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Real world applications of graph limits

It is well known that the area of graph limits (initiated by Lovász and coauthors) had provided a very powerful framework to deal with problems arising, for instance, in extremal combinatorics and ...
Johnny Cage's user avatar
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What are the right mathematical tools / language to analyse complex networks over time?

In this article about human physiology as a complex network the authors say that: "Lacking adequate analytic tools and a theoretical framework to probe interactions within and among diverse ...
mathoverflowUser's user avatar
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Is a function of a centrality measure a centrality measure?

I have been trying to wrap my head around the following question. Suppose you a have a centrality measure for a weighted, undirected network. Let's call the calculated centralities with $\pmb{x}>0$....
rndm_ecn's user avatar
2 votes
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Adjacency definition for a directed graph

For an undirected graph, we know that nodes are adjacent to each other if there is a link that connects them. What about adjacency for directed graphs? Is it based on: outgoing links: node $n$ is ...
Ahmed Al-haddad's user avatar