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What is the physical difference between states and unital completely positive maps?

Mathematically, completely positive maps on C*-algebras generalize positive linear functionals in that every positive linear functional on a C*-algebra $A$ is a completely positive map of $A$ into $\...
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A 'Fock'-type construction on a $C^*$-algebra

In very rough terms, let $A$ be a complex unital $C^*$-algebra. Assume it nuclear for convenience, but it doesn't matter much. Consider the 'Fock'-type $C^*$-algebra (don't know a better name for it) $...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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Linearity of the directional derivative of a convex functional at the minimum

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, $T_+(H)$ the set of positive self-adjoint trace-class operators on $H$, and $f : T_+(H) \to [0,m]$ a non-negative, bounded, convex functional. I don't necessarily know that ...
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Continuity of a linear functional for sequences of projections

Let $T_+$ be the set of a positive trace-class operators over some separable Hilbert space and $A: T_+ \to \mathbb{R}\cup \{\infty\}$ some linear functional. In general, $A$ will not be continuous. ...
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