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6 votes
0 answers

Reciprocity for algebra objects in two algebraic categories

I think this question Compact Hausdorff and C^*-algebra "objects" in a category. shows that there is no reciprocity between categories of algebra-objects of two algebraic categories. So, ...
8 votes
1 answer

How many categories $C$ are there such that $C$ and $C^{\text{op}}$ are monadic over $\mathrm{Set}$?

In this question, bimonadic category is a category $C$ such that $C$ and $C^{\text{op}}$ are monadic over $\mathrm{Set}$. How many bimonadic categories are there? Can we classify them all? ...
6 votes
0 answers

Cohomology without comonad?

TL;DR. Many cohomologies can be unified using comonads. Question: which cohomologies cannot be? For each algebraic theory, there is an adjunction, and therefore a (co)monad (or called a (co)triple). ...
1 vote
1 answer

Algebras for general transfors

Algebras for endofunctors bridge the gap between functors acting on a category and structures defined in it. An algebra for an endofunctor $F$ is instantiated by some morphism $Fa \to a$, and more ...
2 votes
2 answers

Finitary endofunctors: "Support" of elements of $TM$ where $T:\mathrm{Set}\to\mathrm{Set}$ is finitary

Consider the word a.k.a. list monad $W:\mathrm{Set}\to\mathrm{Set}$ assigning to a given set $M$ the set of words over $M$. Now, given a set $M$, we can assign to every word $w\in WM$ a subset of $M$: ...
25 votes
2 answers

Relation between monads, operads and algebraic theories (Again)

This question (as the title obviously suggests) is similar to, or a continuation of, this question that was asked years ago on MO by a different user. The present question, though, is different from ...
8 votes
1 answer

Relating three viewpoints on the semidirect product

It's known that giving a semidirect product $(X,m)\rtimes G$ of a $G$-group $(X,m)$ with $G$ (as defined in wiki) is the same as giving a split pair over $G$, i.e a pair of arrows $H\overset{s}{\...
3 votes
2 answers

Lawvere theory and the Maybe monad

The Maybe monad is based on the endofunctor $- + 1$ (coproduct with the singleton set). Its Lawvere theory $L$ is supposed to be generated by one nullary operation (...
9 votes
0 answers

To what kind of generalized Lawvere theory does the "free cartesian closed category" 2-monad on $\mbox{Cat}_g$ correspond?

Thinking of Cat as a mere 1-category, there is a 1-monad $\Lambda$ for the free cartesian closed category on a category. To every category X it assigns the category $\Lambda(X)$ whose objects are ...
5 votes
2 answers

Coequalizers in an Eilenberg-Moore category

Last month I proved that some category $\mathbf C$ that I happen to care about is isomorphic to the Eilenberg-Moore category for a monad on the category of bounded posets $\mathbf{BPos}$. I know from ...
3 votes
1 answer

Iterating Monad-Comonads structures

Let $(T, \mu , \eta )$ a monad on the category $\mathscr{C}$ , with the usual EM (Eilenberg-Moore) adjunction $\langle F_T, U_T, \eta_Y, \epsilon_T \rangle: \mathscr{C}^T \to \mathscr{C}$ where ...
21 votes
3 answers

Relation between monads, operads and algebraic theories

I've begun to interest in algebraic theories and their categorical models: in particular monads, generalized multicategories and operads, lawvere theories and their generalization. Is there any ...
6 votes
3 answers

Monad arising from operad

It's known that from every operad arises a cartesian monad whose algebras are the algebras for the operad. Leinster proved that there are different operads from which arise the same monad, in this way ...
10 votes
2 answers

Right actions of operads and monads

Given an operad $A$, there is an associated monad $M_A$ given by $M_A(X) = \coprod_n A(n) \otimes X^{\otimes n}$ such that being an $A$-algebra and being an algebra over the monad $M_A$ is the same ...