Questions tagged [np]

In computational complexity, NP is the complexity class consisting of problems whose yes instances can be verified in polynomial time. NP stands for 'nondeterministic polynomial time '.

40 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Testing contrasts in statistics: Is this provably a hard problem, or not?

Scheffé's method for identifying statistically significant contrasts is widely known. A contrast among the means $\mu_i$, $i=1,\ldots,r$ of $r$ populations is a linear combination $\sum_{i=1}^r c_i \...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
6 votes
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Any approximation algorithms for self-avoiding walks?

I've a graph whose edges are weighted by probabilities, perhaps all equal. I would like to compute the overall probability of traveling between vertices x and y in the graph after I delete each edge ...
Jeff Burdges's user avatar
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Are there sampNP-intermediate problems?

This questions is approximately cross-posted from theoretical computer science stackexchange Ladner's theorem establishes that if $\mathsf{P} \ne \mathsf{NP}$ then $\mathsf{NPI} := \mathsf{NP} \...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Is the Weber problem a NP-hard problem?

The Weber problem is a special case of a facilities location problem : In a basic formulation, the facility location problem consists of a set of potential facility sites L where a facility can be ...
Julien's user avatar
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Is there a version of 3-SAT that is NP-complete but grows like $2^n$ instead of $2^{n \choose 3}$?

If I have $n$ variables and I want to write down all 3-SAT problems, the number of problems is $2^{8{n \choose 3}}$, since each clause has 3 variables and each variable can be negated or not. But ...
Logan 's user avatar
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Karp hardness of two cycles which lengths differ by one

Our problem is as follows: NEARLY-EQUAL-CYCLE-PAIR Input: An undirected graph $G(V,E)$ Output: YES if there exists $2$ (simple) cycles in $G$ which lengths differ by $1$, otherwise NO Is it $NP$-...
T. D. Nguyen's user avatar
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$\mathrm{NP}$-complete problems in graph theory: undirected vs. directed

Is it true that it is much easier to establish $\mathrm{NP}$-complete on undirected graphs than digraphs (directed graph)? Academic articles proving $\mathrm{NP}$-completeness of problems on ...
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Partitioning a cubic graph into two induced cycles of equal order

I am aware that deciding the existence of a partition of the vertices of a connected graph $G(V, E)$ into two induced cycles is $NP$-complete(Theorem 2). Induced cycle is a cycle without any chord (...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Intermediate $\mathsf{NP}$-complete problems?

Partition problem is weakly NP-complete since it has polynomial (pseudo-polynomial) time algorithm if input integers are bounded by some polynomial. However, 3-Partition problem is strongly NP-...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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0,1 solution to system of linear integer equations

I have the following problem: $A x = b$ where $A, b$ - $m \times n$-matrix and $m$-vector of nonnegative integers (respectively). $x \in \{0,1\}^n $ - vector of binary variables, which need to be ...
Wisdom's Wind's user avatar
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Proof for the NP-hardness of the Max-3-DCC Problem

The Max-3-DCC is the variant of vertex cycle cover problem where each of the vertex disjoint oriented cycles consists of at least 3 arcs and every vertex belongs to exactly one of those cycles; ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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NP - hardness of school scheduling problem with a restriction

I do have a real-life scheduling problem for a special education school. Basically, i have a binary variable containing teachers, subject, time slot and rooms as indices. The goal is to assign each ...
momo's user avatar
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How hard is recognizing a permutation that is a square for the shift product?

This is a continuation of my attempts to generate simple combinatorial computational problems that turn out to be computationally hard (NP-complete). In this pursuit, I came up with a permutation ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Complexity of a variant of the Mandelbrot set decision problem?

This is a modified version of a question posted on StackExchange TCS. Mandelbrot set is defined using the complex equation $P_c (z)=z^2 +c$ where $c$ is a complex number. Let us define $M=${$(c,k,r)...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Hardness of an optimization problem when some variables are fixed

Given a general optimization problem, I would like to know what we can say about the hardness of the problem when a subset of its variables are fixed. With the two (related) examples, it is clear that ...
Ro. Cohof's user avatar
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Path cover with sets of nodes

I am considering the following variant of the path-cover problem. I have an acyclic directed graph G=(V,E). Moreover, the set V is partitioned into $V=V_1 \cup ... \cup V_k$ (these sets are pairwise ...
Andres Fielbaum's user avatar
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cut a path from DAG that has minimal conductance

Given a directed acyclic graph $G=(V,E)$, a source node $s$ and a sink node $t$, we want to find a path $P$ from $s$ to $t$ such that if we separate all the nodes in $V$ to two parts $P$ (all the ...
cbyh's user avatar
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What is an approximation algorithm in the context of NP completeness in general

In theorem 4 of Approximability of Minimum-weight Cycle Covers Bodo Manthey proves that: Then no approximation algorithm for $\operatorname{Min-L-DCC}$ achieves an approximation ratio of $o(n)$, ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Subgraph isomorphism problem with linear map

I am working on proving the NP-hardness of a problem by reducing it from the subgraph isomorphism problem. Currently, I can reduce it from the following problem: Problem 1: Given two graphs $G=(V, E)$ ...
lisi's user avatar
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Computational complexity of rate $\frac{1}{2}$ codes

We know from Berlekamp, McEliece and Van Tilborg [On the inherent intractability of certain coding problems, IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 24 (1978)] that computing the minimum distance of a (binary)...
Root's user avatar
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Promise version of minimum distance

It has been known for some time that computing minimum distance of a linear code (minimum weight codeword) is NP-hard. This immediately also says that given a code $C$, calculating minimum hamming ...
Root's user avatar
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Determining the minimum weight maximal oriented subgraph of a complete directed graph

Let $G(V,A,W):\ |V| = n,\ A=V\times V\setminus \lbrace (v,\ v)\rbrace,\ W\in\mathbb{R}_+^{n\times n},\ W^T\ne W $ be a complete directed graph with asymmetric weights. Questions: What is the ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
  • 12.7k
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Is bounded graph isomorphism $NP$ complete?

Fix a matrix $M\in(\mathbb Z\backslash\{0\})^{n\times n}$ where $\|M\|_\infty\leq 2^{poly(n)}$. Is the bounded graph isomorphism problem Given symmetric $A,B\in\{0,1\}^{n\times n}$ and $U,V>0$ ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Shortest Lattice Vector with restricted $x$

Let $\Lambda$ be a lattice with basis, $B$ consisting of vectors $b_i$, so that the elements of $\Lambda$ are of form, $y\in \Lambda \iff y=Bx=\sum_i b_ix_i$ for some $x_i\in\mathbb{Z}$. My questions ...
hookah's user avatar
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Is it known whether $\mathrm{NP \subseteq P/poly}$?

It is not immediately clear to me whether this statement is true or false. Can finite restrictions of NP problems be computed in polynomial time?
user131392's user avatar
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Bipartite clustering is NP-hard?

Let $G = (A\cup B, E)$ be a bipartite graph with edge weights $w: E\to \mathbb{R}$. Find a partition $B_1, B_2$ of $B$ and a nonempty disjoint subsets $A_1, A_2$ of $A$ such that $w(A_1,B_1) + w(A_2, ...
Thomas Edison's user avatar
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Cost associated set problem NP-hard

I have the following problem. I wonder whether or not it appears in the literature. Is it NP-hard? Given a set $S = \{1,2,\ldots,m\}$, and $A_1,\ldots, A_n$ are subsets of $S$. Each set $A_i$ has ...
Thomas Edison's user avatar
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The complexity of Max-K interval selection

I came up with the following problem, but do not know how to analyze it. Let $S$ be an ordered set of integers with size $n$ (i.e., $S=\{1,2,...,n\}$). An interval $INV(a,b)$ covers the elements in $...
fanqi's user avatar
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Are set covering problems with nonlinear cost functions NP-Hard?

Are set covering problems (set cover problem wikipedia) with a nonlinear cost function also NP-hard? Is there a general result about this? To be more specific the cost function I am interested in ...
Anatol Wegner's user avatar
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Non-trivial lower bound on the number of "Graph Diagonals"

The definition of Graph Diagonals, that are the subject of this question, is based on the notions of crossing edges and on connected graphs: Two edges $AC$ and $BD$ of a complete, symmetric and ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Is this minimization problem NP-Complete ?

We are given an $n\times (n+k)$ matrix $A,$ with entries in $\mathrm{GF}(2),$ of the form $A=(I_n|B)$ where $I_n$ is a $n\times n$ identity matrix where the matrix $B$ has no "zero" rows or columns. ...
aaaaaa's user avatar
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Self-improvement property of optimazation problems?

Maximum CLIQUE problem is very hard to approximate. It has a self-improvement property defined using graph product which is utilized to prove hardness of approximation results. One such example is ...
Mohammad Al-Turkistany's user avatar
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Prove the NP-hardness of the following problem: Whether there exists a partition for a set of data points

Can anybody help me prove the NP-hardness of the following question: Given $x_0, x_1, ..., x_m \in \mathbb{R}^n$, determine whether there exists a partition $S\cup [m]\backslash S$, such that $x_0 \in ...
Robeto Leo's user avatar
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Complexity of finding single source paths with capacity constraints and length constraints

Let $G=(V,A)$ be a directed graph with distinguished vertex $s\in V$ and let $c:A\rightarrow{\mathbb N}$ denote arc capacities. For any $t\in V,t\not=s$ we are given two numbers: $C_{t},L_{t}$. Let $...
Yossi Peretz's user avatar
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The hardness of active learning with fixed budget

I have been looking for theoretical papers studying this question of the fundamental hardness of PAC active learning algorithms. I found a few papers studying the problem from a fixed perspective (...
rivana's user avatar
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Compute the average path weights of paths with the same path length in a directed acyclic graph (DAG)

Given a weighted directed acyclic graph (DAG) $G=(V,E)$ with each edge $e\in E$ has a non-negative weight $w(e)$. For a path $p=(e_1,e_2,\dotsc,e_n)$ in $G$, define the path weight as : $w(p)=\sum_{i=...
cbyh's user avatar
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Complexity of reporting solutions to a decision problems

Suppose we have an oracle that tells us whether an instance of the Hamilton cycle problem contains a Hamilton cycle or not. Question: what is the complexity of e.g. finding the edges constituting to a ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Validity of an argument for an implication of NP-Completeness

Fedor Petrov has posed a notorious problem regarding the existence of a matching in this question: Resolution of multiple edges As I see it the setting is a constrained bipartite matching and thus, ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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What does it mean to find an efficient algorithm for NP complete problems

Suppose I have a problem $P$, an instance $I$ and an algorithm $A$ that efficently solves $P$ for $I$. Let $P'$ be $P$ with additional constraints that are violated if $A$ is applied to $I$ and ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Surd Partition Problem

Could the following "Surd Partition" problem be NP complete? Note that if the square roots are omitted in the following then the problem is well known to have a polynomial solution. Surd Partition ...
richard taylor's user avatar