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The rank of a certain linear combination of mutually commuting nilpotent matrices

Let $A_1,\ldots,A_r$ be mutually commuting $n\times n$ nilpotent matrices over $\mathbb C$, the field of complex numbers. For any complex number $c$, let $A(c):=A_0+cA_1+c^2A_2+\ldots +c^rA_r$. We ...
sagnik chakraborty's user avatar
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Simultaneous triangulation and Jordan normal form of commuting nilpotent matrices

Let $A_1,\ldots,A_r$ be $n\times n$ nilpotent matrices over $\mathbb C$, the field of complex numbers, satisfying $A_i\cdot A_j=A_j\cdot A_i$ for all $i,j$. As the matrices commute, they admit ...
sagnik chakraborty's user avatar
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About nilpotent Jordan algebras, matrix representations and formally real algebras

Given an non-commutative associative unital algebra A of characteristic $0$, one can construct a Jordan algebra $A+$ using the same underlying addition vector space. Notice first that an associative ...
mick's user avatar
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For a nilpotent matrix A, are the cardinalities of sets: 1) B: commute with A, 2) B: anticommute with A, 3) B: q-commute with A — the same?

Let us work over finite fields $F_{p^k}$. Simulations seems to indicate: Question 1: Consider a nilpotent matrix $A$, consider the set of all matrices $B$, such that $AB-qBA=0$, then cardinality of ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Algorithm for the nilpotence of matrix polynomials

Let $P$ be a multivariate polynomial of real-valued $N \times N$ matrices. Given $X_1, X_2, ..., X_M \in \mathcal{M}_N\{\mathbb{R}\}$, is there any optimal algorithm to determine whether the result of ...
Andrei Coman's user avatar