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Serre functors and global dimensions

Let $k$ be a field. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an abelian category (over $k$). We say that $\mathcal{C}$ has a finite global dimension if there exists integer $n > 0$ such that $$ \operatorname{Ext}^i(M,...
YkMz's user avatar
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Examples of cyclic A-infinity algebra

I am wondering about (references to) examples of cyclic A-infinity algebras- especially including explicit descriptions of the structure maps and pairing. Thanks a lot!
Jak's user avatar
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Formal smoothness of path algebras and connections

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero and $A = kQ$ the path algebra associated with a quiver $Q$. The algebra $A$ is said to be formally smooth over $k$ if $$ \Omega^1_kA = \operatorname{Ker}(\...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
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Why is Hochschild homology interesting if its cohomology groups are infinite-dimensional?

I am trying to understand Hochschild homology, in particular the Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg theorem. As far as I understand this result gives an isomorphism between the algebraic (Kähler) ...
Jake Wetlock's user avatar
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A set of objects classically generates the full subcategory of compact objects iff it generates the whole category

Sorry in advance if my question doesn't have the level of this community. I am studying this paper of Bondal and Van Den Bergh and in particular section 2. Generators and resolutions in triangulated ...
T. Wildwolf's user avatar
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Kontsevich's derived noncommutative geometry and Rosenberg's noncommutative 'spaces'

It appears to me (though I may be wrong) that the common opinion is that the main difference between derived noncommutative geometry and Rosenberg's noncommutative 'spaces' is that Rosenberg's version ...
Doelt_k's user avatar
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Path algebras are formally smooth

In Ginzburg's notes Lectures on Noncommutative Geometry, he claim that the path algebra of a quiver is formally smooth (See Section 19.2). I have two questions. First, how to show this claim and ...
Yining Zhang's user avatar
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Connes-Chern pairing, compatibility with periodicity operator in the odd case

Let $A$ be an algebra (say unital). For an odd (say $2n-1$) cyclic cocycle $\varphi$ and a class in $K_1(A)$ represented by invertible $u$ we define $$\langle [\varphi],[u] \rangle:=\frac{2^{-(2n+1)}}...
truebaran's user avatar
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Two approaches to periodic cyclic cohomology

Cyclic cohomology may be defined in several ways: the easiest way to define it is via a subcomplex $C^*_{\lambda}$of Hochschild complex consisting from cyclic cochains. There are also other ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Normalization of cyclic cocycles

This question is a continuation of the discussion Normalization of Hochschild cocycles but this time in the cyclic context. I would like to ask whether the following is true: The inclusion of ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Is a "smooth" finite-dimensional algebra separable modulo its radical?

Let $k$ be a field, and let us write the "unadorned" tensor $\otimes$ in place of $\otimes_k$. For a unital finite-dimensional $k$-algebra $A$, let $A^e = A \otimes A^{op}$ denote the enveloping ...
Manny Reyes's user avatar
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Quasi isomorphism for bicomplexes both defining cyclic cohomology

Let $A$ be a complex unital algebra. Consider the cyclic (cohomological) bicomplex $\mathcal{C}(A)$. This is a bicomplex where in the $p$-th row one has $C^p(A)$ (the space of all $p+1$-linear forms) ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Inner automorphisms acts as identity on Hochschild homology

Let $A$ be a unital algebra and $u \in A$ be an invertible element. Let us consider $u_n(a_0 \otimes a_1 \otimes ... \otimes a_n):=ua_0u^{-1} \otimes ua_1u^{-1} \otimes ... \otimes ua_nu^{-1}$. Then $(...
truebaran's user avatar
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Isomorphism in cyclic cohomology vs isomorphism in Hochschild cohomology

Let $A$ be a unital algebra over a field $K$, $C^n(A)$ a space of all $n+1$ linear maps into scalar field $k$ (I'm interested in case $k=\mathbb{C}$) and $$(bf)(a_0,...,a_{n+1})=\sum_{i=0}^n(-1)^if(...
truebaran's user avatar
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Why $k[x,y]$ is not a formally smooth algebra?

We could talk about the formal smoothness of an algebra. See for example Ginzburg's lecture notes For an associative algebra $A$ over a field $k$ we define $$ D(A)=T(A+\bar{A})/(\bar{ab}=a\bar{b}+\bar{...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Lifting DG-categories to characteristic zero

The question of lifting (smooth projective) varieties from an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $p$ to characteristic zero (i.e., to the Witt vectors $W(k)$) is a classical one. It's ...
Akhil Mathew's user avatar
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Can we obtain a derived category from an additive category? Like a category of Banach modules?

Let $A$ be a Banach algebra, let $A$-mod be the category of left Banach modules (as defined in Helemskii's "Banach and locally convex algebras"), $A$-mod is an additive category, but not abelian ...
user44644's user avatar
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Smooth affine algebras are Calabi-Yau

Are all smooth affine algebras over a field Calabi-Yau? I'm thinking yes since they satisfy Van den Bergh duality with dualizing module themselves (have I made a mistake in this reasoning)/
TimetoDual's user avatar
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Soft Question: What does periodic cyclic theory measure?

Ex1) The cyclic homology of $\mathbb{C}[X,Y]$ and that of the algebra of functions on the sphere $S^2$ have the same periodic cyclic homology. Clearly, however, these objects are topologically very ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Jacobi-Zariski exact sequence question

Denote by $HC(A,M)$ the Hochschild homological complex of an algebra $A$ with coefficients in an $A$-bimodule $M$, and let $B\rightarrow A$ be an $R$-flat extension of $R$-algebras, for some $CRing$ $...
ABIM's user avatar
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2 - Calabi Yau algebras and bimodule coherence

Let $\Pi:=\Pi(Q)$ be the preprojective algebra of a connected non-Dynkin quiver over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. In H. Minamoto "Ampleness of two-sided tilting complexes", ...
Francesco Vaccarino's user avatar
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Global dimensions of non-commutative rings

This is related to my previous question: When is a quantum affine space $\mathbb{A}^{n}$ Calabi-Yau? I now would like to know the global dimension of the ring $R=\mathbb{C}\langle x_1,\dots,x_n\rangle/...
user2013's user avatar
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dg-lie structure on $HH^*$ and Koszul duality

This is shamelessly close to my other question: A Question on Koszul duality and $B(\infty)$ structures on $HH^*$. Maybe this one will get a better response. Rather than rewrite that one, I am going ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
4 votes
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A Question on Koszul duality and $B(\infty)$ structures on $HH^*$

The following theorem is known from a paper "Duality in Gerstenhaber Algebras" by Felix, Menichi, Thomas. Given a simply connected space X of finite type. There is an equivalence of Gerstenhaber ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
7 votes
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Extension of the formality theorem?

The following question came up in a discussion the other day and I have been wondering whether something is known about it. Everything below takes place over $\mathbb{C}$. I don't have the expertise ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Finite Homological Dimension of R/P for all P for module finite non-commutative rings

I have a reasonably precise question which I hope is clear enough to get a nice answer. Let R be a Noetherian non-commutative ring which is finite as a module (and flat/free if it helps) over it's ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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Hochschild and cyclic homology of smooth varieties

Many of the standard sources which discuss the Hochschild Kostant Rosenberg theorem and cyclic homology for smooth varieties such as Loday and Weibel's paper "The Hodge Filtration and Cyclic Homology" ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar
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A smooth twisted tensor product of dg algebras?

I want to consider a Z/2Z dg algebra. As an algebra, it is generated over $\mathbb{Q}$ by two elements where x is even and e is odd with the relations $xe=ex$ and $e^2=1$(this makes it in particular ...
Daniel Pomerleano's user avatar