, For any $h, q_1,q_2\in \mathbb{N}$ with $(q_1,q_2)=1$ and $Q>1$, how two get a bound $$\sum_{...
hofnumber's user avatar
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Cohomologies of $[V/GL_n]$ in characteristic $p$ for a representation $V$ of $GL_n$

Let $V$ be a representation of $G=GL_n$ (or more generally any reductive group $G$) over an algebraically closed field $\mathbb k$ of characteristic $p$. Let $[V/G]$ be the corresponding quotient ...
user42024's user avatar
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Finding the number of rational points effectively

Consider $\# P$ and $\oplus P$. There is a $\# P$-hard problem: to find number of rational solutions of a system of polynomial equations over $\mathbb{F}_2$. The corresponding $\oplus P$-hard ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
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"Extended" Weil Cohomology Theories

According to Wikipedia, a Weil cohomology theory is a functor from the category of smooth projective varieties over a field $k$, to graded algebras over a field $K$ of characteristic zero, together ...
ChrisLazda's user avatar
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A question on the evaluations of certain three-dimensional hyper-Kloostermans

There is a basic question regrading the 3-dimensional hyper-Kloosterman sum which needs some help from the experts here: For any integers $q,h \in \mathbb{N}$, how to estimate the sum: $$\sideset{_{}^{...
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