Questions tagged [modular-forms]

Questions about modular forms and related areas

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6 votes
1 answer

An explicit equation of the canonical morphism $X_1(N) \to X_0(N)$

I know there are some research about explicit equations for affine models in $\mathbb{A}^2$ of many modular curves over $\mathbb{Q}$, for example of $X_i(N), X(N)$ (where $i = 0, 1, 2$) for small $N$. ...
k.j.'s user avatar
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10 votes
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Modular forms with finitely many or very few non-zero Fourier coefficients

I have an elementary question on modular forms, but which I don't know how to solve. a) Is there a congruence subgroup $\Gamma \leq \mathrm{SL}_2(\Bbb Z)$, an integer $k \in \Bbb Z$ and a non-...
Alphonse's user avatar
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Reference Request - New proof of Ribet's level lowering by Khare and Wintenberger

I'm currently following the note of Sug Woo Shin's course at Berkeley with notes taken by Rong Zhou. In Section 24.3 (Page 86), Ribet's level lowering theorem is stated: [Theorem 24.7] $E = E_{a^{\...
Hetong Xu's user avatar
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Diophantine consequences of the Buzzard–Diamond–Jarvis conjecture

Serre's modularity conjecture famously implies Fermat Last Theorem. More generally, Serre's conjecture implies that certain generalized Fermat equations have no non-trivial solutions (see Section 4.1 ...
Tristan Phillips's user avatar
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Ordinary primes for a weak form corresponding to a CM newform

Setup: Let $f$ be a harmonic Maass form of weight $2-k$ ($k \in \mathbb{N}$), level $N$, and character $\chi$. Letting $q := e^{2\pi i z}$ and considering the Fourier expansion of any harmonic Maass ...
Freddie's user avatar
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"Moonshine" basics?

Having browsed recently a bit about "moonshine", which looks to me like some weird surrealist landscape, I wonder if: 1. sporadic groups could be seen as seemingly isolated special points of ...
Thomas Riepe's user avatar
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Why is Dedekind sum?

The Dedekind function is defined as follows $$\eta(\tau)=q^{1/24}\prod_{n=1}^\infty(1-q^n),\qquad q=e^{2\pi i\tau}.$$ We have $$\eta(\tau+1)=\zeta_{24}\eta(\tau),\qquad \eta\left(-\frac{1}{\tau}\right)...
Shimrod's user avatar
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A computation of the rank of the Jacobian of a hyperelliptic curve over a number field using MAGMA

In this paper, the authors says that, in order to show the rank of a Jacobian over $\mathbb{Q}$ is 0, they use the L function. In the section 3.3, the authors compute the rank of the Jacobian of $X_1(...
k.j.'s user avatar
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On Fourier coefficients of Bianchi modular forms, l-ordinary

Let $f\in S_2(\Gamma_1(N))$ be a Hecke eigenform and $\ell$ a prime number does not divide $N$. Let $a_f(\ell)$ be the $\ell$-th Fourier coefficient of $f$. Then $a_f(\ell)$ is is called $\ell$-...
jason kwon's user avatar
3 votes
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Maximum value of newform from Galois representation

One can attach $\ell$-adic Galois representations to holomorphic cuspidal newforms of weight $2$ on the upper half-plane. If a newform is $L^2$-normalized, can one extract its maximum value from the ...
sup's user avatar
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Meaning of Atkin-Lehner eigenvalues

Suppose I have $f\in S_2(\Gamma_0(N))$ a classical modular newform of level $N$. I want to understand what information (if any) is carried by its Atkin-Lehner eigenvalues for primes $p\mid N$, as ...
ribbcastle's user avatar
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Modular forms on $\Gamma(N)$

I'm wondering where I can find a good reference about what is known about modular forms (especially cuspidal eigenforms) of full principal level $\Gamma(N)$, in terms of their Hecke theory, old/...
xir's user avatar
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7 votes
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Hurwitz numbers and $t$-cores

For integers $k \geq 0$ and $d \geq 1$ let $H(k,d)$ be the Hurwitz number which, for the purposes of this posting, will be defined by: \begin{equation} H(k,d) \, := \ d! \, \sum_{\lambda \, \vdash d}...
Jeanne Scott's user avatar
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Modular form not meromorphic at $\infty$

Is there a function $f$ with the following properties $f$ meromorphic at the upper half plane $\mathfrak h$, $f$ is of weight $k$ under a congruence subgroup of $\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb Z)$, $f$ ...
Shimrod's user avatar
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10 votes
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Is there some precise way in which modular cocycle $c/(c\tau +d)$ "is" the generator of $H^1(\mathcal{M}_{ell}, \omega^2) \cong \mathbb{Z}/12$?

It is semiclassical that the extension class $\text{Ext}^1(\omega^{-1},\omega)\cong H^1(\mathcal{M}_{ell},\omega^2)$ over the modular stack $\mathcal{M}_{ell}/\mathbb{Z}$ is nonvanishing, being cyclic ...
xir's user avatar
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Index and weight of Weierstrass $\sigma$-function as a Jacobi form, versus a statement in a note by Zagier

Let $$\sigma_L(w; \tau):=\frac{w}{\exp\left(\sum_{k\ge 2} 2G_k(q)\frac{w^k}{k!}\right)}$$ be the version of the Weierstrass $\sigma$-function which is used to orient $\text{tmf}$; here $w=2\pi i z$, $...
xir's user avatar
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8 votes
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Modular forms over $\mathbb{Z}$ vs modular forms with integral Fourier coefficients

It is well known that the ring of modular forms over $\mathbb{C}$ is $$ \mathbb{C}[c_4,c_6] $$ where $$ c_4 = 1+240 q + \cdots,\qquad c_6 = 1-504 q - \cdots $$ are the standard Eisenstein series, and ...
Yuji Tachikawa's user avatar
13 votes
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Work of Atkin on the 26th power of eta

The 26th power of the Dedekind $\eta$ function has been mentioned several times here on MO: A 14th and 26th-power Dedekind eta function identity? What's the status of the following relationship ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Holomorphic automorphic/cusp forms on real Lie groups

An automorphic form on a real Lie group $G$ for a discrete subgroup $\Gamma$ is a function $f:G\to\mathbb{C}$ with some properties (see Borel’s definition in Proceedings of Symposia in PURE ...
Jun Yang's user avatar
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An explicit equation for $X_1(13)$ and a computation using MAGMA

By a general theory $X_1(13)$ is smooth over $\mathbb{Z}[1/13]$, and so is its Jacobian $J$. And the hyperelliptic curve given by an affine model $y^2 = x^6 - 2x^5 + x^4 -2x^3 + 6x^2 -4x + 1$ is $X_1(...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Moduli interpretation and Ogg's notation for the cusps on modular curves

In Ogg's paper "rational points on certain elliptic modular curves", the author says, using Ogg's notation for cusps, that for fiexed $d$, if $(y, N) = d$, then for any $x$ satisfying $(x, y,...
k.j.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Statement of classical Ramanujan-Petersson conjecture

I'm preparing for an expository talk on some topics in the representation theory of reductive p-adic groups, including tempered representations and Whittaker models, and as motivation I wanted to ...
David Schwein's user avatar
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Stabilizers of points in the upper half-plane

Suppose that $\Gamma$ is a group acting discontinuously on $\mathcal{H} = \{ z \in \mathbb{C} : \operatorname{Im}(z) > 1\}$. In order to keep things simple, suppose that $\Gamma \subseteq \...
Oiler's user avatar
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Reference request for some fragments of Gauss with dubious origin

Gauss's results on the interconnection between the different values of the arithmetic-geometric mean of two complex numbers as recorded in his private notebooks led him to introduce foundational ...
user2554's user avatar
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Factorizing classical Eisenstein series

In the course of my research, I found some surprising (for me) factorizations of Eisenstein series in levels $1$, $2$, $3$, and $4$. For instance, in level $1$ set with standard modular form notation $...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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5 votes
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Modular forms and number of representations by binary quadratic forms

Let $Q(x,y)$ be a positive definite quadratic form of discriminant $d$. Let $r_Q(n)$ be the number of solutions of $Q(x,y)=n$. It is known that the function $f_Q(\tau)=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}r_Q(n)q^n$ is ...
Shimrod's user avatar
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A formula in Ramanujan's lost notebook and its connection with Chudnovsky series for $1/\pi$

While studying Berndt's Ramanujan's Lost Notebook Vol. 2, page 369 (chapter on Springerlink), I found that Ramanujan gave values of a certain expression $$\frac{1}{\sqrt{Q_n}}\left(\sqrt {n} P_n-\frac{...
Paramanand Singh's user avatar
8 votes
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Do odd-weight cusp forms have analytic rank 0?

Let $f(z)=\sum_{n\ge 1}a_nq^n$ be a cusp form, where $q=e^{2\pi i z}$. Let $ L(s) = \sum_{n\ge 1} a_nn^{-s} $ be its corresponding L-function. The completed L-function of $L(s)$, $\Lambda(s)$, should ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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Logarithmic vector-valued modular functions and quasimodular forms with misleading modular weights

I have a somewhat imprecise question about functions with reasonably nice modular transformations that don't seem to fit nicely into what I understand of the plain vanilla theory of modular and ...
Christopher Beem's user avatar
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Totally rational hypergeometric evaluations

This is a followup to the question at which rational points does the Hypergeometric function take rational values asked 10 years ago by Eugene Starling, and is more a challenge than a question. Let $F(...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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3 votes
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Continuation of $\sum \sigma_\nu(n) a(n) n^{-s}$ for $a(\cdot)$ coming from a half-integral weight form

In some of my work, I've run into a wall trying to understand whether a Dirichlet series has a meromorphic continuation or not. Let $f(z) = \sum_{n \geq 1} a(n) e(nz)$ be a half-integral weight ...
davidlowryduda's user avatar
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How can I compute the derivative of a modular form, for example an Eisenstein series?

Suppose that $f(z)$ is a modular form of weight $k$, therefore for any $z\in \mathbb{H}$, and any matrix in $SL_2(\mathbb{Z})$ we have: $$f\left(\frac{az+b}{cz+d}\right) = (cz+d)^k f(z).$$ I do not ...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
12 votes
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Two non constant meromorphic functions over a connected compact Riemann surface, could not be algebraically independent

Let $M$ be a connected compact Riemann surface. Let $f, g$ be two nonconstant meromorphic functions. Why is there a two-variable complex polynomial $F(x,y)$ that vanishes for $(x, y)=(f, g)$, (in ...
Tireless and hardworking's user avatar
12 votes
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Chiral homology for the Virasoro algebra and/or affine Lie algebra

I want to understand what concrete analytical objects are found in chiral homology of higher degree of a vertex algera (-module) $M$. More precisely: I can obtain conformal blocks on a surface $\Sigma$...
Simon Lentner's user avatar
4 votes
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What are the known number-theoretic functions, that are related to "the number of ideals of norm $n$, that belong to the class $[c]$"?

Let $L$ be a number field, $\mathcal{O}_L$ its ring of integers, and $\mathcal{Cl(O}_L)$ its ideal class group. Let's fix an arbitrary class $[c] \in \mathcal{Cl(O}_L)$. By $r(n)=r([c], n)$, I mean ...
Davood Khajehpour's user avatar
11 votes
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Modularity of higher genus curves

The modularity conjecture for elliptic curves over number fields is well known, and indeed, is a theorem for all elliptic curves over $\mathbb{Q}$, and at least potentially, over any CM field. What ...
Nimas's user avatar
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How can I transform $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{n+1}}{n^k\sin(\pi rn)}$ into a modular form?

Let $$f_k(z)=\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^{n+1}}{n^k\sin(\pi zn)}$$ be a family of holomorphic functions on the upper-half plane $\mathbb{H}=\{a+bi|b>0\}$ for each odd natural number $k$. These ...
Milo Moses's user avatar
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Siegel's formula for generalized theta series with characteristics?

Siegel's formula(Siegel-Weil) directly relates the weighted sum of theta functions to Eisenstein series. (Or equivalently, the weighted sum of the cusp form is zero). I wonder if there is a ...
Y.J.'s user avatar
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14 votes
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Bounding the fourier coefficient field

Let $f = \sum_n a_n q^n \in S_2(\Gamma_0(N))$ be a normalized, non-CM, newform of weight $N \geq 1$ and level $2$. Let $K_f := {\mathbb Q}(\{a_n\}) \subset {\mathbb C}$ be the number field generated ...
mnr's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition of product of modular functions

The eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on $SL(2,\mathbb Z)\backslash \mathbb H$ are known to be given by three types: the constant function, the real analytic Eisenstein series (which come in a ...
nathan benjamin's user avatar
2 votes
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Hecke convergence factor

I was reading a paper here. There the author define an infinite series $$\sum_{ad-cb=1}(cz+d)^{-(k-j)}(az+b)^{-j}$$ where $k$ is an even integer bigger than 2 and $2\leqslant j\leqslant k-2$. Then ...
CO2's user avatar
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6 votes
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What are the applications of modular forms in number theory?

I am new to the topic, so I'm trying to get an overview. I am aware of the relation between modular forms and $L$-series (but don't know what that does) and FLT. Are there other applications of ...
Consider Non-Trivial Cases's user avatar
3 votes
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Finiteness of points over the cyclotomic extension for modular forms

Let $\rho(f):G_\mathbb{Q} \rightarrow GL_2(K_f)$ be the Galois representation attached to some cuspidal modular form $f$ where $K_f$ is a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$. Let $V_f$ be the vector ...
user100603's user avatar
26 votes
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Equations defining hyperbolic geodesics in $\mathbb C \setminus\{0,1\}$

Let $X=\mathbb C\setminus\{0,1\}$, equipped with the hyperbolic structure it inherits from Klein's modular $\lambda$ function $\lambda:\mathbb H \to X$. In each (non-peripheral and nontrivial) free-...
Jonah Gaster's user avatar
2 votes
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Global section of vertical differential 1 forms on universal elliptic curve

Let $B$ be a modular curve (of some level) over a number field $K$ (here, we implicitly assume that $K$ is large enough to make sense the phrase "$B$ is a $K$-variety"). Let $E\to B$ the ...
User0829's user avatar
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Why should an abelian variety with few places of bad reduction and a lot of endomorphisms not have many points?

In the paper "Points of Order 13 on Elliptic Curves" by Mazur-Tate, they say in the introduction: It seemed ... that if such an abelian variety $J$, which has bad reduction at only one ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Theta series analogues for higher degree forms

It is simple to see that the following series converges absolutely and uniformly on $\mathcal{H}$ for all k positive: $F_{2k}(z) = \sum_{n \in \mathbb{Z}} q^{n^{2k}}$ And this series being a ...
Sagars's user avatar
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Automorphic representation of weight 3 eigenforms

Let $f$ be a weight 3 eigenform with rational Fourier coefficients. As shown by Elkies and Schutt, $f$ is associated to a singular K3 surface over $\mathbb{Q}$. A construction of Shioda and Inose ...
Goro's user avatar
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Principal series representation of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$ restricted to principal congruence subgroup

Given a principal congruence subgroup $\Gamma(N)$ of $SL(2,\mathbb{R})$, since $\Gamma(N)$ is free, consider a probability distribution $\mu_1$ of a simple random walk on $\Gamma(N)$ and consider its ...
user158970's user avatar
4 votes
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Lower bound on symmetric square L-function

In a paper of Soundararajan, equation (16c) states that for any Hecke eigenform $f$ of weight $k$, the symmetric square L-function at $1$ satisfies the bound $$(\log k)^{-2}\ll L(1, \mathrm{sym}^2f)\...
Mayank Pandey's user avatar

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