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Change in active constraints when perturbing the objective of a QP

Suppose I have a quadratic program (with positive semidefinite cost matrix) with affine (polytopic) constraints. It is known that the solution to this is piecewise affine, with the ``pieces'' defined ...
xJ8v4KtZr2's user avatar
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Inequality Involving Concave Monotonic Function

Assume that $ f: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}_+ $ is a concave, non-decreasing and positive function. Let $\mathbb{X}$ be a finite set consisting of $ 0\leq x_1 \leq x_2 \leq x_3 \leq \ldots \leq x_n$. ...
Alireza Bakhtiari's user avatar
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Minimizing the Spectral Norm of the Hadamard Product of a Quadratic Form Using CVX

I am trying to use CVX to minimize the spectral norm of the Hadamard product of two matrices, one of which is in quadratic form. Specifically, I am trying to minimize $\|{\bf A} \odot {\bf XX}^H\|_2$, ...
usergh's user avatar
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Equivalence of minimizing trace and determinant over matrix quadratic form in multivariate regression

Consider the multivariate regression model $$Y = XB + E$$ where $Y$ is $n \times p$ and corresponds to the dependent variables, $X$ is $n \times k$ and corresponds to the independent variables, $B$ is ...
respectableuser1's user avatar
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Clarification about this optimisation problem

Good morning everybody. First of all, I apologise to ask here the same question I asked on MSE three days ago, but I am in fact re-asking since I obtained no relevant advice. Perhaps I will hear some ...
Red Bordeaux's user avatar
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Optimality condition for strongly convex function under sparsity constraint

Let $f: \mathbb{R}^p \to \mathbb{R}$ be a $2s$-sparse strongly smooth, $2s$-sparse strongly convex and twice differentiable function. In other words, there exists positive constants $\alpha, L >0$ ...
De vinci's user avatar
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Numerical estimation of partial derivatives of convolved functions when closed forms do not exist

Summary: Some peak functions are convolutions which may not have a closed form solution. A classical example can that of a Voigt which is a convolution of a Lorentzian and a Gaussian, followed by ...
ACR's user avatar
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Primal optimal attained implies dual optimal attained

Given some optimization problem $$\min_{x \in S \subset \mathbb{R}^n} f_0(x) \quad \text{s.t.} \quad f_i(x) \leq 0, \quad 1\leq i\leq m$$ we can find the dual problem $$\max_{\lambda\in\mathbb{R}^m} g(...
patchouli's user avatar
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Maximization of $\ell^2$-norm

Consider for $r,c>0$ the set $$X_{r,c}=\{x \in \ell^1(\mathbb{N}) \mid \|x\|_1=r,\, \forall i \in \mathbb{N}: |x_i|<c\}.$$ Then I can show that $\inf_{x \in X_{r,c}} \|x\|_2 = 0.$ But is it ...
SequenceGuy's user avatar
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Bound the distance between two vectors on the probability simplex

Let $a,b$ be two vectors with strictly positive elements and $\delta = 1 - \frac{\langle a,b \rangle}{\|a\|\|b\|}$. Bound the following optimization problem as a function of $\delta$ $$\sup_{x>0} \...
good bandit's user avatar
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optimization over moving domains

Let $A, B$ be Banach spaces, and for any $a\in A$, $B_a\in B$ is a measurable subset. Consider the following optimization problem: $$L(a)=\inf_{b\in B_a}\ell(b),$$ where $\ell(b)$ is a infinite-times ...
Jeff 's user avatar
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LICQ vs MFCQ who is stronger [closed]

I want to ask you which constraint is stronger: MFCQ or LICQ.
zak.Ryd's user avatar
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Optimization over permutation

The Problem This is the problem I am working on: Given a set $X = \{x_1, x_2, \cdots , x_n\}$ in a metric space, find an optimal ordering $\pi : X \rightarrow X$ that maximizes the following objective ...
Honglian's user avatar
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Relationship of optimal solutions between the total function and the sub function

This is an unconstrained convex optimization problem. Let $\mathcal{N}=\left\{1,\ldots,n\right\}$, $2\leq n<\infty$. Suppose there are many strongly convex functions $f_i(x)$, where $x\in\mathbb{R}^...
lzzz's user avatar
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Does the value function of a quadratic program stay convex when adding constraints?

I am interested in the value function of a quadratic program of the form $$ v(y)=\min_x \frac{1}{2} x^\top Q(y) x, $$ subject to a linear equality constraint $$ E(y)x=d(y), $$ and a linear inequality ...
user_lambda's user avatar
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Any idea of solving an optimization problem with cubic constraints?

I have the following optimization problem with cubic constraints, which is hard to solve. Are there any ideas, or related references, of solving such a problem? $$ \begin{array}{ll} \underset {y, z} {\...
Erik's user avatar
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optimization of mixed linear and infinity norm

I have the following optimization problem: Given a complex sequence $H_i$, $1 \leq i\leq N$. Find a complex sequence $G_i$ that minimizes: $$ \lambda\cdot\max_i { |H_i\cdot G_i - 1|^2 } + \sum_i |G_i|^...
nir's user avatar
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How to solve the optimization problem $\max_{\mathbf{w}}\sum_i\text{sign}(\mathbf{w}^T \mathbf{x}_i)$?

I am looking for an algorithm to solve the following optimization problem $$\max_{\mathbf{w}}\sum_i\text{sign}(\mathbf{w}^T \mathbf{x}_i)$$ where $\mathbf{w}$ and each $\mathbf{x}_i\in\mathbb{R}^d$. ...
user3750444's user avatar
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Can we get the exact solution of large-scale quadratic programming problems (quadratic objective, linear inequality constraints) using KKT condition?

Crossposted at Computational Science SE Consider a quadratic programming problem with the following format: $$ \text{min} Q(x) = c^Tx+\frac{1}{2}x^TDx \\ $$ $$ \text{s.t.} Ax\leq b, \\ x\geq 0 $$ ...
ximeng fan's user avatar
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Sensitivity of the solution of QP with respect to parameters

Given a quadratic program, $$\begin{array}{ll} \text{minimize} & \displaystyle \frac12 x^TAx + b^Tx \\ \text{subject to} & Cx \le d \end{array}$$ Suppose $A \succ 0$, so the program strongly ...
gcy's user avatar
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Analytic expression for the min value of $g(t):= \sqrt{(t-1)^2 + a^2}+ b|t|$ subject to $|t-1| \le c$

Disclaimer. Not sure this is MO-level but would really appreciate some help with this. Thanks in advance. Moved from SE. Let $a,b,c \ge 0$, and define a function $g:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ by $g(t) :=...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Best projection on non-convex discrete set with two constraints

I want to compute the projection of a vector $\left( x\right) _{1\leq i,j\leq n}\in \lbrack 0,1]^{n\times n}$ on the following discrete set $$ S=\left\{ x\in \{0,1\}^{n\times n}:x_{i,j}+x_{j,i}\leq 1;\...
Goga's user avatar
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Is a Lipschitz continuous gradient equivalent to this condition?

I know if a function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}$ is $L$-smooth, i.e. its gradient $\nabla f$ is $L$-Lipschitz continuous, then it satisfies the following inequality for any $x, x_0 \in \mathbb{R}^...
aest's user avatar
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Eigenvectors that are tensor products?

Consider a fixed $N\times N$ positive definite symmetric matrix $A$. Assume $N=d^r$ for some $d,r\geq 1$. I wonder if one can find a closed formula for the maximizer/maximum of the function $$f(x):=\...
Adrien Hardy's user avatar
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How to solve the following optimization problem?

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a connected network with $|V|=n$. Consider the following optimization problem I'm trying to know under which conditions the following minimization problem has solution : $${\sum _{i=1}...
Goga's user avatar
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Question about (stochastic parallel-gradient descent) SPGD and (simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation) SPSA [closed]

I wonder if someone could shed some light on this. I'm curious if stochastic parallel-gradient descent and simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation refer to the same optimization techniques.
Young Wang's user avatar
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Fitting a non-periodic sum of periodic time series

The problems is as follows: you have $n$ points $(x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_n,y_n)$ and you want to fit the following equation to the data points: $$y=\theta_1\cos(\theta_2 x+\theta_3) + \theta_4\cos(\theta_5 ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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Maximize entropy under Kulback-Leibler divergence

I posed this question in, but have not received any answer. I would like to try my luck here. In this question, it is to solve \begin{align} \max_p &-\int dy\,p(y)\ln p(y) \\...
Hans's user avatar
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Matrix relative condition number

I've been working on some distributed optimization problems and faced a bit of a challenge with the following question. Given $A_1, A_2, .., A_m \in M_n({\mathbb{R})} $ symmetric positive definite ...
TrevLou's user avatar
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Optimal solution of complex optimization problem

Let $Q(x)=a(x)e^{jb(x)}$ be a complex function of $x$. We want to approximate this function with $R(x)=\alpha e^{jx\beta}$ such that \begin{align} \text{arg}\min_{\alpha,\beta} \int_{-\frac{A}{2}}^{\...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Point of tangency is an optimal point for a monotone, quasi-concave function

Given $U : \mathbb{R^2} \to \mathbb{R}$ is monotone and quasi-concave, consider the following problem : $$\max_{(x,y) \ \in \ \mathbb{R}^2}[U(x,y)] \text{ subject to } p_1 x + p_2 y \leq M ; \ (p_1, ...
fractalletter's user avatar
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Gap to fill in the Aubin–Ekeland proof of the mountain-pass theorem

Working through the proof of the mountain-pass theorem given in Applied Nonlinear Analysis by Aubin & Ekeland, at what seems to be a critical point of the proof (the top of page 274) they refer to ...
Olius's user avatar
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Convergent algorithm for minimizing nonconvex smooth function

Let $\Phi$ be the Gaussian CDF and for $\gamma\ge 0$ and $h>0$, define a loss function $\ell_h:\{\pm 1\} \times \mathbb R$ by $$ \ell_{\gamma,h}(y,y') := \phi_{\gamma,h}(yy') := \Phi((yy'-\gamma)/h)...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Can we substitute this KKT condition into this optimization problem to reformulate the optimization problem?

Suppose I have the following optimization problem $$ \min\limits_{\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}} f(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) \tag{1} $$ It is already known that the target function $f$ is continuous and ...
HiNull's user avatar
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Solution of a simple optimization problem

Let $\mathbf{U}_1$ and $\mathbf{U}_2$ be two arbitrary unitary matrices and $\mathbf{D}$ be a diagonal matrix. What is the solution of the following optimization problem? \begin{align} \min_{\mathbf{...
Math_Y's user avatar
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The best unitary matrices that approximate a matrix product

Let $\mathbf{A}$ be an arbitrary $N\times N$ complex matrix. Moreover, $\mathcal{U}_1$ and $\mathcal{U}_2$ are distinct subsets of all unitary matrices. Suppose the matrices $\mathbf{U}_1$ and $\...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Which set of functions admits the existence of the minimizer?

Let $a,b \in \mathbb R$ and consider the functional $J$ on $X$: $$J[u] = \int_0^1 \left( (u'(x))^2 -a)^2 + b \ln (1+ u^2(x))\right) dx$$ Providing reasons specify if the $\inf J$ over $X$ is attained ...
Mr. Proof's user avatar
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Optimization of a integral function

I have a function $h(y,x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)$. It is known that the minimum value of $h$ for any $y$ is attained when $x_1 = x_n$ and $x_2 = x_3 = \cdots = x_{n-1}$. Now consider the following function \...
Satya Prakash's user avatar
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What is the name for this type of optimization problem?

As we all know, a classic optimization problem can be represented in the following way: Given a function $f: A \to \mathbb{R}$, find an element $x_0 \in A$ such that $f(x_0) \le f(x)$ for all $x \in ...
Shaun Han's user avatar
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Reference request: importance of Lipschitz continuity

I see that Lipschitz continuity is a common assumption used in optimisation, statistics, machine learning, etc. Could you point me in the direction of some literature that discusses why Lipschitz ...
12345's user avatar
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How to find a set given its support function

Let $\mathcal{U}$ be a convex and compact set. Its support function is defined as $\delta^*(v|\mathcal{U})=\sup_{u\in \mathcal{U}} v^T u$. Assume that we are given the support function $\delta^*(v|\...
Eggplant's user avatar
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Relaxations for the spectral norm maximization problem

Optimizing the spectral norm of some positive semidefinite matrix $A(x) \in S^{n}$, w.r.t. a list of variables $x \in \mathbb{R}^d$ and semidefinite constraints is, in general, a nonconvex problem (...
ccln's user avatar
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Optimization problem where the objective function returns a function instead of a real number

As we all know, a classic optimization problem can be represented in the following way: Given: a function $f: A \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ from some set $A$ to the real numbers Sought: an element $x_0 ∈ ...
Shaun Han's user avatar
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Minimizing square roots with the consecutive ones property

Let $A=[a_{ik}]$ be a matrix with the consecutive ones property in each column, i.e. each column consists of a single consecutive block of $1$'s (with zeros everywhere else). Is there anything at all ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Factorization of argmax

We consider a function $f(s_{1:p}, a_{1:p})$, where $p>1$ is an integer, $s_{1:p}$ denotes $(s_1,\ldots,s_p)^\top \in R^p$, and $a_{1:p}$ denotes $(a_1,\ldots,a_p)^\top \in R^p$. Question: What is ...
Minkov's user avatar
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Does coercivity/supercoercivity conjugates?

According to Wikipedia, a function $f: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R} \cup \{-\infty, +\infty\}$ is called coercive if, $$f(x) \to +\infty \text{ as } \|x\| \to +\infty$$ and it is super-coercive if $$\...
Norman's user avatar
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Three-constraint homogeneous QCQP

Consider the homogeneous quadratically constrained quadratic program, $$\min_{u^T u =1} u^T A_1 u$$ $$\textrm{subject to}\quad u^T A_2 u = 0,\quad u^T A_3 u = 0$$ This problem is particularly studied ...
Alex Meiburg's user avatar
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Why not use global optimization algorithms like PSO to solve decentralized control problems?

I do not see many works that use global optimization algorithms to solve decentralized control problems. Here the decentralized control problem means some entries of the feedback matrix are ...
fibon's user avatar
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Numerical scheme for convex optimization

Given $(e_n)_{-N\le n\le N}\in\mathbb R^{2N+1}$ and $-1<x<1$, solve \begin{eqnarray} &&\max_{(q_n)_{-N\le n\le N}\in\mathbb R^{2N+1}_+}~ \sum_{n=-N}^N (e_n-\log(q_n))q_n \\ \mbox{s.t.} &...
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Breaking up an infinite-dimensional optimization problem into a sequence of finite-dimensional problems

My question is a bit vague. I have an infinite-dimensional convex optimization problem and I can solve constrained versions of the problem by restricting the domain of the objective function to a ...
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