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Is there an exact solution for the number of points within a circle of radius r for an honeycomb lattice?

I want to ask if exists an exact solution for the number of points within a circle of radius r for an honeycomb lattice. I know that it is exist for an square lattice
Mihaela's user avatar
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Inscribed $n$-polytope with $2^n$ vertices of maximal volume

The question is in the title: Question: Which inscribed $n$-dimensional polytope (inscribed in the unit sphere) with $2^n$ vertices has the largest possible volume? Is it the $n$-dimensional cube? ...
M. Rumpy's user avatar
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Cutting a spherical surface into mutually non-congruent pieces of equal area

Question: For what values of integer $n$ can the surface of a sphere be partitioned into $n$ convex and mutually non-congruent pieces of same area? (convexity could be viewed as geodesic convexity). ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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6 votes
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Covering number estimates on closed Riemannian manifolds

Let $(M^n,g)$ be an $n$-dimensional compact and connected Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature bounded above and below by $c,C$. Is it possible/known how to express the external covering ...
Carlos_Petterson's user avatar
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Convex planar regions with optimal average 'centralness' and 'depth'

For a planar convex region $C$ and an interior point $P$ we define: the centralness ratio at $P$ is $$\min\left(\frac{\text{shorter portion of }\chi}{\text{longer portion of }\chi}:\chi\text{ is a ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On convex planar regions that can be cut into only a specified number of mutually congruent and connected pieces

References: On congruent partitions of planar regions https://research....
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Optimal intersections between planar convex regions

Here is an earlier discussion that could be related: On comparing planar convex regions of equal perimeter and area We are broadly interested in placing two given planar convex regions so that the ...
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Are sharper lower bounds known for these potentials on the sphere?

Fix a positive integer $\ell$. For $x_1,\dotsc,x_n\in S^{d-1}$, Venkov proved that $$ \sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^n(x_i\cdot x_j)^{2\ell}\geq\frac{(2\ell-1)!!(d-2)!!}{(d+2\ell-2)!!}\cdot n^2, $$ with ...
Dustin G. Mixon's user avatar
7 votes
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Open covering of $S^n$ by sets not containing antipodal points

Given an $n$-dimensional sphere $S^n$ and an open cover such that none of the open sets contain antipodal points, does there exist a point on $S^n$ that belongs to at least $n+1$ open sets from the ...
Alan Li's user avatar
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2 answers

Partitioning unit square with equal frequency rectangles

If I had to partition the unit square $[0,1]\times[0,1]$ into $k^2$ rectangles such that the sum of their diagonals is minimum possible, I would simply choose the $k \times k$ grid of squares. Now ...
bleh's user avatar
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Is there a polynomial expression for the volume of the following set?

Denote the unit $\ell_2$ ball in $\mathbb{R}^n$ as $\mathcal{B}_n$. It is widely kown that for a convex body $\mathcal{K}\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$, the $n$-dimensional volume of the parallel body $\...
RyanChan's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Given the skeleton of an inscribed polytope. If I move the vertices so that no edge increases in length, can the circumradius still get larger?

Let $P\subset \Bbb R^n$ be an inscribed convex polytope, that is, all its vertices are on a common sphere of radius $r$. Let $G$ be the edge-graph of $P$. For convenience, assume $V(G)=\{1,\dotsc,s\}$....
M. Winter's user avatar
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On ways to measure the difference between two planar convex regions

This earlier post attempted to quantify the difference between a pair of planar convex regions of equal area and perimeter using Hausdorff distance: On comparing planar convex regions of equal ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On cutting convex regions with average values of quantities minimized

This post continues from Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 2 and Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 3 A basic (and to my ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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8 votes
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What should a meaningful notion of curvature satisfy, in the absence of a smooth structure?

There are many generalizations of various curvatures to non-smooth metric spaces (e.g. Ollivier's Ricci curvature). Suppose I have a metric space $(X,d)$ and I want to define a notion of curvature ...
Brendan Mallery's user avatar
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On possible generalizations of the Steiner ellipse – convex regions containing and contained within a given convex quadrilateral

In the post On convex regions containing (and contained within) a given triangle , it was noted: for a general triangle $T$, the convex region $C_M$ of largest area containing $T$ such that $T$ is ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Partition of polygons into 'congruent sets of polygons'

Definition: Two finite sets of polygons $A$ and $B$ are congruent if we can match polygons in $A$ in a one-one manner with polygons in $B$ with each matched pair of polygons mutually congruent. ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Least area and least perimeter triangles that contain a convex planar region - how different can they be?

Is there a planar convex region whose enclosing triangles of least perimeter and least area have different areas and different perimeters? And if so, which region maximizes the difference between the ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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What is the average component size of a coloring?

Supose each cell of a big (or infinite) grid is colored at random by one of $k$ colors. Then the connected monochromatic components (here components are not supposed to contain "wasp waists",...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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5 votes
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Dimension of configuration space of triangulated convex polyhedron

The configuration space of all tetrahedra is $5$-dimensional, perhaps a non-obvious fact. There are $12$ face angles, but the sum of each of the four faces angles is $\pi$, reducing $12$ to $8$ ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Packing densities of non-centrally symmetric planar convex regions

Reference: Background: The smoothed octagon is conjectured to have the lowest maximum packing density of the plane of all centrally symmetric convex ...
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Polyhedrons and their centers of mass

Given a convex polyhedron, one considers 3 possibilities: wireframe - only the edges of the polyhedron have mass which is uniformly distributed. surface - only the surface is massive with uniform ...
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Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra – 2

This post continues Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra and On planar sections of 3D convex bodies Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra gives an example demonstrating that shadows (orthogonal ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Shadows and planar sections of polyhedra

By shadow we mean the orthogonal projection of a convex 3D body P onto a 2D plane, for example, the shadow on the xy-plane, with P above (z>0) that plane and the light at L=(0,0,+∞). P an be freely ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On intersections of several convex regions

Question: Given n convex planar regions. Required to place them (in suitable position and orientation) so that that part of the plane lying under all the regions (their common intersection) is of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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7 votes
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Set of unit vectors such that among any three there is an orthogonal pair

I was fascinated by the solutions of Problem 8 of the IMC 2021 contest, which can be summarized as: Theorem 1. Let $v_1,\dotsc,v_N$ be distinct unit vectors in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that among any three ...
GH from MO's user avatar
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Tiling a Jordan polygon

I saw this problem some years ago, don't remember the source: Let $P$ be a Jordan polygon (i.e. the only points of the plane belonging to two edges are the polygon vertices) that can be tiled with ...
jack's user avatar
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On planar sections of 3D convex bodies

Consider the space of planar sections of any given convex 3D body. Basic Question: What is the lower bound for the ratio $$\frac{\text{area of section of greatest perimeter}} {\text{area of section of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Which convex pentagon gives least packing density?

Among all convex pentagons, does the regular pentagon give least packing density? Further question: For each $n > 6$, is the regular $n$-gon the minimum of packing density? An analogous question ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Facility location and traveling salesman

This question is based on Distributing points evenly on a sphere and Facility location on manifolds The 'dispersal problem' (which can be mapped to packing disks in many cases) places $n$ points in a ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On packing axisymmetric bodies in 3D

Consider any 3D body with an axis of rotational symmetry (e.g. cone, cylinder...) and packing the 3d space efficiently with infinitely many copies of this body. Is the following claim valid? Claim: ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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21 votes
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Cutting of a regular polygon into congruent pieces

Question. For which $N$ it is possible to cut a regular $N$-gon into congruent pieces such that the center of the regular polygon lies strictly inside one of the pieces? For $N=3,4$ there are trivial ...
Fedor Nilov's user avatar
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How many regular d-dimensional simplices of side length 1/2 are required to cover a regular d-dimensional simplex of side length 1?

For positive integers $n$ and $d$ satisfying $d = n-1$, let the $d$-dimensional regular simplex of side-length $\sqrt{2}$ be $X = \{(x_1, x_2, \cdots, x_n) \in \mathbb{R}^n: x_1+x_2+\cdots + x_n = 1, ...
atenao's user avatar
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Are there any convex pentagonal rep-tiles?

A rep-tile is a shape that can tile larger copies of the same shape. Question 1: Are there any convex pentagons that are also rep-tiles? Remarks: 15 convex pentagonal tiles of the plane are known and ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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15 votes
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Three squares in a rectangle

One of my colleagues gave me the following problem about 15 years ago: Given three squares inside a 1 by 2 rectangle, with no two squares overlapping, prove that the sum of side lengths is at most 2. (...
udaque's user avatar
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A center of convex planar regions based on chords

This is based on Chapter 6 of 'Convex figures' by Yaglom and Boltyanskii. This post also continues On two centers of convex regions. A point $P$ in the interior of a planar convex region $C$ divides ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Multi-layered wrapping of polyhedra

This post continues from How big a box can you wrap with a given polygon? and Convex polyhedra that can be folded from convex polygons. One can also mention 'k-fold coverings of the plane' as examined ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Convex polyhedra that can be folded from convex polygons

This question is based on Therein is stated the theorem: Every convex polygon folds to an infinite number (a continuum) of noncongruent ...
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How big a box can you wrap with a given polygon?

Question: Given a convex polygonal region, how does one find the box (rectangular parallelopiped) of maximum volume that can be wrapped with this region? While wrapping, if needed, some portions of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Folding polygons into 'vessels'

This question is based on Define an vessel as a convex polyhedron with one face removed - in other words, a vessel can be converted into a ...
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Convex polyhedra with non-congruent faces

Question: Are there convex polyhedra wherein all faces are convex polygons with same area and perimeter and no two faces are mutually congruent? Remarks: If the answer to above is "no", then,...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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On a possible variant of Monsky's theorem

See Wikipedia for Monsky's theorem which states: it is not possible to dissect a square into an odd number of triangles all of equal area. Questions: Are there quadrilaterals that allow partition into ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 3

We add a bit to Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces - 2. There, we asked, for example: If we divide a 2D convex region C into n convex pieces such that the maximum ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Arrangement of points, lines, and planes

Is it possible to construct a finite nontrivial arrangement of points, lines, and planes in 3-dimensional Euclidean space with the following properties? every line is incident with four points and ...
Daniel Sebald's user avatar
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Triangulations of point sets — obtuse and acute triangles

Given a planar configuration of points in general position. It is known that the Delaunay triangulation is the 'fattest' triangulation possible. It is also easily seen that given 7 points with 6 of ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Definition of "regular" in Stringham's "Regular figures in n-dimensional space"

I've been reading Irving Stringham's 1880 thesis, "Regular Figures in n-dimensional Space" (only 14 pages!), after it was mentioned by Coxeter in Regular Polytopes (§7.x). I'm confused about ...
Nick Matteo's user avatar
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Bound on covering number for overparametrized manifold

I am trying to wrap my head around the following problem: I have $p$ real parameters $\boldsymbol{\theta} \in \Theta = [0, 2\pi)^p$ that parametrize functions $f(\boldsymbol{\theta}) \in f(\Theta)$ ...
Johannes Jakob Meyer's user avatar
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Cutting convex polygons into triangles of same diameter

This question continues from: Cutting convex regions into equal diameter and equal least width pieces Definitions: The diameter of a convex region is the greatest distance between any pair of points ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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22 votes
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Is every 1-million-connected graph rigid in 3D?

It is an old result that every $6$-connected graph is rigid in $\mathbb{R}^2$: Lovász, László, and Yechiam Yemini. "On generic rigidity in the plane." SIAM Journal on Algebraic Discrete ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes
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Facility location on manifolds

Facility location studies optimal placement of a certain number $n$ of points (facilities) in some region $R$. ( The minimax facility location ...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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