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2 answers

Bialynicki-Birula decomposition for real analytic varieties

Let $X$ be a smooth complex algebraic variety endowed with a $\mathbb{C}^*$ action. We assume also to have an antiholomorphic involution $\sigma$ over $X$ such that it anticommutes with the action ...
Tommaso Scognamiglio's user avatar
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Geometric Morse theory ( and its complex analogy)

In the literature are there some concept of geometric version of Morse or Picard Lefschets theory? That is the comparison of level sets as Riemannian submanifold not merely as ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Is there any topological information encoded by the zero locus of a complex Hessian?

On a Kahler manifold one can always find a function $K$ so that (up to some constant) the Kahler form $\omega$ can be written as $\omega = \partial \bar{\partial}K$ (sometimes, under conditions that I ...
David's user avatar
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Question about a Lefschetz hyperplane type theorem

Let $X$ be a simply connected projective manifold of dimension $n$ over $\mathbb{C}$ and $D = \cup D_i$ be a divisor with normal crossings such that its all components $D_i$ are smooth and ample. I ...
user36931's user avatar
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Intersection of plus/minus cells in Bialynicki-Birula decomposition

Let $X$ be a projective variety endowed with an algebraic $\mathbb{C}^*$-action. Assume the fixed point set $W$ is discrete. Then we have two cell decompositions of $X$: $X = \bigsqcup_{w\in W} C_w$ ...
Reladenine Vakalwe's user avatar