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Two elliptic curves with the same j-invariants

This is an interesting observation of mine when exploring moduli of elliptic curves. Let's fix a base field $k$ and assume that we have two elliptic curves $E$, $E'$ which are isomorphic over $\bar k$...
fe mu's user avatar
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Do automorphisms actually prevent the formation of fine moduli spaces?

I have found similar questions littered throughout this site and math.SE (for example [1], [2], [3],…), but I feel like like most of them usually just say that non-trivial automorphisms prevent the ...
Coherent Sheaf's user avatar
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Compactifications of product of universal elliptic curves

Let $\mathcal{E}$ be the universal elliptic curve over the moduli stack $\mathcal{M}$ of elliptic curves. As $\mathcal{E}$ is an abelian group scheme over $\mathcal{M}$, we obtain a product-preserving ...
Lennart Meier's user avatar
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Definition of modular curve associated to $\Gamma(N)$

For a positive integer $N$, we define $$\Gamma(N)=\big \{ \begin{bmatrix} a & b \newline c & d\end{bmatrix}\in \operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z}): \begin{bmatrix} a & b \newline c & d\end{...
Coherent Sheaf's user avatar
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Moduli space of genus 1 curves with a degree n divisors

I am sure this is well known, but I don't know what to search for: Consider $M_{1,n}$, the moduli space of genus 1 curves with $n$ marked points. The symmetric group on $n$ letters acts on this space ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Sheaf of elliptic curves up to isogeny

For a scheme $X$, denote by $\mathcal{Ell}_X[\text{isog}^{-1}]$ the category of elliptic curves on $X$ localized at isogenies. Consider the functor $$ \mathcal{Ell}^{isog}:Sch/S^{op}\rightarrow \text{...
curious math guy's user avatar
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The Weil pairing on a generalized elliptic curve

Now I'm trying the section 6 (and 3.20) of chapter IV of Deligne-Rapoport's "Les schemas de module de courbes elliptiques". I can't understand what $e_n$ (of 6.5.(d)) is. It seems to be the ...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Stacky proof of no elliptic curves over Z

It is a well known result that there are no Elliptic curves over the integers with every where good reduction. In fact this is even true for abelian varieties (and hence higher genus curves) but let ...
Asvin's user avatar
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What are the genus 4 curves with Jacobians that are 4-th powers?

Consider the moduli space of all genus $4$ curves $\overline{\mathscr M_4}$ of dimension $3\times 4 - 3 = 9$. Under the Torelli map, there is a map to $\overline{\mathscr A_4}$ (which has dimension $...
Asvin's user avatar
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Rationality of Eisenstein series g2 and g3 for elliptic curves defined over numberfields

Let $K$ be a number field and let $E/K$ be an elliptic curve. (Fix an embedding of $K$ into the complex numbers $\mathbb{C}$). Let $\eta$ be the invariant differential of $E/K$. Let $\omega_1$ and $\...
user51764's user avatar
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Regularity of the modular curves $Y(N)$, $Y_1(N)$

I'm reading the five chapter of the book of Katz-Mazur, Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves, concerning regularity of the moduli problems of $\Gamma(N)$-structures, $\Gamma_1(N)$-structures and $\...
Jrodri26's user avatar
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A website which explains Mazur's torsion point theorem

I'm about to read Mazur's paper "Modular curves and the Eisenstein ideal". It's so long and difficult for me, but I found a website which shows the Mazur's theorem. This is very short and very very ...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Unirationality of moduli spaces of marked elliptic curves

Let us consider the moduli space of genus one curves with an effective divisor of degree d; this space is birational to the quotient of the usual moduli space of genus one curves with $d$ marked ...
Evgeny Shinder's user avatar
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Maps to the universal punctured elliptic curve

I have just started reading Hain's paper On the Universal Elliptic KZB Connection. I am a bit confused about a comment made there about base points on orbifolds. I am still very new to the idea of ...
Alex Saad's user avatar
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Modular curve X(2)

Let $\mathfrak{M}(2)$ be the algberaic stack over $\mathbb{Z}[1/2]$ which classifies the elliptic curves with the two level structure and let $X(2)$ be the coarse moduli space of $\mathfrak{M}(2)$ ($X(...
Adel BETINA's user avatar
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Complex Structure Moduli of Elliptic Fibrations

Given an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold in Weierstrass form I want to compute the number of complex structure moduli of the fibration. I know how it is done for the generic Weierstrass ...
Stirling Suleiman's user avatar
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Lifting a real quadratic twist of an Elliptic Curve to the modular curve

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve of conductor $N\cdot p^2$ over $\mathbb{Q}$, defined by the equation $$y^2=x^3+p^2b\cdot x + p^3\cdot c$$ and parametrized by a map $$X_{0}(N\cdot {p}^{2})\rightarrow E$$ ...
The Thin Whistler's user avatar
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elliptic curves and group cohomology

Recently, I've been trying to understand Jacob Lurie's 2-equivariant elliptic cohomology a bit better than I had in the past. From what I can tell, the fragment of the story that only deals with ...
André Henriques's user avatar
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Intuitive reasons for the existence of modular parametrizations

Whenever I encounter anything about modular parametrizations, I have a feeling it is something very unnatural: you have some kind of moduli space and all of a sudden it parametrizes an object ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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What's wrong with my understanding of the scheme $\text{Isom}(E_\lambda, E_{\lambda'})$?

Let $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$ be the moduli stack of elliptic curves (over the complex numbers). Define $$\begin{eqnarray*} X &:=& \Bbb{A}^1_{\lambda} - \{0,1\}\\ X' &=& \Bbb{A}^1_{\lambda'} ...
David Benjamin Lim's user avatar
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$\pi_1$ of the moduli of G-bundles on elliptic curves and the double affine braid group

For a simple Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}$ over $\mathbb{C}$, the fundamental group of $\mathfrak{h}_\text{reg}/W$ (where $\mathfrak{h}$ is the Cartan subalgebra, $\mathfrak{h}_\text{reg}$ is the subset ...
Yuji Tachikawa's user avatar
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$Pic$ of the stack of elliptic curves vs. $Pic$ of the coarse space

There's a natural map $f:\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}\to \overline{M}_{1,1}\cong \mathbb{P}^1$ from the stack of elliptic curves to the coarse space. Both spaces have $Pic=\mathbb{Z}$ hence $f^*:\...
IMeasy's user avatar
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picard group of moduli of elliptic r-prym curves

Let $\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{1,1}$ be the DM compactification of the moduli stack of elliptic curves. Its Picard group is $\mathbb{Z}$. Let us now consider stack of $r$-prym curves $\overline{\mathcal{...
IMeasy's user avatar
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Hodge bundle on F-curves

Let $\mathbb{E}\rightarrow\overline{M}_{g,n}$ be the Hodge bundle. Let us cosider an $F$-curve of type $\overline{M}_{1,1}\subseteq\overline{M}_{g,n}$. Is the degree of the restriction of $\mathbb{E}$ ...
Puzzled's user avatar
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examples of "exotic" moduli problems for elliptic curves?

Let $\textbf{Ell}$ be the category of elliptic curves over various base schemes, and where a morphism between $E\rightarrow S$ and $E'\rightarrow S'$ is a cartesian diagram with those two maps as ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Is there an elliptic surface over $Y(1)$?

Actually I have a few related questions. Here, by $Y(1)$ I mean the affine $j$-line $\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})\backslash\mathcal{H}$. I know $Y(1)$ is only a coarse moduli space, so there isn't a ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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lifts of maps to $\mathcal{M}_{1,1}$

Hi, here's there's a construction about elliptic curves that I do not completely understand. Suppose I consider the two following families of elliptic curves over $\mathbb{C}^*$. The first, which I ...
IMeasy's user avatar
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What does this quotient of the upper half plane parametrize?

Let $G(N)$ be the congruence subgroup $\big\{ \begin{pmatrix} a&b \\ c&d \end{pmatrix} \in SL_2(\mathbb{Z}) \ \ | \ \ a \equiv d \mod N \textrm{ and } b \equiv c\equiv 0 \mod N \big\}$. $G(...
Adam Harris's user avatar
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Does the moduli space of smooth curves of genus g contain an elliptic curve

Let $M_g$ be the moduli space of smooth projective geometrically connected curves over a field $k$ with $g\geq 2$. Note that $M_g$ is not complete. Does $M_g$ contain an elliptic curve? The answer ...
Francesco's user avatar
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Some help in digesting a paragraph in the introduction of Deligne/Rapoport's "Les Schemas de Modules de Courbes Elliptique" On page 149 (DeRa-7), in the middle of the page, I can translate the middle paragraph that starts "3. La surface de Riemann ..." as ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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Modular curve parametrizing two cyclic subgroups of an elliptic curve

The aim of this question is to better understand the following moduli space/modular curve, for which I propose (temporarily) the name $Y_0(M,N)$. We define $Y_0(M,N)$ as the moduli space parametrizing ...
OldMacdonaldHadaForm's user avatar
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Moduli space of points of fixed order N on elliptic curves

Let us consider the moduli space $Y_1(N)$, parametrizing an elliptic curve, together with a choice of a point of N-torsion on it. Over the complex numbers, it is easy to see that this moduli space is ...
Math's user avatar
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Modular interpretation of an action of the linear group SL_2 on the cohomology of an elliptic curve

Let $E$ be an elliptic curve and $x,y \in H^1(E, \mathbb{Q})$ be a basis for the first rational cohomology group of $E$. There is an action of the linear group $SL_2(\mathbb{Q})$ on $H^*(E,\mathbb{Q})$...
Passenger's user avatar
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Choosing tau for elliptic curves over the rational numbers with prescribed ramification data

Let $r>2$ and let $b_1,b_2,\ldots,b_r$ be in $\mathbf{P}^1(\mathbf{Q})$. Let $B$ be the divisor $$B:= \sum [b_i].$$ We consider this data to be fixed. For $d>1$, we define $\textrm{Ell}(b_1,b_2,\...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
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For which composite $N$ does $X_0(N)$ possess a non-cuspidal rational point?

According the the introduction to Mazur's Rational Isogenies of Prime Degree the following question was open in 1978: Let $N$ be one of the integers 39, 65, 91, 125, or 169. Does the modular ...
James Weigandt's user avatar
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Curious propositon in "Les schemas de modules de courbes elliptiques"

Currently I am reading "Les schemas de modules de courbes elliptiques" by Deligne and Rapoport and I got myself seriously confused about the following proposition (in English translation): (II ...
Holger Partsch's user avatar
25 votes
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Conceptual understanding of the Gross-Zagier theorem.

The Gross-Zagier paper "Heegner points and derivatives of $L$-series", is really computational and hard to plow through. It seems it is futile to read it as such and one must look for a more ...
Regenbogen's user avatar
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(nontrivial) isotrivial family of elliptic curves

I think it should be a standard procedure to construct such things, can anyone give a reference or give a hint? Can this be done over any base scheme?
natura's user avatar
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Existence of fine moduli space for curves and elliptic curves

For the moduli problem of a curve of genus $g$ with $n$ marked points, how large an $n$ is needed to ensure the existence of a fine moduli space? For this question, terminology is that of Mumford's ...
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