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Bounds on the spectral radius of a perturbed directed graph

Suppose $(G_n)$ is a sequence of strongly connected directed graphs (without multiple edges) with $G_n$ having $n$ edges such that the adjacency matrix $A_n$ of $G_n$ is primitive, and let $(G_n’)$ be ...
a person's user avatar
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Graph alignment by considering node and edge weights

I have two complete weighted graphs, with the same number of nodes and edges. Each node has a multi-dimensional vector, which represents its features. Edge weights are float numbers between 0 to 1. I'...
Danial's user avatar
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Minimum spanning tree and projection

Let $G$ be a graph of $n$ arcs and let $x\in \mathbb{R}^n$. I want to compute the orthogonal projection of $x$ onto the set of radial graphs with $k$ roots contained in $G$ (or a forest with $k$ root) ...
Goga's user avatar
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integer network flow with symmetry

Suppose we have a weighted directed graph $G=(V,E,f)$. Each $e\in E$ is associated with $f_e\in \mathbb{N}$. There is a source node $s$, which only has outgoing edges, and a sink node $t$, which only ...
gondolf's user avatar
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Real world applications of graph limits

It is well known that the area of graph limits (initiated by Lovász and coauthors) had provided a very powerful framework to deal with problems arising, for instance, in extremal combinatorics and ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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Is a function of a centrality measure a centrality measure?

I have been trying to wrap my head around the following question. Suppose you a have a centrality measure for a weighted, undirected network. Let's call the calculated centralities with $\pmb{x}>0$....
rndm_ecn's user avatar
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Centrality measures in a network with negative correlations

I have a bidirectional network where the weights of edges are based on partial correlation matrix. I have both positive and negative values as weights. Now, I want to compute centrality measures as ...
statwoman's user avatar
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Small world network regime

I have recently read Watts, D., Strogatz, S., Collective dynamics of ‘small-world’ networks, Nature 393 (1998) pp. 440–442, doi:10.1038/30918, on small-world networks, and is still not very clear to ...
Sophie_s's user avatar
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How do I fit flow values to connections in a known network?

This is not my area and I'm new to its terminology, and am posting my problem in the hope that someone will be able to direct me to where it has been solved, or who has written about it. I have a flow ...
hmkc's user avatar
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Searching for an early, highly theoretical, even philosophical, math paper on models or small-world networks

All I can remember is that it was very high-level / abstact and kind of philosophical, explaining (the discovery or interdependence of) small world networks. I assume that it was +50 years old and '...
bambamfox's user avatar
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12 votes
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Distribution of degree in graphs: when is the friendship paradox the paradox it wants to be?

$\DeclareMathOperator\deg{deg}\DeclareMathOperator\ndeg{ndeg}\newcommand\abs[1]{\lvert#1\rvert}$The friendship paradox goes most people have fewer friends than their friends have on average. The ...
Chris Ferrie's user avatar
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Number and different kinds of spnning trees in a weighted graph

We know that for a unweighted graph the number $\tau(\mathcal{G})$ of unique spanning trees of $\mathcal{G}$ is $$\tau(\mathcal{G})=\det L_\mathcal{G}^{\{n-1\}},$$ where $L_\mathcal{G}^{\{n-1\}}$ is ...
sleeve chen's user avatar
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Almost all simple graphs are small world networks

Two days ago it occurred to me that almost all simple graphs are small world networks in the sense that if $G_N$ is a simple graph with $N$ nodes sampled from the Erdös-Rényi random graph distribution ...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Adjacency definition for a directed graph

For an undirected graph, we know that nodes are adjacent to each other if there is a link that connects them. What about adjacency for directed graphs? Is it based on: outgoing links: node $n$ is ...
Ahmed Al-haddad's user avatar
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Literature on the controllability of networks under attack

I would like to request your advice on a problem arising from my research in the life sciences. Consider a modular, sparse weighted network which is partially controllable in the sense that some ...
Andrei's user avatar
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Number of sequences of edges that contain at least one subsequence which is a walk between vertex $i$ and $j$

Typically a walk is defined as a vertex-edge sequence, e.g. $(v_1, e_1, v_2, e_2, v_3)$, but suppose we are working in the undirected simple graph setting. Instead, let's say an edge-sequence $(e_1, ...
Math Helper's user avatar
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On the defect of a flow network

This problem in graph theory was actually motivated by some problems in Theory of Fractals. To formulate the problem I need to recall some definitions related to flow network. A flow network is a ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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