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Coordinate free supersymmetric sigma model Lagrangian

I would like to know if there is a coordinate free version of the Lagrangian of the supersymmetric sigma model on a $2$-dimensional spacetime, with target space a Kähler manifold. The action for this ...
Quaere Verum's user avatar
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Localization principle in integration over supermanifolds

This post is closely related to the post Localization principle in supersymmetry and can be considered as a continuation of it, although independent. In § 9.3 of the book "Mirror symmetry" (K. Hori ...
asv's user avatar
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Mirror Symmetry for Flag Supermanifolds

I recently learned the following two things, and I wish to know how to make them reconciled. (1) As far as I understand, the flag manifolds serve as a tractable class of examples for the very ...
Jaak van der Smut's user avatar
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Localization principle in supersymmetry

In $\S$ 9.3 of the book "Mirror symmetry" (Vafa, Zaslow eds.) the authors formulate the following general localization principle for computation of integrals with respect to both even and odd ...
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