Questions tagged [non-convex-optimization]

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22 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Necessary optimality condition for quadratic programming: a solution of a constrained QAP is a solution of a LP

I have a concern about a result given by Murty in [1] and also written by Floudas and Visweswaran in [2] They consider a QP: \begin{array}{ll}{\min _{x} Q(x)} & {=c^{T} x+\frac{1}{2} x^{T} D ...
Titouan Vayer's user avatar
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Global minimum of sum of a non-convex and convex function, where minima of the non-convex function can be found

I'm interested in finding $\arg\min_{x \in X} (f(x) + \lVert x\rVert_2^2)$ where $X$ is a $[0,1]^n$, $f$ is Lipschitz but non-convex and we already have a procedure to find some $x^* \in \arg\min_{x\...
Proof by wine's user avatar
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Variational forms of non-convex functions

I am trying to understand what kind of variational forms exist for non-convex functions. Alternatively, are there conjugate forms which attain strong duality? For a non-convex function $f$, I am ...
mathuser128's user avatar
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Quartic optimization problem over the unit Euclidean sphere

I want to solve following optimization problem in $x \in \mathbb R^n$. $$\begin{array}{ll} \text{maximize} & \displaystyle\sum_i(x M_i x^T)^2\\ \text{subject to} & \|x\|_2 = 1\end{array}$$ ...
makkostya's user avatar
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Solving Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimization Problem

I would like to solve the following optimization problem: \begin{array}{ll} \underset{x_{i}\geq0,\, \pi_{i}\in\{0,1\}}{\text{minimize}} & \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^n x_i\\ \text{subject to} & ...
A.Fadhil's user avatar
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Under which condition, such that all second-order critical points satisfy $\sum_j\cos(\theta_i-\theta_j)>0$ for all $i\in[n]$?

Consider the following non-convex function $$E(\theta):=-\sum_{i,j}A_{ij}\cos(\theta_i-\theta_j)$$ where $A$ is a symmetric, diagonal-free matrix whose non-diagonal element are $\pm 1$. In other words,...
happyle's user avatar
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Maximisation of a convex (quadratic) function

This post is a continuation of A variant of (discrete) optimal transport problem For $\alpha=(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_m)\subset\mathbb R^m_+$, $\beta=(\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_n)\subset\mathbb R^n_+$ and $...
Fawen90's user avatar
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Can I solve this quadratic program "fast"?

We are given a matrix $D \in \mathbb{Z}^{C \times C}$ of non-negative entries, an integer $k \geq 1$ and we need to maximize the quadratic form $x^T D x$ under some simple constraints. For all ...
reservoir's user avatar
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Minimize smooth function $(x,y) \to f(x,y)$ subject to $x \perp y$

Let $V$ be a finite-dimensional real vector space (e.g space of $m \times n$ real matrices equiped with Hilbert-Schmidt inner product $(A,B) \to \mathrm{tr}(AB^\top)$, and let $f:V^2 \to \mathbb R$, $(...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Minimising kurtosis (non-convex). Can I use algebraic geometry or alternate methods to show uniqueness of a particular solution?

I consider a weighted sum of $n$ identically-distributed correlated random variables. The weights in the sum, $w_i$ for $i=1, 2,...,n$, satisfy $w_i>=0$ and $\sum_{i=1}^{n}w_i=1$. I am ...
Brian's user avatar
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Minimizing the Frobenius norm of a quadratic matrix expression

Given matrices $R \in \mathbb R^{m \times n}$ and $Y \in \mathbb R^{p \times n}$, where $R$ is full rank, how can I solve the following optimization problems? $$\min_{X \in \mathbb R^{p \times m}} \| ...
见得哆啦's user avatar
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(Iterative?) Solutions to a certain quadratic program with non-convex constraints

Let $y\in\mathbb{R}^m$, $\tau\in\mathbb{R}$ and $X\in\mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, with $\tau>0$ I would like to efficiently solve the following problem: Problem 1 Choose $\alpha,z\in\mathbb{R}^m,\beta\...
cfp's user avatar
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Is this QCQP convex or nonconvex?

\begin{equation} \begin{split} \min_{x\in \mathbb{R}^n}\:f(x)=(1/2)x^{T}Q_0x+c_0^T x \end{split} \end{equation} s.t. $$ g_i(x)=\frac{1}{2}x^T Q_ix-lmax_i\leq0,i\in\{1,...,m/2\} $$ $$ g_i(x)=\frac{...
sjtupuzhao's user avatar
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Generalizations of Berge's maximum theorem

I have a parameterized optimization problem \begin{eqnarray} \max_{x\in D(\theta)} f(x,\theta). \end{eqnarray} Assumptions of the standard Berge's maximum theorem are satisfied, so the value function $...
William Wang's user avatar
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Efficient algorithms to find the global minimum of a non-convex quadratically-constrained quadratic program

I am working on a problem involving a non-convex quadratically-constrained quadratic program and am seeking efficient algorithms to find its global minimum. The problem is structured as follows: Fix ...
Yu-Jia Wang's user avatar
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How to solve mckp (multiple-choice knapsack problem) problem with non-linear constraint

How to solve the below optimization problem? $P$ is a probability matrix, $0\le P_{ij}\le 1$. Are there any developed tools to solve this? Thanks a lot. \begin{equation*} \begin{aligned} &\...
Yi-Yu Peng's user avatar
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Trying to transform a minimization problem to a saddle point problem for the primal–dual algorithm

I’m reading about a problem, and the author goes from a classical minimization problem to a saddle point problem in order to perform a primal–dual algorithm on it [1]. However, It’s my first problem ...
Itimethy's user avatar
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An optimization problem with variables on the exponential of a complex number

$$\min_t \quad\operatorname{Re} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^N {\left( {{e^{ - j2\pi {f_i}t}}{r_i}} \right)}, $$where $\operatorname{Re}$ refers to get the real part of a complex number, $\{f_i\}$ is an ...
Benjamin Button's user avatar
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Why the result of the non-convex optimization problem will be farther and farther away from the optimal

When I try to solve a optimization problem by Riemannian stochastic variance reduced gradient algorithm(RSVRG), the formulation of problem like $\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^Nf_i(x)$ and $f_i(x)$ is a non-...
Rejur's user avatar
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Convergence of heavy-ball method for non-convex optimization

The heavy-ball method (also called gradient descent with momentum) is commonly used in optimization. The update rule can be written as: $$x_{t+1}=x_t-\eta\nabla f(x_t)-\beta (x_t-x_{t-1})$$ Suppose $\...
zbh2047's user avatar
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non-convex optimization with constraint

I have a special non-convex optimization problem: $\min / \max \ f(x) + g(x) + h(x)$, subject to $| g(x) - h(x)| < \varepsilon$, where $f(x)$ is non-convex, but both $g(x)$ and $h(x)$ are ...
Magic-A's user avatar
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Prove zero slope point is global maximum for constrained function with binomials. Without restriction, objective function is non-concave

How to prove the zero slope point is a global maximum in this non-concave program for a function with binomials? I need to find the (global) maximum of the following constrained problem: $$\max_{CAP} \...
Silvester's user avatar