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What is the fibrant replacement of an Eilenberg-MacLane space in unstable motivic homotopy theory?

One can take an Eilenberg-MacLane space $K(A, n)$ for some abelian group $A$, and view it as (locally) constant simplicial sheaf on $Sch/k$, the category of schemes, or smooth schemes, over a field $k$...
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Proof that $Sing^IX$ is $I$-invariant for an interval object in a site by "simplicial decomposition"

I just saw a proof showing that $Sing^{A^1}X$ is $A^1$ invariant where they use an algebraic topological analogue of ``simplcial decomposition'' defined as follow: The argument works by showing that ...
L. Xie's user avatar
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Is transfinite composition of weak equivalences of simplicial presheaves a weak equivalence?

In a left Bousfield localization of the projective model structure on the category of simplicial presheaves, what is the condition that transfinite composition preserves weak equivalences? How about ...
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