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Questions tagged [metric-spaces]

A metric space is a pair $(X,d)$, where $X$ is a set and $d:X \times X \to \mathbb{R}$ satisfies the following conditions for all $x,y,z \in X$. (Symmetry) $d(x,y)=d(y,x)$. (Identity of Indiscernibles) $d(x,y)=0$ if and only if $x=y$. (Triangle Inequality) $d(x,y)+d(y,z) \geq d(x,z)$.

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1 answer

Is there any result concerning on the metric dimension of inverse limit?

To be specific, my question is as follows: Question: Let $X$ be an inverse limit of compact metric spaces $(X_i, d_i)$, then does it hold $\dim(X, d) \leq \sup_i \{\dim (X_i, d_i)\}$ for some ...
Bingbing Liang's user avatar
4 votes
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"monotone" homotopy?

This is a question about a concept that I call "monotone homotopy" which arises in a natural way in some topological situations. Let $X$ be a (bounded) metric space, $Y$ be a topological space and $A\...
reader2's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Unbounded metrics on groups

If $G$ is an infinite group, is there necessarily an unbounded left-invariant metric on $G$?
H-Hook's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Compactness of sigma-algebra for the $L^1$ metrics

Consider a probability space $(X,F,\mu)$, and the quotient $G$ of the sigma-algebra $F$ by its null sets. Endow $G$ with the metric $d(A,B) = \mu(A \triangle B)$. Is $(G,d)$ a compact metric space? ...
Did's user avatar
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10 votes
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Probability that a random distance function is metric

Take a random $n \times n$ nonnegative symmetric matrix $D$ with zero diagonal. What is the probability that it is an abstract distance matrix, i.e. satisfies $D_{xy}+D_{yz} \geq D_{xz}$ for all index ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Axiom of Choice and continuous functions

Do you know if the following statement is an equivalent form of the axiom of choice or not? If $X$ is a compact metric space, then every continuous function $f: X \longrightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is ...
Ivan's user avatar
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Construct a topologically $\infty$-dimensional separable metric space.

But don't assume knowledge of any topological dimension theory. Here is a specific approach (an open problem): Does there exist a separable metric space $X$ such that the following two conditions ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

reference for "X compact <=> C_b(X) separable" (X metric space)

I know (and am able to prove via Stone-Čech compactification) that the following is correct: Theorem: A metric space is compact if and only if its space of bounded, continuous, real-valued ...
Wolfgang Loehr's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Which metric spaces have this superposition property?

Let $A \subset X$ and $B \subset X$ be two isometric subsets of a metric space $X$. So there is an isometry $f: A \to B$. Say that a metric space $X$ has the superposition property (my terminology) ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
2 votes
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Manhattan distance vs. absorption time on an unbounded integer lattice

Imagine I have unbounded $d$-dimensional integer lattice where I take two vertices, $v_a$ and $v_b$, separated by a fixed Manhattan distance $L$, and I release a random walker at $v_a$ and allow for ...
FloatingForest's user avatar
6 votes
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Trasportation metric (AKA Earth-Mover's, Wasserstein, etc.) as "natural" / "induced"?

Context: Given a discrete finite metric space $X$ (in my case X={0,1}$^n$ with the Hamming/L$_1$ distance), I need to define the natural or canonical metric on the set of all probability distributions ...
Matteo Mainetti's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is the hyperspace of the Hilbert cube homeomorphic to the Hilbert cube

Question: Is the hyperspace of the Hilbert cube $H=[0,1]^\mathbb {N}$ homeomorphic to $H$? Remarks and definitions: 1) The Hilbert cube $H$ is a compact metric space, where the metric is given by ...
Marcus's user avatar
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2 answers

Two metrics and a sequence converging to two points. [closed]

Suppose I have a set with two metrics, which induce distinct topologies, (so neither is contained in the other). There should exist a sequence which converges in both topologies, but to different ...
nick maxwell's user avatar
1 vote
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Can we extend an a.e. Lipschitz map defined on a closed subset of R^N to the whole space so that it is still a.e. Lipschitz?

I have the following question. Let $A$ be a metrically oriented $n$-dimensional subset of $\mathbb{R}^N$ and $f$ a continuous map from $A$ to $\mathbb{R}^M$. We know that $\operatorname{Lip} f < +\...
Changyu Guo's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

In ZF, when is a disjoint union of metrizable spaces metrizable?

It is easy to see that the disjoint union $\bigsqcup_i X_i$ of a collection of metric spaces is metrizable, simply by rescaling or chopping off the individual metrics to have diameter at most one, and ...
David Feldman's user avatar
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Z-sets in the Hilbert cube

If $(X,d)$ is a metric space, then we say that a closed subset $A$ of $X$ is a z-set if for each number $k\gt 0$ there is a continuous map $f_k$ from $X$ into $X-A$ such that $d(x,f_k(x))\lt k$. I ...
Pedro Perez's user avatar
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What relates to measure spaces as topological spaces relate to metric spaces ?

Has there been study of a generalization of measure spaces along the following or similar lines ? Given a measure space $(X, \Sigma, \mu)$, define for $U\in\Sigma$ a $\mu$-ball of radius $r$ of $U$ ...
user19172's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What makes a distance?

In the answers to my previous question, I learned that there are different concepts of distance, that is of distance-like functions with the usual metric being only the most popular and important one. ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Independence of the axiomatics of metric cones

A metric cone $C$ is a nonempty metric space (whose distance is denoted $d$) together with a map $\cdot\colon \mathbf{R}\times C \mapsto C$ satisfying these axioms: $a\cdot(b\cdot x) = (ab)\cdot x$ ...
Larrieu's user avatar
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Length spaces with continuous length functional: is this set Gromov-Hausdorff closed?

As far as I can tell, a major motivation for the study of length spaces is that they arise as Gromov-Hausdorff limits of Riemannian manifolds. Specifically, A complete connected Riemannian manifold ...
macbeth's user avatar
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13 votes
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Modulus of Continuity

I originally posted this question on math.stackexchange (, but it's been a few days and I haven't received any correct ...
Paul Siegel's user avatar
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2 answers

Is the Hausdorff metric on sub-$\sigma$-fields separable?

Let $(X,\mu,\mathcal{F})$ be a probability space. The paper Equiconvergence of Martingales by Edward Boylan introduced a pseudometric on sub-$\sigma$-fields (sub-$\sigma$-algebras) of $\mathcal{F}$ ...
Jason Rute's user avatar
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7 votes
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Equivalent metrics on Fréchet spaces and Lipschitz maps

Lipschitz maps are defined over metric space as maps $f:(X,d_X) \to (Y,d_Y)$ such that $$ d\left( f(x),f(x^\prime) \right)_Y \le k d(x,x^\prime)_X \ \forall x,x^\prime \in X, $$ where $k$ is a ...
Angelo Lucia's user avatar
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For METRIZABLE spaces, do the Banach classes and Baire classes coincide?

In this paper: 'Borel structures for Function spaces' by Robert Aumann, Aumann claims that when X and Y are metric spaces (among other things), the ...
Mario Carrasco's user avatar
12 votes
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Converse to Banach’s fixed point theorem for ordered fields?

Suppose $R$ is an ordered field. Call a continuous map $f: R \rightarrow R$ a contraction if there exists $r < 1$ (in $R$) such that $|f(x)-f(y)| \leq r |x-y|$ for all $x,y \in R$ (where $|x| := \...
James Propp's user avatar
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2 answers

What does the space induced by this unusual metric(?) on R/Z look like?

The motivation for this question comes from music theory. Dmitri Tymoczko models "good" voice leading as minimizing distance between pitches in successive chords. While this theory works well for ...
Alexander Woo's user avatar
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Classes of metric spaces with additional structure [closed]

As is often the case in mathematics there is an option of studying a more general topic but this comes with a price of losing some interesting properties which are only present in the more specialized ...
Marek's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Universal sets in metric spaces

(I am cross-posting this from math.SE as it seems to be slightly over the top for that site.) I saw in the class the theorem: Suppose $X$ is a separable metric space, and $Y$ is a polish space (...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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How the distance between sets is called?

Hello, I've recently write down some measure for sets and now I wonder how it is called or where it is described? The measure itself is the following: Let $A$ & $B$ -- two sets of values from a ...
Dair T'arg's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

When do isometric actions exist?

Let $X$ be a metrizable topological space and $G$ be a locally compact group. Given a continuous (left) action of $G$ on $X$, is there a metric on $X$, compatible with the topology, for which the ...
Kamran Reihani's user avatar
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Spaces with a quasi triangle inequality

How do you call a space with a function which is symmetric, non negative, positive definite and which satisfies a quasi-triangle inequality: $d(x,z) \leq C( d(x,y)+d(y,z) )$ for all $x,y,z$ and some ...
John H's user avatar
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13 votes
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metric on the space of real analytic functions

Hello, this question may be simple but I couldn't find a reference. Let $E$,$F$ be real Banach spaces and $\Omega\subset E$ be a bounded domain and let $C_b^{\omega}(\Omega,F)$ be the vector space of ...
Mirko's user avatar
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cardinality of local bases in the non-standard reals

Given a index set $S$ together with a ultrafilter $\mu$ on $S$ (such that no set of cardinality $< |S|$ has measure $1$). Let the ordered field $\mathbb{R}(S,\mu)$ denote the ultrapower of $\mathbb{...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to show the cardinality of nonisometric compact metric spaces is the continuum

It is asserted in A Course in Metric Geometry by Burago, Burago, Ivanov that there can be no more than continuum of mutually nonisometric compact spaces How is this proven? Its clear that there ...
Otis Chodosh's user avatar
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A metric for Grassmannians

I'm reading an article by Ricardo Mañé, "The Hausdorff dimension of horseshoes of diffeomorphisms of surfaces" ( I'm having a technical problem. Sorry for ...
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5 answers

Measure of the support of a Borel probability on a metric space

Does the support of a Borel probability measure always have full measure in a metric space? I know this is true for separable metric spaces, and locally compact metric spaces. Is it true in general?
Autoleech's user avatar
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End point compactification for metric spaces

Freundenthal introduced ends of topological spaces and the end point compactification of locally compact topological spaces adding one point for each end of the topological space (see here). For ...
Guillaume Brunerie's user avatar
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covering a separable metric space by small balls

Let $(X,d)$ be a separable metric space. Can $X$ always be covered by a sequence of balls $B(x_i,r_i) (i=1,2,\dots)$ s.t. radii $r_i$ tend to 0?
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
10 votes
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Are packing-homogeneous spaces homogeneous?

Given a metric space (M,d) define the packing function P(x,R,r) to be the maximum number of non-intersecting balls of radius r with centers in the ball B(x,R). Let’s call M packing-homogeneous if the ...
Yevgeny Liokumovich's user avatar
8 votes
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Are all homogeneous metric spaces bihomogeneous?

Let (X,d) be a metric space such that for all points p and q in X, there exists an isometry f such that f(p) = q. Does it follow that for all points p and q in X, there exists an isometry f such that ...
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Is there good evidence that topological spaces are the correct way to study the general theory of continuity? [closed]

My reason for asking is that the theory of metric spaces is so clean and so many significant theorems can be proved for an arbitrary metric space (which makes it plausible to me that metric spaces are ...
teil's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Converse to Banach's fixed point theorem?

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. Banach's fixed point theorem states that if $X$ is complete, then every contraction map $f:X\to X$ has a unique fixed point. A contraction map is a continuous map for ...
Xandi Tuni's user avatar
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