Questions tagged [nets]

A net is a generalization of a sequence where a directed set is used as the index set instead of positive integers. Convergence of nets can be defined in a similar way as convergence of sequences. Convergent nets in a topological space uniquely determine its topology.

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12 votes
11 answers

Are nets and filters useful in geometry and topology?

Many results in topology can be restated using the concepts of nets and ultrafilters. This seems to be of interest for set theorists, maybe even logicians. But for geometers and topologists, those who ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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8 votes
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What should the morphisms in the Category of Directed Sets be?

Directed sets are defined to be sets equipped with a preorder that admit (finitary) upper bounds e.g. pairs $(D, \preceq)$ such that $\forall p,q \in D$ there exists $r \in D$ such that $p \preceq r$ ...
Tyler Bryson's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

The need for nets in topology

I remember when I first heard about nets in topology (called also Moore-Smith sequences). I was told that most of useful topological properties which can be exressed in terms of sequences in the ...
truebaran's user avatar
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Do multiplicative Banach limits exist?

Let $(D, \succeq)$ be a directed set, and let $B$ be the space of real-valued bounded functions on $D$. A Banach limit $\ell$ on $D$ is a linear functional that satisfies $$\sup_{d \in D} \inf_{c \...
aduh's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Connection between subnet and superfilter

Let's define a net and subnet in this way: A net is any function of the form $n:(P,\le)\to X$ where $(P,\le)$ is a (preordered) directed set. A net $m:(P',\le)\to X$ is a subnet of the net $n:(P,\le)\...
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4 votes
2 answers

What is a generalized limit?

In the proof of Lemma 1.3 in the paper "The ideal structure of a groupoid C* algebra", Journal of Operator Theory 1991 by Jean Renault, I found the notion of a generalized limit of a net without any ...
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Convergent net in a quasi-uniform space which is not Cauchy

The proof of the result that every convergent net in a uniform space is Cauchy, employs symmetry of the uniform space. A quasi-uniform space lacks that symmetry. Is it possible then to find a ...
Jave's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Relative compactness in topological spaces (reference request)

Motivation and context: For a subset $S$ of a metric space $(M,d)$, the following are two very classical compactness results in Analysis: 1a) The set $S$ is compact if and only if each sequence in $S$...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

A net of lower semicontinuous functions

Assume we have a non-decreasing net of lower semicontinuous functions $f_\alpha:[0,1]\to\mathbb{R}$ such that $\lim_\alpha f_\alpha\to f$ pointwise. Please is it true that one can extract a countable ...
Oleg Zubelewicz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

A quasicompact space with a net that contains no convergent strict subnet

If $x:\Lambda \rightarrow X$ is a net in a topological space $X$ and $\Lambda '\subseteq \Lambda$ is a cofinal subset of the directed set $\Lambda$, then $x|_{\Lambda '}$ is a subnet of $x$. We call ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does "inhibitor arc" fit into fundamental equation of Hybrid Petri Nets?

In "ON HYBRID PETRI NETS" by DAVID AND ALLA published in 2001 on page 26 is given an example of how fundamental equation solves a HPN for given start and end time values. A system looks like And ...
DuckQueen's user avatar
2 votes
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Characterization of nets with no convergent subnets in Banach spaces

Let $X$ be a finite-dimensional Banach space and $(x_i)_{i\in I}$ a net in $X$. Since every limited net in $X$ has a convergent subnet, it follows that $(x_i)_{i\in I}$ does not admits a convergent ...
André Porto's user avatar
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0 answers

A version of Portmanteau theorem where $(\mu_n)_{n\in \mathbb N}$ is replaced by a net $(\mu_d)_{d\in D}$

Let $(E, d)$ be a metric space, $\mathcal C_b(E)$ the space of all real-valued bounded continuous functions on $E$, and $\mathcal P(E)$ the space of all Borel probability measures on $E$. For $f \in \...
Analyst's user avatar
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Direct Limits and Limits of Nets

A net is a function from a directed set into a topological space, and it is said to converge to a point if certain conditions are satisfied. Similarly, a direct system is a function from a directed ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the topology of Wasserstein space $(\mathcal P_p (E), W_p)$ coincide with the initial topology induced by $\mathcal C_b(E) \cup \{g_p\}$?

Let $(E, d)$ be a Polish space and $\mathcal C_b(E)$ the space of all real-valued bounded continuous functions on $E$. Let $p \in [1, \infty)$ and $\mathcal P_p (E)$ the space of all Borel probability ...
Akira's user avatar
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Quantification over Nets

On a topological space $X$, a net is defined as a map $A \ni \alpha \longmapsto x_{\alpha} \in X$ from a directed set $A$. With this, compactness of $X$ (for instance) is equivalent to "every net $(...
mjungmath's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the doubling dimension of any net of a metric space at most half of that of the metric space?

Definition Doubling dimension ($\dim_D(M)=k$): A Metric space $M=(V,d)$ has doubling dimension at most $k$ if for any $x\in V$ & $r>0$, $B(x,r)\subseteq\bigcup^{2^k}_{i=1}B(x_i,r/2)$. With ...
orb's user avatar
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Lower semicontinuity of a multi-valued map $F:X\to 2^Y$ in term of net

Let $X,Y$ be two Hausdorff spaces and $F:X\to 2^Y$ be a multi-valued mapping. We says that $F$ is lower semicontinuous at $x_0\in X$ if for each $y_0\in F(x_0)$ and any neighborhood $U\in \mathcal N(...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Reference Request: Egoroff Theorem for nets

Does there exist a generalization of Egoroff theorem for nets instead of sequences of functions?
ABIM's user avatar
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Pointwise limit of a "net" of measurable functions is measurable? [closed]

Let $(X, \mathcal{A},\mu)$ be a finite measure space with the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{A}$ and the measure $\mu$. Let $B$ be a separable Banach space. Then, it is well-known from a theorem by Pettis ...
Isaac's user avatar
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How one can use a real math function on transaction in Hybrid Petri Net fundamental equation?

Say we have a simple HPN with 2 continuous places $A$ and $B$ and one transition. We want a transition not only add and substract $N$ marks from $A$ and add $M$ to $B$ but use mathematical function $...
DuckQueen's user avatar